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Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

Psalm 144:1

Of David. Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

As I have mentioned a little while ago.

The moment I receive my crown of glory rewards this day June 7th 2024, from the Heavenly Father during my celebration of coronation. 👑

As part of my REWARDS Father also gave me Arkangel Raphael as my personal guardian, body guard, and protector as a gift that day. 🎁

And I have been seeing Him around me frequently day after day since then.

On June 10th while praying deeply in the spirit, between 11pm to 3am in silence and stillness. I was teleported in the realms of glory in spirit.

To teleport is to disappear and then reappear at a different place or realms.

Behold I saw Arkangel Rapheal standing right before me on the mount zion. 🗻

Under the shadow of the almighty God. In the Holy tabernacle of God most high.

Looking so FIERCE, STRONG and MIGHTY as usual for he is not a puny angel. Truly I tell you, he is not small or a regular looking angel, but he is a GIANT.

Like when I met him in heaven he is a 16 foot tall massive angel.


Armoured with silver head to toe, with his gigantic wings, and powerful, carrying a sword on his hands, with face so serious, without smiling, and without flinching.

Just like the picture attached see the face looks fearless and bold like that.

Father put this in my heart. Look at the angel, I have given you to keep you, and protect you in all your ways?

Who will dare come near you? Who will dare touch the apple of my eyes? Who will DARE CHALLENGE ME and MY ANGELS for they are STRONG and MIGHTY.

Look at him my child. Look closer and take a deeper look again, who is going to touch your life? To whom shall you fear when you have that kind of protection and guardian.

And the rest of the hordes of army angels that encamp in my dwelling place 24/7.


Hebrews 12:22

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering.

If you are someone who do not know divine angelic beings, and when you see them, you will probably passed out on the floor out of fear, because arkangels are very fierce looking.

They come not to messed around or play games. But they mean business. For they are always about the Fathers business.

Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. For the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

Matthew 11:12

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

I tell you the truth he is MIGHTY. The only word I can described is FEARLESS.

This is what Father told me.

Understand this, angels do not become strong in one day.

The LORD do not just make them powerful, overnight, with NO REASONS, and SENSE OF PURPOSE.

For everything the LORD does is for the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Like I mentioned to you previously in my revelation.

In order for them to gain ranks, they must win as many battles, to prove themselves by warring with demons.

Almost similar RULES with the kingdom of darkness.

Demons also have to prove themselves to halel. That is lucifers name in hebrew. Demons in hell, have to kill as many people, and shed blood in order to gain ranks in the kingdom of darkness.

The more demons kill, steal, and destroy the more they gain higher ranks, and authority, until they become prince of the air, principalities, and rulers of high places.

Like angels they too have to rage war thousands upon thousands of battles to prove themselves worthy to receive higher RANKS🎖 in the kingdom of heaven.

In the rear of millions of ferrocious battles they have fought, since the foundations of time, when arkangel micheal cast satan down from heaven, and fall like lightning.

Subsequent to plenty of demons they slayed, they too RECEIVE PROMOTION🎖 from the Father, until they become one of the most formidable WARRIORS high ranks arkangels in heaven.

That is how arkangels achieve their ranks through fighting in battles. ⚔️

Similar to the born again childrens of God. This is how we also gain spiritual ranks. We are all being TESTED too just like the angels. For faith without a test cannot be trusted.

A Faith That Can't Be Tested, Can't Be Trusted Judges 7:1

Except ours is a bit different than angels. For they are created a little more higher than humans.

For the KINGDOM of GOD is about obtaining SPIRITUAL RANKS🎖 to be more STRONGER and POWERFUL.

As I have mentioned above the kingdom of heaven suffers tremendous violence. And the violent must take it by force.

In view of the fact that, RANKS helps you GAIN the next kind of anointing, that will destroy every heavy yoke, even the most formidable opponent from the kingdom of satan.

Though the anointing comes from the same GODHEAD, yet there are different levels of anointing. For not all anointings are the same. Take notes of this.

It depends from the price you are willing to pay. But we don't gain ranks without a FIERCE BATTLES. 🛡⚔️

And I am NOT talking about battles like fighting a lizard, a bird, or insects like spiders you see crawling around your house. Or spiritual witchcraft like dogs or cats. None of that is true warfare.

I am not talking about that. That is not TRUE WARFARE. That is for baby christians who are only drinking milk. And still a babe in the faith. Not for the ones who are already chewing bones the Father said.

By the ways, longevity in christianity does not qualify you spiritual ranks or titles. You can be as old as Noah, for all I care, but if you did not overcome your sin, and still have not paid the price, to carry your cross, then you will not achieve the next level. That is just Fathers rules.


Why we have many christians in the faith, who has been a church goer for more than 20 years or longer, but sadly until today still drinking milk with no spiritual growth, and still wearing diapers.

They know the scripture, word for word, but still stuck in the same level spiritually. Dry and dead like a dead bones with no power of the Holy Ghost. 🕊🔥

For the reasons of we have many talkers, readers, pretenders, fakers, church goers, and listeners of the word, but not doers of the word.

A true spiritual warfare is FIGHTING real demons. Not just fighting behind the keyboard using your lame words. But having real SCARS from battle WARS.

Overcoming your lustful sin, like your addiction to pornography, fornications, sexual immoralities, perversion, and masturbation.

Fighting and defeating the principalities like the spirit of jezebel, and fighting the good fight of faith from spirit of offense, and pride of the heart.

Conquering the battle from the mind, and the fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of not being enough, fear of demons, fear of not being accepted, fear of being alone.

Or desperation for likes, to be validated, approved and accepted by man, but the worst of it all is the fear of man.

For the battle starts from the mind. And if you cannot overcome the battles in your mind, you cannot defeat what is bigger out there, and what is soon to come. There are many to mention just a name a few.

Spiritual warfare is warring against your favorite sinful ways of all time. The love of money, materials, vanities, fame, making a name for self, hunger for positions, titles, and ranks, and sexual immoralities. The pride of this world. And pride of the heart.

Many of you cannot control your sexual arouse. Yes even if you are already married. You should be able to control your itch. And stop having intercourse with your wife and husband if you are not planning to bore children.

No contraceptive and etc, for that is sin the Father said. And if you already have children? Not just one, or two, but a dozen, don't you think it's time to STOP having intercourse?

Why do you need to keep adding more children, when you could barely afford to feed one mouth.

Let alone feed the whole entire family. Then complain about being poor, and not having enough money to feed your family. Foolishness.

Common sense. If you know you can't handle to take care of the bills, let alone put food on the table, then why do you need to keep sticking your private parts to your partner everynight for what??

Didn't the LORD said in His word, He gave you the Spirit to help you overcome temptation, for He did not give you the spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and


Control your itch, and stop making more mouths to feed. Then your problems will be resolve. And you wonder why, you are suffering with all the bills, and couldn't focus to serve the Lord, as you need money to provide for the family.

Well I wonder why?

If this message from the LORD is hurting your ego and you are offended that is because the shoe fits perfecfly and why you feel such a way.

Then I suggest you, before you open any legal rights to demons of offense REPENT. And humble yourself before the LORD and accept the REPRIMAND.

Maybe if you CONTROL your itch, and NAIL YOUR HAKUNA MATATA ON THE CROSS, then maybe you will not be in that situation. It is the truth don't try to hide it, and you cannot escape, for the LORD sees all. And Father said yes it is absolutely true.

[ Kung matamaan wag kang magalit. ]

The need of wanting to be SEEN, LIKED, NOTICED, and WANTED, VALIDATION, ACCEPTANCE and your "SELF" issues.

The NEED to be KNOWN you see spirit beings, angels, and hearing the Lord speaking to you, this and that in a third without a purpose, and meaningless post comes from the spirit of 👉🏼INSECURITY.

For insecurity is deeply rooted in PRIDE the LORD said. All that sin you need to overcome, and defeat on your own, with nobody fighting for you. ⚔️

For the reasons of, if you rely, and depend on others to fight for you, since you always ask for help, and back up prayers, then you will never overcome it.

But will forever be stucked in bondage to your SIN. If you cannot OVERCOME that, then let alone GAIN SPIRITUAL RANKS?

Think and think again. Infact please read that again. You don't even have a steadfast and strong prayer life. For you only pray 2 hours a day.

What kind of prayer life is that? That is not going to destroy any puny spirit of withcraft let alone bigger, and higher demonic ranks of principalities.

Who are you kidding?

Many today calls themselves sniper, sharp shooter, demon slayer, warrior bride, and woman of fire with no prayer life. 😐🤨

Like I said your 2 hour prayer life a day is nothing. If you are truly a TRUE WARRIOR then your prayers should be consistently 8-16 hours a day. I said a day, I didn't say ones or only twice a week.


The kingdom of darkness laughs, and mocks you, making a fool out of you, for you call yourself names, and titles but can't even back it up in real life. Even the devil himself knows your prayers is WEAK.

You are no threat for him, but a big joke. Let us stop with the self proclaimation, and self called on social media, until we can truly back it up, and do what we claim to do, and apply what we preach.

For that only makes you the biggest hypocrite. Do what you say you are, and stop saying what you are not. Stop being pretentious, pretending to be something God did not called you.

Which again comes down to paying the price. If you are not willing to crucify your hakuna matata on the cross, and big EGO, nail it before it nails you, or your flesh will forever nail you. And will only drag you down to hell fire.

Like I said if you don't nail it on the cross, it will nail you, for the rest of eternity. Didn't you know OVER EXCESSIVE SEX with your partner is A SIN to the LORD??

Father said He created sex only for those who are MARRIED, who DESIRES to bore seeds to mulitiply to build a family, not to feed your LUSTFUL DESIRES of the flesh.

It is not for SEXUAL PLEASURES to SATISFY your itching, but it's only for bearing children. Over excessive sex with your partner is LUST OF THE FLESH and that is a sin. REPENT YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

Why it's important to die to self. Nail your flesh in other words your [ hakuna matata ] on the cross, then pick up, and carry your cross to follow Jesus Christ.

If you can't control it then you will never be able to move forward to your destiny. But stucked in spiritual stagnation for the rest of your christianity.

Your choice.

Back to Arkangel Raphael.

Arkangels are considered sons, for they are the first born sons of God Most High.

When I see him standing ride beside me, I knew then instantly, NO DEMON from hell can touch me, ever again.

I just felt such overwhelming joy, and security and peace like never before.

All because of my Abba Father WHO truly loves me unconditionally.

You see the picture below? Check again.

I can see such authority, and power he carries. So extraordinary and amazing.

He stood right by my side without any movements silently making it known to my adversary, I will crush, and destroy any of you that come nears her. Almost reminds me of snipers for they are calm and quite before they make a kill.

Now that is Psalm 91 WOW. 😳😯😮

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. -Psalm 91:11

Then three nights ago while in my sleep. I woken up around 3am. Father woke me up for there is WAR and I must fight and should not be sleeping.

I then heard the mighty thunder of God and lightning, and I heard the storm all together in spirit but it was also manifesting in the natural. ⚡️🌊⛈️

I knew then that there is WAR in the heavenlies. Kingdom against Kingdom.

Then I ask Father is there a war pa? He said yes. But I rested, and did not fear for I know the Lord is in control.

I have zero worries or fear because my confidence and trust is in the Lord.

Then the night after. I woken up again in my sleep because I saw demons coming again. I was half asleep, and half awake. But I am praying in spirit even when I am laying in bed. And as I was about to call for angels. Father said no need to ask the angel is already standing beside you.

When I look up, I saw him standing beside me guarding me in all my ways. Watching me very closely like a little egg. And I felt such peace, and calmness. I was not afraid at all, instead I went back to sleep to continue resting. For I know I am safe in the Lord.

Hebrews 1:14

Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?

For I had no sleep because I am up all night until morning praying, and went to bed at 3am. And I woke early again around 6am to pray. So I only had 3 hours rest.

And yesterday morning around 6am. Father woke me up again. Then I saw LEGIONS coming closer closer towards me, demons surrouding me wearing armours, and ready for battle.

This demons are no ordinary demons.

They look very hideous and sinisters. They are the prince, and rulers of the air, and principalities from the second heaven.

They look like a bunch of skulls with faces looking like the spirit of the dead.

Immediately I ask Father to assign and deploy angels to surround, and encamp my dwelling place, to protect my land, and to fight for me.

And the battles begun.⚔️🛡

There are more of them, but there are more for me than against me. I saw many different kinds of demons. All different types. The battles continue for a little while.

The kingdom of darkness really HATE ME with passion, and they only have one goal, and that is to TAKE ME OUT. 😮‍💨

But I am not afraid for greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world. For as long as I have my Father they cannot come near my dwelling place nor touch me.

And I teleported in the battle field, and I saw pandemonium, and we are all at war. Pandemonium is old and noisy disorder or confusion, uproar. He is a fallen angel. His name is pan for short. Half goat, and half human with two horns.

Pandemonium, name of the place of demons in Paradise from Greek pan- "all, every, completely" and Greek daimon "evil spirit, demon"

Read the comment section below.

This was the other fallen angel who was also attacking me. And all hell broke loose. The warfare was INTENSE and FERROCIOUS.


I saw a hordes of angel armies charge the demons. Face to face in the battle field. And they fought and fought all because of me. They want me out.

But Father won't allow it, and He send angels to defend, and protect me from the fallen angel.

Last week it was the fallen angel of death who tried to take my life out. And he send his legions of minions to attack me. But they did not succeed. Father is always strong, and mighty in battle, and always defends me to protect me, and keep me from harms ways.

For He is mighty to save. Halleluyaaah!

I noticed the battles are getting more tougher, and infact has gotten more intensified as the Father continues to elevate me higher, and higher.

Afterwards, I saw my army angels wearing their armour in standing ovation, holding their swords on their chest, with two hands as a SIGN of VICTORY. ⚔️🛡

I knew then it is done.

Then VICTORY is rest assured.

I know FOR SURE that I will never have to worry about winning. And I say this with 100% GODfidence in the Lord, not because of me, for not by might, not by power but by the power of the Spirit of God.

I am already a winner, an overcomer, and a victor in Christ Jesus. For my heavenly Father Lord Jesus Christ has already made mockery of satan on the cross.

Satan is a defeated foe.

VICTORY is my portion, WINNING is my first name, FREEDOM is my lastname.

I am born to WIN as it is already rigged in my favor on the crucifixion from the beginning of time. I am saved by grace through faith not by my works.

I cannot boast in my strenght for I am weak, but I can only boast in the LORD.

Me and my household are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. You cannot defeat what is already DEAD TO SELF.

No demons from hell can defeat my Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, for I died with Christ the moment He died. It is I no longer who lives, but Christ in me. And I am an heir, and a child of the most high.

Therefor I am my Fathers son.

My Father is a VICTOR and so am I.

I inherit His kingdom and everything that belongs to Him. Salvation is part of my inheritance. And there is not a thing the devil can do about it.

Only if you people believe His word and actually put that into actions and apply. For faith without ACTIONS is dead.

They can hate me all they want. But they stand no chance to my ALMIGHTY GOD.

I have been given the power and authority to trample on any serpent and scorpion. Therefor nothing shall by any means harm me.

It is finished. 🩸

This is my confidence in the LORD.

You cannot move or shake my faith.

Glory to the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. Amen.

This morning around 4am. I saw myself on the spiritual realm, and my angel was doing something in my dream land.

I cannot explain what he was doing, but as if he was removing what was not of the Lord, and cleansing my dream land. I was high, and lifted up elevated from the ground.

I was conscious and very much aware of what was happening, but I was deeply lost in the spirit. And then I said to the Father let my angel know I love him, and I say my regards. ❤️🥺

Though I have many angels the Father gave me, but I have no interactions with them, for like I told you, we are not allowed to talk to them directly.

Which is why I always pass my message to the Abba Father, if I want to say or communicate with my angels. Even when I say I love them, but I never say it to them directly.

And I reach my left hand to hold my angels hands, just a simple gesture of communicating to him in gratitude, love and honor.

Them I was back to my sleep again and woke up, and my angel was gone.

But I feel such peace, and tranquility after the encounter with my angel. All I can say was it was beautiful and magical. 🥹

So refreshing and extraordinary wonderful. I feel nothing but my Abbas LOVE for me. Love that only my Father gives me. This is all because of my dearest LORD.

THE GOD OF MY SALVATION. So faithful and true. The God of my Faith. The LORD of my life, and my every heart beat.

When you have faith bigger than your fear. You can receive this treatment too.

But your FAITH must be BIGGER than your fear. The kind of faith must outweigh your fear. For without faith you cannot pleased God.

Then you shall receive your inheritance from the Lord if you BELIEVE.

My bestest papa God.

Thank you pa. ❤️😭

Psalm 34:7

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.

Isaiah 42:13

The Lord goes out like a mighty man, like a man of war he stirs up his zeal; he cries out, he shouts aloud, he shows himself mighty against his foes.

Jeremiah 20:11

But the Lord is with me as a dread warrior; therefore my persecutors will stumble; they will not overcome me. They will be greatly shamed, for they will not succeed. Their eternal dishonor will never be forgotten.

Psalm 1:1-6

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

Ephesians 6:10-18

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness.

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