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Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

As you read my last message in regards to the new thing, that the Father is doing in my life, and my ministry.

A little while back which is 3 days ago. I can sense a deep warfare in the spirit. A battle against my rising, and my new was severe.

The new levels of war, I have faced recently is becoming more intense as I go deeper with, and in the LORD.

While I was out to grab a quick bite. After dinner I started to feel very sick. I didn't know where it was coming from, or how.

For I was fine before dinner.

While sitting I was just trying to calm myself because I feel dizzy, my head was about to burst, I was sweating like bricks.

I feel like I couldn't breath. I was a mess. I was a ball of emotions, that day while having dinner, and I was hot while waiting for my dessert. For I am a feeler and a burden carrier. So I can sense and feel the atmosphere and the airwaves around me.

I went to use the bathroom, for a little bit since I was not feeling too good at all just to cool off. And I feel like I was going to faint. 🤕🤒

While sitting on the toilet, I heard the door knob handle moving. And it wasn't gentle, but it was being forced with so much aggression to open. I said within me oh well, if it's not opening it's clearly being used.

Suddenly. Someone break down the door, with such forced, and I jump off the toilet, for I was startled. I screamed wheww whaat!! What are you doooing? That never happened to me before.

It was the first time someone tried to knocked the door down, while they know I am using the toilet. CLearly the door was locked.

I felt like my heart was about to come out of my chest, and burst open because of the intensity that was use to break the door to open.

Good thing the door was not broken. But I am still baffled by what happened. It caught me off guard like wheew!! What in the world was that? 😰😮‍💨😟

Theeeeen. Something in me came out that day, that no man, or no one has ever seen before now that I am in the Lord. No one has ever seen that side of me. I tell you the truth. I turned into a complete different person. I was no longer myself.

I was fuming with holy anger, and turned into a ball of fire. I quickly pull myself together though I wasn't well. And rush to wash my hands, while gathering myself together. I was talking to Abba Father. I said to Him, deal with that for me.

And Abba said YES I WILL.

I ran outside to check who DARED to invade my private space, especially in the time of my vulnerability state for I was weak, and sick. And could not do anything to defend myself, if INCASE I was physically attacked especially by a man.

Vulnerability refers to "the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked.

When I came out I saw who is behind it. It's a man, and he turn around to see if I am out. He noticed I was out, and he turned his face away pretending it was not Him. But can you really fool a seer? Not a chance.

By law what happened was an assault, especially I am a female. And the person who did it was a male. If he attacked me physically, while using the toilet, that could have been considered a sexual assault.

For it could have turned completely left. What if he tried to rape or molest me? Anything could have happen. For it is invading my personal space. Invading of privacy is considered an assault, and can get charge for that, and go to jail.

I came up to him face to face, and nose to nose, and I look him in the eyes, and I said, WHY WOULD YOU DARE OPEN AND BREAK THE DOOR WITH SUCH FORCE WHILE YOU KNOW I AM INSIDE???

I look him eyeball to eyeball while the consuming fire of God is fuming me. And he said you didn't lock the door. I said YES I DID DONT YOU DARE LIE. FOR YOU TRIED TO FORCE IT AND BREAK THE DOOR DOWN.

At this point my voice was getting louder and louder the whole restaurant heard what happened, and all eyes on us. But I don't care, and don't give a squad what people think or say. I must addressed this assault.

As I raised my voice at him looking at him straight, like I am about to devour his face off like a lioness. Then he bowed his head, and apologize to me.

For he realized that I am not like every other females. I am a different breed, cut in a different cloth by my Abba Father. I said okay, and I forgave him.

I walked away. As I am walking away about to go back to my table. His friend came at me to attack me, and started summoning to fight me. Yes a 6 foot tall man wants to fight a little woman like me. What a loser.

So I turned to him, and came to his table where he was seating, and challenge him face to face.

And I LOOK AT HIM with eyes without flinching, face to face, with fire and smoke coming out of my nose and ears, not moved by his height, or size, and I SAID YOUUUUU SHUT YOUR MOUTH IN THE NAMEEEEE OF JESUUUUS.

He started yelling, and this time I roared as loud as a lion and said, SIT DOWN IN JESUS NAME, AND AGAIN I ROARED BE QUITEEEE IN JESUS NAMEEEEEEEEE.


You should have seen their faces, as I mentioned the name of Jesus. All people in the restaurant got offended, as if I mentioned an offensive word, for they are arabs, and they are known to be muslims, and do not believe Jesus is LORD.

Everytime I mentioned Jesus name the spirit of religion inside them becomes more furious. I can see it manifesting through the man while he was yelling. At the same time they can't do anything for at the mention of the name.

Every knees shall bow, and every tongues must confess Jesus is LORD. The moment I say in the name of Jesus shut your mouth, and be quite the demons controlling them are paralized and there is nothing they can do but obey the LORDSHIP of Jesus.

Then as I watch him he started to mumble. His mouth started to tremble and shake. And he could not speak properly, like he could not say a word at all, and started to be shaken terribly with fear. I can see fear all over his face. His face turn so pale as if the demon in him, saw the Jesus in me in Spirit.

He was trying to show he is tough, and brave, and can take down a small tiny woman like me, but inside he is weak, just like his father the devil. I saw the demons inside him tremble in fear of the Holy Fathers presence in me, and the angels that surrounds me in the Spirit.

Immediately, he shut his mouth, and all his friends stayed quit, and sit down quitely with face so red, and embarrased for they are ashamed of themselves, for trying to challenge a woman. And all people are now looking and watching.

They are all probably wondering who is this woman with such boldness, speaking the name of Jesus. I laugh inside me when I saw their faces so afraid.

Managers came to the table, and workers trying to stop me from slapping him by the power of the Holy Ghost fire. If he did not shut his mouth, I would have probably knocked him out tko style.

Then I pointed my fingers to him, and I roared and said, I am not the one. Don't try me. Because I will put you in your place trying to involved himself, and it was not his business but his friend. And I already forgave the friend for he said sorry to me.

I am just like my Abba Father I am quick to forgive, and let go. I don't hold on to any malice or unforgiveness in my heart. Infact what happened was not because I was offended, but for the reasons, I had to fight for what is right. And it was an assault. I could have pressed charges if I really want to.

Father always tells me. If anyone is in the wrong, and in sin, addressed it, and call it out immediately, do not compromised the truth, and do not tolerate what is evil and don't ever back down, because of the fear of man.

My heavenly Father raised me up this way. Bold and relentless. Father trained my hands for war. I am not born to back down or to be silent. But I am called to war, and roaar just like my Father.

If I did not addressed, that man will never learn from his wrongs, and will keep doing it to other people. Atleast now, he learned his lessons not to do the same foolishness again.

He was lucky, I was not like how I used to be in the world. I told Abba if I was still worldly. I would have broken a bottle and stab him on the neck, and beaten him badly. I am not kidding you. I use to be a street fighter before I met my Lord.

For I was such a war freak during my youngin days. I can tell you many stories. I tell you the truth. But today the old me is dead. For I am a new creation. Thank you Lord for your grace.


The manager had to calm me down, and gave me water, she gave me my dessert for free for the recompense of what happened. While I was leaving the scene.

Father keep speaking to me. And He said the Spirit of Elijah is upon you. I keep receiving this message in my spirit again, and again the whole entire time, on my way back home. I keep hearing Elijah.

When I turned to left, I see two double 555, and another 555 same time. I kid you not. Then when I turned on my right I saw another 555, and another 555. When I arrived to my destination, I see quadruple 5555.

Just woww!!! Amazing. 😮😯😳

Just within 10-16 min of travel, I keep seeing number tripple 555 and quadruple 5555 repeatedly. Number 5 significe the number of grace.

The grace of God in my life. I was so blown away by this because it keep showing up to me again, and again. Grace upon grace to greater grace.

Halleluyaaaah glory to God. 🔥🙏🏼

What a divine revelatory message for it so timely, because of the incident that occured. Also for I was not well at all. But in my weakness, my God is my strenght. He empowers me to fight, and stand toe to toe, against the enemies of my rising, even when I am weak, and have no strenght.

I maybe little and a small woman. But my God is BIGGER than all of them ugly adversary combined. They picked the wrong one, I tell you. For I am not the one.

Overall that day I see 5555555555555 that's how many number 5's I saw the same day within a short time. Amazing.

Then Father spoke to me. And He said to me. Beloved you are a woman of war but of a different kind. I have called you to fight from the heavenly realms says Abba.

Father confirmed to me that what I was hearing in my spirit while I was fighting, was from Him, the word THE SPIRIT OF ELIJAH is upon me.

Then I receive another affirmation to confirmed what I was battling that day. Why I was feeling heavily weigh. And everytime I ask Father he was silent, and I was not hearing Him that day.

But here is Fathers rhema words of confirmation to what I was facing lately through His faithful servant Deb.

Thank you pa. 🔥🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️


Heard, From Glory to Greater Glory, from "Limbo to Liberation!" Silence is Golden!

I see someone in a place that looks like a hallway or a tunnel. They feel stuck. They were moving forward but now it seems they are no longer making any progress. Time is moving forward but they feel they have been left behind and are in limbo. You have been asking God for answers.

You feel that you may have done something to cause the forward motion to stop. You feel you cannot hear His voice any longer. But the truth is, you are still moving forward. Father God has you hidden under His Wing. He is transitioning you where you need to be. From glory to greater glory, from one degree of Glory to another! You are flying under the radar and undetected by the enemy.

This could not be accomplished physically or intellectually, but by the Spirit alone. What you hear and feel is the Divine Stillness of God. His Silence is Golden! "Be still, and know that I am God."

"You have not been abandoned, left out, or forgotten, Beloved. You are in a state of being changed from Glory to a state of intensified Glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

"Like a stealth fighter moves undetected, so are you in the Spirit, My Child. The Wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.

"You are being transformed into My Image day by day. Hear My Gentle Whisper. Be still and know that I am your God and Protector. I am leading you by the Spirit in ways and paths that you do not know.

"You have not been here before. For My Ways are higher than your ways. Trust in your Abba Father, for I am directing your paths. I come to you with a Still Small Voice as I came to Elijah in the cave to reassure and calm your heart.

"You are not in a dark place. You are hidden in Christ, in the Shadow of My Wings. You abide in Heavenly Stillness. Your forward motion cannot be detected in the flesh, but only in the Spirit.

"I am opening your eyes to see the Glory ahead. Rejoice in the Stillness. Rest in the Heavenly Silence. Know that I am God.

"I am transitioning you. Never are you in limbo, but you have been liberated into Freedom by the Son.

"This is certain. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom!

"It is a Divine Metamorphosis from Glory to Greater Glory! Yes, Beloved! Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of Hosts."


Strong's Hebrew 7503:To sink, relax, sink down, let drop, withdraw, to let go, to be quiet. Strong's Hebrew 1827: Be calmed by a gentle whisper.


An uncertain period of awaiting a decision or resolution; an intermediate state or condition. Suspended, in an uncertain or undecided state or condition.


Change, move, a passage. The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. Metamorphosis. A change or shift from one state, subject, place, etc. to another.


As in transformation; Shift, transfiguration, adjustment, refashioning, a change in form, appearance, or use. (Merriam-Webster)

2 Corinthians 3:17-18

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

Psalm 46:10-11

“BE STILL and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted over the earth.” The LORD of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah"

Zechariah 4:6

"So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of Hosts."

1 Kings 19:11-12

"Then the LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain before the LORD. Behold, the LORD is about to pass by.” And a great and mighty wind tore into the mountains and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a STILL, small voice."

Psalm 107:29-31

"He calmed the storm to a whisper, and the waves of the sea were hushed. They rejoiced in the SILENCE, and He guided them to the harbor they desired. Let them give thanks to the LORD for His loving devotion and His wonders to the sons of men."

John 3:5-8

"Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”


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