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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant




Jocee tan by hiddenremnant

I would like to share my personal encounter with Jesus 3 weeks ago. I have been debating if I should share or not. But Holy Spirit keeps on reminding me to share. When I woke up this morning. He reminded me again to share. Because it's to help STRENGTHEN THE FAITH of many.

It will help build a strong faith in many believers lives and give them HOPE. 🕊

A b o u t t h r e e w e e k s a g o.

I was meditating on psalm 91 in my sleep. Yes, believe it or not I pray in my sleep. Eyes close in my heart and mind. ❤️🙏🏼 Around 4am Father woke me up. I got up to use the bathroom. Then I went back to bed. As I lay and close my eyes.

And continued to pray in my heart while laying in bed. I was talking to the Father within me. Because I saw many demons around me. Around my bedroom I see them. But I didn't bother to get up, and rebuke them or fight.

This is what I said to the Father. Abba, I am not about to lose my rest, and sleep over them again. I refused to allow them bother me in my time of rest. So if they want they can watch me sleep like a baby, while I rest in your presence.

Because I usually get up to fight, or I will open my eyes to bind them by the power of the Holy Ghost. But I got to a point now that they don't bother me no more. Even if I see them infront of me.

I n t h e d a r k v a l l e y

So as I continue to speak to the Father in my heart. I went into a deep trance. I was in a different realm in the spirit. This place was very dark.

I was standing still and I didn't moved. Then I saw Jesus driving a white huge truck. Very big. The biggest white truck there is.

It's all white. As I am standing in this very dark place like a dark valley. I am sensing demonic activities around me.

I can hear them growling. Many of them. But I was not afraid. Not even one bit of fear in me. Because I no longer fear them they cannot touch me. Also because I know 100% I am very well protected.

I know there is a shield of faith around me. And my angels surrounds me. Fear only gives them power. But you disarmed them when you have no fear, and they are automatically defeated.

I have learned to master the devils tricks after 4 years of training in the wilderness. I have the best trainer the Holy Spirit. 🕊

F e a r l e s s 🚫

Because when you show no reaction and no fear they cannot operate, especially when you mocked, and laugh at them, their cheap power are dismantled and they cannot operate what they intended to do.

Yes I mocked them all the time and I make them like a big joke by laughing at their faces. I do it all the time. But don't you dare copy me. There is a certain levels to this.

I was trained and equipped by the Holy Spirit. Father instructs me to laugh at them. 😂 But don't be a fool and try to do the same if you aren't trained and not fully equip yet. Also because I am build for this.

You have to pass different levels and high ranks in the spirit. I am serious with you. But I suggest you NOT TO FEAR. Never show fear.

If you see them and you don't know what to do kneel down and worship. Or dance in worship and praise. I do that too. They can't stand it when you are joyous and when you worship the Father. Or speak in tongues. They hate it.

T h e d e v i l s t r i c k⚠️

Trust me I have studied their ways all this years. I know how they react and especially when you ignore them. Demons are attention seekers. They always want a reaction.

I am revealing their tactics because your church doesn't teach you this. FEAR NOT FOR GOD IS WITH US. Fear not is written and mentioned in the bible many times to remind us day after day not to have fear.

But when you show fear even if it's just a small fear, then you give them power over you. That's their trick they will come with fear and intimidation. Hope you will run and scream.

And as soon as you show a small sign of fear then they know they got you. It's a mind trick they do to test your faith. When you show fear you just gave them legal rights to torment you more.

But I didn't pay no attention to them at all. Infact I stayed focus on Jesus. My eyes was fix only on Jesus. As He is getting closer driving towards me. 🚚

J e s u s s h o w e d u p😮

With the light so bright. About 10 foot away, Abba Jesus parked the truck right before me. I watch Him open the door slowy, and got off the truck.

He stepped outside the truck, and I saw His feet very clear. He is wearing a tan cris cross camel color leather sandals.

And I saw His beautiful feet with the hole marked of the nails. Walking so gracefully and with gentleness towards me.

I literally stood in SHOCKED watching Abba Jesus walking towards me face to face in human form. I was like am I really seeing Jesus face to face in human form? Can someone pinch me? Or slap me? Or maybe wake me up because I think I am dreaming? 😅 nope I wasn't dreaming.

And as He came closer to me, I was so overwhelmed in awe of Him.

J e s u s d e c l a r i n g p s a l m 91

When you are in the moment, you can't help yourself but froze and stillness like this. 😯

And only gazed at the Him in so much awe. Jesus came closer to me side by side a foot away. Then He started to speak to me. He was declaring and proclaiming psalm 91 over me word for word while smiling.

And Jesus started singing to me psalms of deliverance. Oh my WOW 😭 I am undone. Then He was explaining to me the power of psalm 91. He said every verse is powerful. Even just a word, its already powerful like a sword that cuts through narrow bones. Just picture my face the whole time 🥺

I was so overwhelmed with the beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ. The most beautiful man I have ever seen. He was wearing all white robes. With a beige shawl wrapped around His shoulder.

His hair this time is different, a bit more curlier and more golden blonde color than usual like the image below and a bit shorter.

T h e m o s t b e a u t i f u l p e r s o n

Oh my precious Jesus is so beautiful. 😭 He is full of Glory. So majestic. So Holy and pure. I cannot believe with my eyes I am actually seeing Jesus in His human form. WOW. 🥺 I have seen my Jesus so many times but not like this. He always comes in different form.

Sometimes as a light. Sometimes in Spirit. Not close up like or in human form. Sometimes I see Him like a giant, or as a Lion.

But never this way. He was smiling and He keeps smiling looking at me in so much awe. He could not stop smiling at me. He is so fund of me and He made me know. As He smile there is such beauty and purity in His smile. I cannot describe it. But all I can say is He is so Holy.

I f e e l s o l o v e d❤️

I feel like a dirty rag standing beside Him. 🥺 And could not stop smiling in admiration. We spoke heart to heart, and spirit to spirit that's how Father speaks to me. He made me know that He is very well pleased with me. That He is very proud of me.

I am overwhelmed of His love. This is what love is truly all about. I feel acceptance. He looks at you as if you never sinned against Him. He doesn't condemn you.

And He said in my heart, I am His beloved and dear to His heart. Like as if I am the only love of His life. All the emotions I was feeling at the moment was just like woaaa. 😢

While I fix my eyes on Him, I tell you I could not take my eyes off of Him. Just woaaa I was so distracted of His beauty. His eyes is green like the sea and fire combined. His face is radiant, and His skin is glowing in His glory. Luminous lights are coming out of Him full of His Chabod.

I can go on... He is immaculate what a perfection.✨️

I n H i s p r e s e n c e m e a n s (FACE)

I don't even remember or seen or even noticed what is around me anymore.

I don't remember any of what I went through the last 6 months of torment and hell in the wilderness. The last 4 years of my walk with the Father I forgot all the suffering I endured just seeing Him. Truly in His presence there is joy.

And His presence brings the fullness of joy unspeakable. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.

When you are in His presence you forget your problem. I don't recall any. Because I am so lost in the LORD. So very much deeply inlove with Him in different levels.

My emotions and feelings was just going wild in reverencial awe of Him.

And to know that My Jesus is very well pleased with me is more than enough for me. That was all I am experiencing. Was that He is my reward for being faithful and obedient to my calling. 🥺

He is smiling continuesly while teaching and reciting to me the power of psalm 91.

Awe I wish I can explain more but I cannot explain in details my personal encounter with Jesus. It was so deep. I was with Him for a very long time. We had a long conversations. I could not remember everything we talked about.

M y m i n i s t r y p r e s e n t e d t o m e

But I do remember asking Abba within me. Lord what is the white huge truck for? He said that is your ministry.

And I am driving because I AM with you. I AM leading your ministry. The size of the truck is because that is the size of your ministry.

Wow. I believe it but at the same time, I still can't believe it. It feels like it's just a dream but it wasn't. It was real. So real. I don't know what to say.

But I am thankful and grateful for this personal intimate experience with Jesus. He is so magnificent in every way shape or form, so beautiful. He is full of love, joy and peace and that is all I feel being with Him. He is everything to me. And I would not change it for money, for people, or for the world. No amount of money can replace my relationship with Abba.

J e s u s i s v e r y p r o u d o f m e😢

This is my first personal one on one meeting with the LORD Jesus Christ about my ministry.

I am still in awe until now. Father told me to share because He said I want you to help build my people's faith in ME. So go and tell them about ME. Tell them about Jesus.

Go tell them. And do not stop telling people about my Glory. Don't mind what they say, think or feel about you. Some are just jealous of your testimony. But keep on preaching.

Keep on spreading the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Some will support you because they are My people. And some will not because they are not My people. But keep being you. Keep up the good work.

Keep preaching the truth. And do not ever compromise the truth to pleased man. But pleased Me only. Because you are pleasing to Me. You are doing very well, and I AM proud of you MY daughter.

Wow so humbling.🤍

I am wrecked. 😭

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