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SEPT 4 2024 | 3 DAYS

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

As I was with the Father spending time together few days ago.

Whilst in deep worship in spirit, and in truth, getting lost in the Spirit in Him.

Wailing and travailing of His glorious splendor and majesty on high.

For His wonderful works, and unfailing love of unceasing faithfulness and mercy.

And for all His glorious works great and amazing deeds of what Father has done in my life throughout this many years.

I am forever greatful to my Jehovah Adonai Lo ve'khail, Lo ve'koakh, Ki im be'ruakh, Adonai Tzevaot, Lo nira, Namshikh livtoakh, Shomer ha'brit Mekayem ha'havtakhot.


Sufficient grace and everlasting love for me. What more can I really ask for?

For in HIM there is the fullness of joy. Love everlasting, grace upon grace and peace that surpasses beyond understanding.

Then after praising His name that is above all other names.

I began to asked. 💭

Pa, will my spiritual children ever serve you, if not now, perhaps maybe one day? Will they ever get up to serve you in the future?

Father did not hesitate to answer me, for He always answers those who deligently seek His face, and His counsel.

Thus Saith The Lord and His counsil,

Your children will never serve Me. No matter how much you serve. No matter how much you do for them.

No matter how much you teach, preach; build; equip; edify; and no matter how much you impart all the spiritual gifts I bestowed upon you.

No matter how much you pray and intercede for them, they will still choose their own ways.

Not My ways. Not my desires. Not My Will.

No matter how much you travail, and groan with no words to utter with tears of blood they will still not follow Me.

No matter how much price you are willing to pay they will still not labor. Even if you give your life unto death, they will still not serve.

They think in their own carnal mind they follow Me, but not. They believe they are servants but sharing words only, is not serving Me.

That is not enough to be called servants.

Sharing verses or scriptures is not serving.

Doing the bare minimum is not serving.

When I came on earth 2000 years ago, did you hear Me only share a verse? Did you see Me doing the minimalistic in regards to how I serve My Father?

I came not on My own accord but to do the Fathers will, not My will but His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

And I serve to wash feet, as a poor man and gave My very own life for the world.

Thus giving ones life to save the world is minimal to you is that something any people would do?

People who profess to follow Me, but do very little to serve for My kingdom, are not true servants.

And those who bear no good fruits will not enter the narrow gate, let alone to be called a true servant.

In this time of age, there are only very few chosen true servants in the world who serve Me for many have already fallen to the entertainment ministry of business and fame.

My expectations and standards are not cheap, but very high for did I not give My own life to save My people who choose to follow other false gods and not Me.

Some of the gods they follow is SELF. They have become their own god.

Thus it makes no difference what you do for them, yet they will still continue to live in fear; rather than to live by faith.

They have already made a decision in their hearts, without discerning; they already made up their mind on whom they choose to serve.

Even after all you have done the last 2 and 3 years to build them up, to prepare and equip them to labor, for the laborers are few.

Still they will not serve Me.

Not now, not tomorrow not never.

They will keep following their own personal persuits and what they see fit.

There is only 3 out of all of your children, who choose to try; and make effort to serve; but not all of them. Only your admins, and the eldest of them all.

I did not ask to kill yourself in serving Me, nor did I ask to break a leg, I only ask to do your best to occupy before I return.

I do not look for perfection, nor a spotless person, I only seek obedience; availability; and effort applied by faith.

What they think serving is their own perspective according to their own liking.

Christians assume there is plenty of ways to be called servants, and some say that serving are based on your own giftings; and callings; but this day I say; not true.

There is only one way to pleased Me, and that is to FOLLOW ME, and by following Me that is serving Me applied by faith. For faith without WORKS is dead, but without faith you cannot pleased Me.

Matthew 10:38

Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

If you serve but without faith is vain. And if you have faith, but without application still is in vain.

Meaningless, pointless, and useless.

All your efforts are wasted and meaningless to Me. Why faith, and actions must be followed and applied both hand; and hand together.

Faith and obedience is like two piece in a cod. They cannot be seperated.

Being a true servant, is to SERVE ME LIKE I SERVE MY FATHER. For a true servant is a slave. Not slave to self glory, but slave to the One Who sent you.

Thus they will not serve Me.

When I found out about this revelation.

I paused in terrible sadness in my heart.

In silence marinating and still my brain is processing all these revelation.

As I laid faced down prostrate on Fathers feet, I weep and travail for my children.

I groan with no words. Like a mother in labor because of the pain. My spirit was so terribly grieve. 😔💔

And I could not contain, and could not bear to accept this reality; and so I scream in tears.

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!! 😭

My soul was in terrible sorrow.

Then I said, pa after all I have done and after all my hards work?

After all the price I am willing to pay to make a way for them to prepare them for whats to come in the days ahead.

After all the tears, the burdens I carried, the travails of my souls just to equipped them; and prepare them for the last day.

After all the sleepless nights of agony and torment, even I weep myself to sleep I endured, for the reasons of the spiritual attacks because of them.

After all the teachings, and all the times I have invested throughout this years. To a point even my health started to affect and weakened me.

I almost lost my mental state, and my heart condition, started to deteriorate. After all of that? Still they joke with their salvation; and think this is just a game.

I lost half of my hair and suffered a heart condition for a while because I no longer live; and think for myself and this is it. Thus what good are they for if they will not serve?

Even I almost lost my life numerous times because of all the battles I was facing silenly, and still they care not to serve?

And this is what they repay me for all I have done for all the sacrifices I made just to give them a good life?

Healing, deliverance, anointed oil, impartations of wisdom, and knowlegde, blessings, provision, favour, unlimited prayers, and all the spiritual gifts they receive from me.

That was not enough for them pa?

Father answered no. 😔

Still they have the odacity to ask for anointing oil, after they haven't move their behind to get up; and labor for the expansion of your Kingdom.

While they sit and wait and do nothing with their life souls are perishing everyday.

I have not asked for a single penny or any peso for payment for all I have done. And all I asked is simple thing, to be faithful in serving the LORD.

Father said yes I know.

I weep and weep to Abbas feet. 😭

I feel holy angered in my spirit because why? why do we make it so complicated?

To serve or not to serve is not hard to decide. It is simple.

Now I know why many christians at the end will be left behind because they are lukewarm, and compromised.

They cannot seem to make up their mind whom shall they serve. For they are double minded. And the Father said no double mindedness will enter heaven.

One feet in, and the other feet out. Half in, and half out. Double mindedness is wavering in mind. You serve a little, but only with restriction, and condition. And you call that serving?

That is not serving. You playing games.

You can't seem to make up your mind because of fear.

A double minded person is unstable in all their ways. And this is a sin to God. For it is a sign of insencere marked by hypocrisy.

The feeling or showing doubt, indecision, etc. vacillating. The disciplined mind is strong, and effective, while the constantly wavering mind is weak; and ineffective.

Unintentional mind wandering occurs when our thoughts are not tied to the task at hand.

Wavering thoughts is diabolical and not of God. If you waver, you cannot decide about something or you consider changing your mind about something constantly.

And these are the signs of a LUKEWARM CHRISTIANITY. For when the mind cannot decide, it means you are in doubt; since your faith is weak. Doubt or disbelief is a sin to the Lord.

The bible was clear.

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold; I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:15-16

Then I said, so what then will happen to them, if this is the life they choose if they choose not to serve you.. then what?

Father said to me.

What does it say in My scripture?

Read again what I said in My words.

What does John 15 says?

Did I not say, I Am Who I say I Am.

Didn't I say, I will fulfill My words.

Whatever I say it will come to pass.

None of My words will fall to the ground and not one word will return to Me void.

My scripture will not come to Me empty.

If people claim to truly follow Me, then why they can't serve Me?

They can't serve Me, because they don't believe in Me. That is the truth. People do not really believe I Am Who I say I Am.

They read My words, but they don't believe. They go to church, praise Me but their hearts are waaay off. They read the bible but with no understanding.

They claim to be followers, but do not follow Me. They claim to be servants, but they do not serve Me, but serve self.

If they truly believe I Am Who I say, then they would have believe My Word, as I Am My Word. And applied My scripture.

I perceive what Father is revealing to Me.

In John 15 it is written,

Any branches that does not produce fruits, will be cut off; and thrown away to the lake of fire. 😢

Father said anyone who does nothing to serve Me is futile. They are of no use to Me. They are a waste of space, waste of a tree. Waste of time. Only a hindrance. There are no lazy christians in My kingdom.

If they choose not to serve Me, for the allotted time I have given each one, on the day of Judgment they will give an account to Me face to face. Thus they better prepare themselves for that day is nearly coming to a close.

I will ask every single one of them, what they have done with the time I have given them on earth? Did they use it to glorify Me?

If people do not make use of their time to be productive on earth, and to stay proactive to serve Me for My glory; then I shall remove My Spirit from them.

For they are not welcome in My kingdom.

In other words, any believers who do not serve the LORD to OCCUPY until Jesus returns; shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

And theeen I knew in My spirit what Father is truly speaking. My children will not enter the narrow gate.

This is why Father said, wide is the road to destruction, but narrow is the road to righteousness and holiness. And only very few finds it.

And it is written in black and white.

John 15 does not lie. 😢🥺😔

My soul travail and groans for my children in sorrow and dispair.

And I must accept this harsh reality. For this is the word of truth. The truth cannot be denied. Nor ignored. It cannot be disregard or reject.

But we all must begin to read the word of God with understanding, and with fear of the Lord in spirit; and in truth; believe that He is Who He says He is. He never lies, and He does not play like people think. We take Father for a joke. 😢

We cannot ignore it, and disregard Him. Father is not a man that He should lie. He will never lie. And I must faced this truth.

The truth is the truth, no matter how much we try to make it look, no matter how much we try to add glitters; to make it look nicer; but it cannot be sugar code. It cannot be put aside or hide under the rug.

As I receive this hard revelation. I weep and sob to the Lord. 😭

I said to Him, this is one of the most painful revelations so hard to swallow. As it is painful to know.

But I said, pa what do you want me to do, do you want me to give up on them?

Father said no. Don't give up.

And I answered, I can't give up on the people pa, for if I do, then what will that do for me, didn't you call me to serve?

For what will be the use of me being here if I give up?

Eventhough knowing this difficult truth, but I will still keep trying, even if they will not serve you. 😔

Maybe I can no longer give my all in all like I use to for the last 3 years, but I will still uplift them; and encourage them to keep fighting a good fight of faith. That I will still do.

And I will still remind them why they are here, and what's their purpose. I know I cannot save them, but I can atleast still try to be there for them.

I will not give up on your people.

Just like you never gave up on me, why I am still here this day.

I only do what I see you do everyday pa.

You continuesly speak to us to warn us ahead, and you are always working to help us all even when you know our fait at the end.

Just like you still gave your life for the remission of sin, even when you already know; and foresee the future that many will perished at the end; but still you gave your all in all on the cross.

Without turning back.

Father responded yes.

Rejected or not ridiculed or not, belittled or not, hated or not, persecuted or not, you still did not gave up on us.

You never gave up, because of your greatest love of sacrifice for the souls. You love us even when you know not all loves you back.

Some only love you for what they can benefit from you. But still you love them. I know I cannot save your church, or make them to follow you.

But I shall serve the Lord until my last breath like you pa.


I now began to understand.

It is truly indeed our own choice to enter the wide gate. Owing to the fact that we make our own poor choices in life.

Father said He does not send people to outer darkness, people send themselves there, by their own decision. As it is a personal choice to enter the narrow gate.

I have given man freedom to live, and choose life or death, and whether to serve Me or not. At the end, it is a choice they have to make. Not Mine.

As I moarn for all my children. I envision each of their faces one by one. And I thought to myself while I sob in tears.

Pa what did I do wrong? Did I missed anything? Did I lack to do what I am called to do?

He said I never did anything wrong.

I did not fail to serve Him. 😭🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️

Infact I have DONE everything I could in my little strenght to help all of them. I have given my life, just to give them a blessed life.

Father said I have done way more than enough, and did not lack on doing good. For I never grew weary on serving.

And I cry and cry to Abba. 😭

He said to me, none of my labor is in vain; for I have done it out of love from my heart; and compassion for souls.

I did what I could to serve Him faithfully, even in my small I still serve the Lord, with pure love like a true mother who loves her children.

Still even when I surpassed others who cannot do what I am willing to do for the people free of charge while I bleed in silence.

Then I said what more should I do? 😭

Can prayers change this?

Father said nothing. There is nothing you can do now to make them serve. Even if you pray, you cannot pray for lazy to work. Since there is no amount of prayers you can do to change lazy people.

Lazy people cannot be prayed for. As it is a personal decision to serve. It's a choice to be lazy, complacent; and laid back.

Then Father reminded me. He said do you remember I did the same. I came on earth, and gave up My life to save the people.

I fed 5 thousands loaf and fish and where are they? Still after what I have done, they did not follow to serve Me.

Even after healing the sick and casting out demon from them still they did not follow Me.

They only wanted what is temporary. Just to fill their bellies with bread that rots, but they do not after what is good for their souls.

What did I say in My words, man shall not live by bread alone, bread that will fade away for it is only temporary pleasure, but to live by every words that proceeded from the mouth of God.

You shall not work or serve for temporary pleasures of this world, but rather work for the bread of life, manna that comes from heaven, bread that gives you eternal life.

I suffered so none of you have to suffer. I willingly died for My children. I carried the cross; and was nailed on the tree so you don't have to face death.

I did it all, you name it, I paid the greatest sacrifice to save the world; for My love for the world, yet still people ridicule Me, spat on Me, rejected Me and still persecuted Me.

After all Jesus the Christ has done on the calvary tree, bled to death and shed His blood, but people still followed their own selfish ways, fleshy desires, and personal pursuits of temporary pleasures.

Until today history repeat itself. Many so called professing believers are still doing the same exact thing, UNKNOWINGLY and IGNORANTLY leading themselves to their own destruction.

Yes it is true. Father has already gone ahead of us, thousands of years ago to prepare the way as the first forerunner; and the pioneer of the Faith to make a way for the people today.

But it is our own choice if we believe His word or not. It is up to us, if we really and truly believe what we claim to say and proclaim.

We say we are followers and servants yet our actions speaks louder than words, and does not align to His ways; and to His words. Our mouth always speaks, what is not true from the heart.

After all Father searches the heart of every man, not the words we say. For if our words does not align to our actions then that makes us a hypocrite.

And the truth is not really in us. We are just lying and fooling ourselves. Yet no matter what I do, and regardless of how hard I try to help the church.

It is not my decision or choice why you will not make it. But your own choice.

After all it is written each one must give an account at the day of judgment.

I cannot face the LORD for you. But you must face Him for yourself. Then what will you say to Father when that day comes?

You have to understand the levels of Fathers seriousness in this hours. And the severity of this WARNING MESSAGE. He made me know play time is over. Many of you have been playing way too much.

And have not taken Him with seriousness. This is not a drill; not a joke to be taken lightly; but to be taken in earnestness; and solemnity. Play time is over.


All because of fear to serve the Lord. Fear of rejection, fear of persecution, fear to lose family, fear of what it will cost you. I don't know about you but I fear the Lord, and I fear to lose my Abba.

Pa what if I fail? What if I fail you one day? I cannot imagine my life without you. Life is meaningless apart from you.

I continue to weep, and moarn. Without you, what will I do? I said to pa, I don't ever want to lose you. And I said this in so much tears. I don't know what I will do if I ever lose you. 😭

I don't know how people are not afraid to lose you. I don't know how they can live their lives on earth without you. Without serving to pleased you. Where is the fear of the Lord?

But not me pa. Not me. Pa promise to never leave me. Don't ever forsake me or leave me. Please don't ever let me go as I continue to cry to Him. And as I close my eyes while weeping. 😭

I shake and trembled in fear, because of what I found out about the people whom I love including the church as a whole.

Truly the Lord is not a respector of a person. He is God Holy, and we must be holy. He is JUST. And He will not allow futile christians in His kingdom.

Behold, Father and I ascended into the realms of His glory in the city of heaven.

In a blink of an eye we arrived. Then heavenly Father and I spend quality time together.

I continue to tell Father not to let me go.

Because I am afraid to lose Him.

I don't want to be like other christians.

Who claim to follow Him, but follow their own persuits and their hearts are far off.

And Abba Father said to me.

Never. I will never let you go. 😭

And pa pointed at the center of my heart and said to me, remember you are Mine forever; and your heart is where I Am.

I Am in you, and you in Me for the rest of eternity. Your heart and body is My temple; and My bethel.

This is a covenant between you and Me, and it cannot be broken. It is a promise.

And I don't break My promise. No one can snatch you away from My hands.

And Father continued to comfort me as He reassured I know this revelation.

That He will never leave me, nor forsake me until the ends of this world, no matter what happens.

I am forever sealed by His blood, and marked by His name on my forehead. And I am His forever and forever He is mine.

Then my pa gave me a word to confirm what He said to me.

John 5:24 “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.

Father said, not because I am perfect but for the reasons, I hear His words and truly believe. I am not just someone who just read His word, but have doubt in my heart.

But I believe what my Father say in His words and because I believe I apply it.

Just now Father said YES IT IS TRUE it is because I believe Him. And have no doubt in me whatsoever.

Didn't the Father say, that if we believe His words, we shall see His glory. And in John 3:16 it says, for God so love the world He gave us His son, and those who believe in His name; shall not perished but shall receive everlasting life.

WE ARE SAVED BY BELIEVING NOT WITH DOUBT IN MIND. Faith is not by feeling or according to your emotions. Faith is the assurance of things hope for the evidence of things unseen.

Blessed are thou who have not seen but believe.

All because I believe, Father promised to give me everlasting life in Him. This day I shall no longer fear to lose Him. But rest assured I will be in His arms for eternity.

Crying in silence.. 😭😭😭

Oh Lord what an assurance. What an assurance. Thank you for letting me know I am sealed; and marked forever. And there is not a thing the enemy can do.

Wow I feel so blessed and so thankful. Pa thank you for your word. Your word is my life, and a lamp to my path. Your word is indeed true. You do what you say you will do. I am so grateful for your words of assurance and forever thankful.

People do not appreciate the word of God because they do not understand it, and for that they do not apply it; Father told me for they do not believe. 😔

Truly the word is true, we are saved by grace through faith not by our deeds. But at the same time, we are called to serve. We are bought with a price, not to waste time on earth.

While we wait on the Lords return we must not be in idle but labor for the Lord. Like the parable of the talent. And the parable of the wise, and unwise virgins.

We are here to serve.

Thank youuuuuu pa.

I am forever undone. 😭

My heart is full to hear such edifying, and comforting words of assurance; a promised of Gods faithfulness that my Father hold to His heart forever.

The most beautiful gift only He can give to us all is salvation. A life to live forever by His side is all I dream of and hope for.

Nothing else matters. For what will you gain in this world, but forfeit your soul at the end? Then what? Losing your life over fear to serve; and fear to follow Jesus is not worth it but foolish.

Id rather suffer now, but enjoy my life later in the kingdom of my God. A covenant that I am His, and I belong to Him forever, and ever until the end of time.

That He will never let me go.

And just now while I scribe, my pa said yes it is true; He will never let me go.

He repeated Himself again and again.

Never, never, and never will I let you go.

I feel so loved, and so treasured.

Huhu thank youuuuu pa 😭😭😭

If only people believe His words.

My pa said to me your welcome. 🫂

Then as we continue.

Then I saw myself walking down the city gates of heaven.

Wearing the most luxurious royal gown in color green with a crown on my head.

Holding flowers on my right hands.

I look so adorable in my royal gown wearing my crown exactly like the image below. You see the photo? Like that.

Waving at the many saints, and cloud of witnesses as I entered the gates like a super star. Wheww!!

And many greeted me at city of heaven.

I feel so famous and so important. Even when I am not known on earth, but in heaven I am known, and I feel like a hollywood star.

Sheesh wow! I feel so special.

Then Father took me with Him to have some sweets; and eat heavenly scrumptious delicacies.

Ohhh I was so happy. My only happy place is being with Him. Spending time with my pa. 🥺

Then we entered the banquet.

I saw the table filled with delicious desserts, yummy pastries and sweets.

My mood change suddenly.

There are so much food.

Oh soooo much desserts.

Wow and we ate, and I am filled, my stomach is full, with a bunch of yummy treats. Nom nom. Like a piggy hee!

Pa said just now, yes its true.

Ops sowy pa, I love me some sweets.

He said yes, you do. 🥹❤️

Love you pa. Muaaaah.

JOHN 15 | The Vine and the Branches

15 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other.

The World Hates the Disciples

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. 23 Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. 24 If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. 25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason.’

The Work of the Holy Spirit

26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. 27 And you also must testify, for you have been with me from the beginning.

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