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SEPT 22 2024 | 6AM-9:30AM

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

Daniel 12:2

And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

Ecclesiastes 9:5

For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of them is forgotten.

1 Peter 4:6

For this is why the gospel was preached even to those who are dead, that though judged in the flesh the way people are, they might live in the spirit the way God does.

Proverbs 15:24

The path of life leads upward for the prudent, that he may turn away from Sheol beneath.

The SOVEREIGN LORD does nothing unless He first reveal His secret to His servants the prophets.

Those who have ears to hear, listen to the words of the Spirit of the Lord.

Before the on set.

I know I have been away from the media for a little while because I was dealing with some personal things in my ministry.

As I spend this last two days in prayers with the Father. I was shown so much deep mysteries from the Lord.

For He has been revealing so much to me lately, but I can only share a little bit in public, due to the sacredness of the message.

There are things I cannot disclosed.

But I am back to share to you what Father has been exposing, and revealing to me in regards to His church at this moment.

During the time I was spending time with the Holy Father in our inner sanctuary.

In the sacred space of the Beloved King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.

The Almighty God Most High as I was praying in complete stillness while laying prostrate face down on the great Yahweh feet.

Soaking in His precious presence.

Remember I said before presence means in hebrew is Gods actual face.

While my eyes shut,

As I entered the inner court room of the holy of holies, then behold.

I see the Holy One of Israel, holding a thick brown leather ancient scroll. 🗞And I watch Father open the scroll before my eyes.

Instantly I perceive, new revelations. 📜

Then I was taken into the future.


Father and I stand before the gates of hell.

I was riding on His white horse beside Abba side by side, and we entered sheol the place of eternal damnation.


And we was both inside hades on the mountain top looking down. All the way down to the city of lava of fire, and brimstone.

See the picture below.

Looks like the image.

But even worst I tell you the truth.

This place is huge, and it's dreadfull.

To be honest, it's almost like another world for the dead.

Truly I tell you, this place is gore like I am watching a horror film.


There are divergence of places in hell, for I have never seen or been in this one before.

Thou I have seen outer darkness, I have seen the lake of fire but not this one.

There are two places for fallen angels, a place for unbelievers (now) and one for all sinners (later). There are numbers of that place, that describe the location of the afterlife for sinners.

The english word for hell does not appear in the Greek New Testament; instead one of three words is used the Greek words Tartarus or Hades, or the Hebrew word Gehinnom.

In the Septuagint and New Testament, the authors used the Greek term Hades for the Hebrew Sheol, but often with Jewish rather than Greek concepts in mind.

Even I have seen places in hell like where they chained souls in a very dark place in a jail cell, souls are tied on ropes; and chains; and cannot move or get out.

Many souls are stucked in that place of death for eternity with no hope. ⛓️

But this one is different compare to the rest of them I've seen before.

There are numbers of places in hell as there are plethoras of various of levels in sheol Father said just so you all know.

That depends on what type of SIN you committed during your time on earth who did not repent to turn away from sin.

I see with my eyes, that this place look exactly like the image down below.

See and take a closer look, then close your eyes, and imagine yourself in that place.

I knoooowww scaarryy!!

Then Father gave me knowlegde.

Hades is a places of the dead.

It is a place for christians who bear no good fruits on earth. Believers who are not productive or proactive.

Everyday they waste their time, idling time away on idleness doing completely nothing with their lives on earth.

As they don't serve.

They don't live a life of worship, they don't do anything to help serve for the expansion of the kingdom of heaven.

These type of christians are absolutely useless, pointless, meaningless trees like dead leaf that just withers away into the pit of hell.

Sheol/Hades is a term used in the Bible to refer to the place of the dead, where both the righteous, and wicked go after death.

In other words this is the place for both unbelievers, and believer at the end of their time on earth.

In the Old Testament, it is often described as a place of silence, where the dead are conscious but inactive. In the New Testament, it is associated with judgment and punishment.

It is the punishment and judgment of God for those type of christians who only do the bare minimum.

Who only read bible but do not apply, who pray but without works, they have faith but no actions, and they produce absolutely no fruits for the Lord.

And the Father ones again brought up John 15 to me. Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, whoever bears no good fruits on earth; will be cut off; and thrown away in hell. It's as simple as not serving the Lord, and not following His will.

John 15:1-2

1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

John 15: 4-8

4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Those who do not remain or abide in the Lord will not, cannot produce any fruits.

Bearing fruits means "SERVICE".

A servant is a slave to his master. For no servants is greater than his master. And a slave is forever bond to the King.

But how can you be called a servant, if you do absolutely nothing to serve the Lord?

For those who refuse to follow to serve the Lord cannot enter the narrow gate.

Those christians who are content by just being a basic christian doing the bare minimum, and thinks that reading bible is enough, and assumes that praying is enough to be saved.

You are greatly mistaken and deceived if that's all you think you need to do as your part for the glory of the Lord.

Didn't you remember the parable of the talent?

It is written those who did not use their talent to help build their brothers, and sisters as well as their neighbors will not have a place in the kingdom of God.

Also those who are just like the unwise virgin, who do not pay the price to get their own oil, but only relies on their leaders oil, and others oil is not welcome to the wedding feast.

Those who do not work out their salvation with fear, and trembing, and who do not bear fruits in keeping with repentance on a daily basis, will not be invited to the Grooms Banquet.

Those christians who only sit at home, and do ABSOLUTELY nothing to feed the hungry, to pray for the sick, to help the poor, to clothed the naked, to give to the needy will be cut off.

Those christians who do not make any effort to reach out for the lost souls, who have no love for any souls at all will be thrown away in hell.

Believers who are not doing anything to serve the Lord, and who do not obey the commands of the Holy Gods word, and who do not follow the will of the Heavenly Father cannot enter His Kingdom.

The rebellious in this time of age will be rejected as king like how God rejected King Saul as king of Isreal.

Those who do not give to the poor will not receive any blessings from the Lord but will be rejected also.

Those who have UNBELIEF, DOUBT, and do not believe Gods word, but only believe partially of Gods words written in His scriptures and His mouthpiece will be rejected also.

If you reject Fathers Holy words, through His mouth piece the prophets, you reject the One Who sent His servants, and He will reject you also.

John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

Luke 10:16 Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.”

Those of you who do absolutely nothing for the Lord to feed the hungry, to help the needy, and to feed the poor I say this to you, you are an embarrassment to the Kingdom of God.

Shame on you.

How dare thee call yourself a Christian.

For you have no love in you. 😭

You selfish blind gates and irresponsible so called christians who do very little for the poor, and only thinks for yourselves.

It makes me holy angry. To know how cruel our own fellow brothers and sisters in the faith.

How can you be that cold hearted?

How can you be so dry and not have any remorse for any souls who are perishing?

How can you be so empty without heart?

I cannot believe you call yourselves followers of Jesus Christ.

Where is your heart of flesh?

Crying.... 😭

It is an abomination in the sight of the Lord, not to do anything for Him, and just sit at home waiting for a miracle to come. As the Lord is seeking for true laborers who will labor in His vineyard.

For the harvest are already overriped.

It's a blasphemy to the Lord, to wait on Him to blessed your lazy butt, meanwhile you do very little in return for Him.

Don't expect anything from Him when you have not done anything for Him.

How can God blessed you, when you don't make any effort to be a blessing to others?

Mind buggling.

You make me sad.

Then the scene shifted.

I was taken to the next encounter.

And I see a woman in her age, with the name that starts with a letter [ J ]

I don't want to disclose the people that I am revealing.

This woman is very dearly to me.

I know her personally, and I see her face change drastically, and turned very old.

As I stand before her, she smile to me.

Then Father made me know her life will be shorten, and sooner or later she will go home to be with the Lord.

And Father told me she will die soon.

Infact next year she will passed away.


Then I asked Father why are you taking her soon?

He said because the time she died long ago, I asked her if she wanted to go home with Me.

But she said, not yet; for she is not ready to go home just yet; because she did not do much to serve Me throughout her lifes many years.

And I extended her life, to give her the opportunity to serve Me again on earth.

Now many years had passed.

I have given her extra time to serve, but still she barely did anything to serve Me.

Instead she followed her own personal persuits to pleased her flesh.

And did whatever she felt is right in her own carnal mind, leaning on her own understanding without consulting Me.

Throughout this years I waited, and waited patiently for her to come, and follow Me for so long but she didn't.

Rather she followed her own agenda.

What she thought it was good in My sight but without coming to Me, to seek My counsel, she never ask Me, what I have planned for her.

She continue to decide everyday to do things on her own accord without including Me in her daily or weekly plans.

Making her own plans, and gathering without consulting for My wisdom, if I approved or not.

Until now I am not pleased with her, for she did not keep to her promised, and to her vows to Me.

She broke her vows to Me.

But I have kept to My promised, for I AM a God of honor, and I stay true to My word, and I did exactly what I said I will do for her.

But she did not fulfill her promised.

She only disappoint Me.

Matthew 5:34-37 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is God's throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black.

For if you make an oath, or swear but failed your promise you will give an account to Me.

I will hold each one of you responsible for each idle words that comes out of your mouth.

And I see no reasons to keep her alive in her old age, if she will not serve, and follow Me to pleased Me.

For that I must shorten her life, and this is all by grace; and mercy. To saved her from leading herself to destruction at the end, as she will only waste her time on earth only pleasing herself.

This is one of the reasons why the Lord shorten the lifes spand of SOME people, as it is to save them from going to hell.

Yes pa I understand.

Sobbing silently. 😭

It's for the better for elders to go home, and be with the Lord; than to remain on earth; and end up suffering when the great tribulations coming.

Chances are she will only perished and will not make it in heaven.

Atleast when I go home to be with the Lord, I will still see her in heaven.

Let your will be done pa.

Father said I should not cry, but I should rejoice atleast she will finally rest and be with the LORD. 😭

Then next scene shifted.

I was taken to another time.

I saw one of the people, I also happen to know personally. She is someone close to me. And have known her for almost 3 years or so.

I will not disclose the name. She is very sweet. Her name starts with letter [ N ]


I see her in hospital bed.

She was very sick, and have lost tremendous amount of weight.

Infact she had become so skinny. She looks very malnurished, as if she stop eating for months or so.

As I watch her I feared for her life.

The Father said she will end up in hades for she did not follow to serve the Lord.

She did very little to serve the Lord.


This is hard to swallow Lord.

It hurts me so much to know the fait of the people who are near and dear to my heart.

But even my close relationship to them cannot saved them. For all must give an account to the LORD at the day of Judgment.

My heart breaks for this revelation. 💔

Next scene.

And I was shown in a vision of a man whom I personally know, but I will not disclose the name, but the name starts will letter. [ E ]

I see this person soul drowning in a dirty murky water in a dark place with His head down casted, completely lifeless, and stagnated, concious but dead at the same time.

Without moving at all.

He was just there.

Completely wasting his life, for the allotted time that was given to him by the Sovereign Lord is all gone, and wasted in doing absolutely nothing to serve the Lord throughout his lifetime.

For 30 years he has done nothing.

Nothing, absolutely noooooothing!!!!!!!

Yes as you can clearly see.

Discern how I am scribing this.

I am holy angered by this revelations.

For I know this person personally. 😭

For the reasons I remembered how hard I tried to help this man. Oooh if only you all know how much I tried.

Even when at times I am exhausted.

Beat, weary, sick and while I am bleeding I am still serving to help this man not to end up in that place.

How much I labored tirelessly to pray, and intercede for him to be delivered from stagnation, delays and set back.

Sleepless nights of unceasing prayers to help him be set free from the bondage of sin, and freedom from the dead religion.

For so long and after 3 years of my labor to serve, I work so hard, just many people who don't even remember me.

Who don't even remember how much I cared for their soul, meanwhile they don't care for their souls.

I will always remember how hard I tried to help many souls to be fully equipped given with many impartation of gifts so they can be ready in the coming days.

And only to find out that all my hard and laborious deeds will only go to waste because they choose to be in that place.

The word I can only describe is LIFELESS.

Though he is alive on the outside but he is dead on the inside that is what you call breathless breath says the Father.

This man is a christian, a believer of Jesus Christ, but the Lord made me know, yet he wasted all his time on earth doing nothing to serve the Lord.

And even after so many years of grace after grace that has been shown to him, time after time, yet he still sits all this years in his nothingness.

The Lord have shown him mercy after mercy again and over again, to save him from falling away from the faith all these many years, but still to no avail, and even now in his old age, still have not surrendered himself to serve the Lord.

He did not pick up his cross to follow the Lord. Yet he assumes he stands firm, and in right standing with Lord by just doing the minimalistic.

Then the atmosphere shifted, and I was taken back in HADES the land of the dead.

There I saw him laid to waste in the fire of brimstone sulfur burning for the rest of his life.

I saw his body crouching on his right side like a dead animal, while laying on fire, burning, and cooking like a roasted pig.

Like a dead zombie deep fried in hot oil.

Oh Lord how grim to see this. 😢

There he is burning continuesly, and being burn again, and over again.

I witness his skin turning crispy, like a fried skin of an animal, then it reminded me of the skin of a pig; when it's being roasted exactly like lechon. 😭

Then Father said this is His judgment and punishment for him because he is lazy to serve the Lord.

He is futile, as he is a fruitless branch who does not bare any fruits for the Lord, and a worthless servant because of his doubt and unbelief/disbelief.

To those of you who did not know.

LAZINESS is a sin to the Lord.

And as well as......


LAZINESS: The quality of being unwilling to work or use energy; idleness.Laziness may reflect a lack of self-esteem, a lack of positive recognition by others, a lack of discipline stemming from low self-confidence, or a lack of interest in the activity or belief in its efficacy. It may manifest as procrastination or vacillation.

Father says, you can't fix or heal laziness. Nor you can help lazy. No matter how much you pray, and impart spiritual gifts for them. And no matter how much you anoint them with anointing oil, still you cannot break laziness in people. They will always be lazy.

Since to get up, and arise to labor for the Lord is a "PERSONAL CHOICE" not a skill, or a talent; nor a gift; but it is a WILL. A free will to choose whom you shall serve.

AND HADES THE LAND OF THE DEAD is the place lazy christians belong.

Laziness is idleness, indolence, sloth, slothfulness, shiftlessness, inactivity

sluggishness, lethargy, languor, slowness

heaviness, dullness, remissness, laxity,

negligence, and slackness. All that is written is a sin to the Lord.

There are repercussion to your laziness, and there are consequences to every christians who PRESSUME that if they only believe in Jesus name that alone should be enough to saved them.

Little that they know they are only deceiving themselves for the WORD of God declares............


And will be cut off, and thrown away into the land of the dead.

Always remember this.

Kung Faith lang meron ka, kahit pa na ang faith mo, can moved mountains, pero pag wala kang fruits patay parin faith mo. Walang kwenta ang paniniwala mo sa dyos kung 'TAMAD KA NAMAN' na christiano at walang fruits.

And that's the TRUTH.

Matthew 3:8 Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.

For it is written. ✒️

You think christian responsibility is only to pray, and read bible; and sing a little song here; and there yun lang, and that should be enough to be saved, because those who believe in His name shall be save naman.

But my brothers and sisters you forgot the other written SCRIPTURE of the Lord that it is written, only those who FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE HEAVENLY FATHER SHALL INHERIT HIS KINGDOM for not all who calls Him Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of heaven.

It is also written. ✒️

And those who do not pick up their cross, to follow Jesus Christ is not WORTHY OF HIM. In other words, no one is worthy to enter the Kingdom of Heaven if you will not carry your cross to follow the Lord.

Matthew 10:38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.

Simple as that.

It is also written, ✒️

In order to KEEP your salvation you must APPLY the WORD OF GOD on a daily basis, and WORK OUT YOUR SALVATION with FEAR and TREMBLING dahil hindi pwede na faith nalang lahat at walang actions, at wala tayo ginagawa for the Lord.

Philippians 2:12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

Bearing fruits by feeding the hungry, and helping the needy, giving to the poor. Giving is one of the highest form of Love Abba Father said. And if you don't give, then it means you have no love in you.

Hindi porket namatay si Hesus tapos na lahat, wala tayong dapat gawin para sa kanya. At hindi pwede dapat na basihan lang natin lahat based on ONE VERSES, or ONE SCRIPTURE, or isang CHAPTERS lang, at tama na.

At kalimutan nalang natin ang iba pang CHAPTERS sa bible. That is not right in the sight of the Lord Abba Father said.

That is an INSULT to the Holy God.


The biblical meaning of unbelief is refusing to believe in God and His Word. Unbelief is a LACK of faith. The root word of unbelief is the absence or lack of religious belief; disbelief of the truth of the Gospel, it is the "opposite of" BELIEF.

In other words "YOU DO NOT BELIEVE" for the moment you have doubt in your mind, it means you really; and truly do not believe it plain; and simple.

For believing in Gods words is as simple as a little child like faith. A child believe anything daddy and mommy will say. Whatever the parents says, whether if it's a lie, a trick that they have a candy as a reward for their obedience or not.

But little childrens will believe it anyway, even when they don't see it yet, or even when they do not have the ability to fully grasp; and understanding like a mature adult does.

For you can just easily trick a baby into believing you have a toy, only to make them behave, even if you don't really have a toy, you are just tricking them so they listen, but they still believe it anyways. 😅

That is what you call 'CHILD LIKE FAITH'.

A child believe anything that the Father says, and do not doubt or have unbelief. The word says, unless you become like little childrens, you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven.

If you truly believe what the Father says, in His Holy Scripture, or spoken by His prophets through rhema words; manna; revelations or prophecies; you will not think twice; or doubt; as you will not be confused; but you will wholeheartedly believe EVEN if it did not make sense in your carnal mind.

This is one of the reasons why the Father does not speak to some of you about His mysteries, because often times you have doubt in mind; for you do not believe in your heart; why then will He speak to you in regards to the Kingdom of heaven if you do not believe.

Just like what the Lord Jesus said to Nicodemus who is a teacher of the law, and a member of the pharisee.

John 3:10-12

10 “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? 11 Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. 12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?

Please read that scripture again.

Go back to it again, and read again.

One more time, go back and read.

This time read it with understanding.

Thus what did Lord Jesus say to Nicodemus who claims to be a teacher of the law of Torah teachings of Mosaic a member of the pharisee?

If you people don't believe our stories in other words testimonies, that includes my rhema words; revelations testimonies I receive from the Spirit of God; then how will you believe the SPIRITUAL THINGS OF THE GLORY REALMS OF THE HEAVENLIES.


Exactly now you understand why many of you don't have supernatural encounter.

For the reasons it takes GREATER FAITH to have supernatural encounters from God.

Father said just now while typing,

Without FAITH you cannot pleased Him. For having faith in Him, is by believing His words; and that He is Who He says He is in the bible. 📖

But FAITH without WORKS leads to death.

Hence in order to keep your salvation, you must have BOTH FAITH and ACTIONS.


Many believers do not understand the depthness of Gods words. That is why they don't understand it. They read with no knowlegde, even after reading it for many decades but still blind, and deaf.

Thou they have eyes but do not see. They have ears but do not hear. They have heart but is darkened with RELIGION. You can have a heart, but if your heart is dry you are still useless. And if your heart is not pure, then you are meaningless. In other words, you are a breathless breath.

For a heart that does not beat, like the Fathers heart it's as dead as a dry bones, and will not enter the Fathers kingdom.

Believers who lack heart will fade away like a dead leaf that withers away. 🍂

And just like the pharisees just because they are PRIEST and HIGH PRIEST expert in bible knowlegde, theologians, scholar, dressed the part, and have degrees in law and knows the old teachings of the Torah from MOISAC.

Mosaic authorship is the Judeo-Christian tradition that the Torah, the first five books of the Hebrew bible old testament, were dictated by God to prophet Moses.

Yet they still lack the Holy Spirit for they rejected the testament of JESUS Christ. Since they are stucked in the OLD LAWS of Moses, and only follows the old ways, and old traditions of the old testament.

But not willing to hear the NEW LAWS of the Lord Yeshua Hamashiach the Son of Yahweh. For that they rejected the Lord. And because they rejected His WORDS the Holy Father rejected them also.

PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT LINES UPON LINES. At the end only GODS WORD SHALL STAND forever, and He will have the last word. His word is Jesus the Christ.


Remember this law written in John.

His WORDS will not return to Him void or empty. Everything will fade away, but His words shall stand for eternity.

Everything is EVENTUAL.

I told you all, do not follow me.

How many times I warned you again, and again for so long not to follow me.

For I cannot save you. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can save you not me.

I am just man made of dust.

I have no power to save.

Jesus was clear, follow Him for only He is the way to ETERNAL LIFE. Only He holds the key to death and life. Only He is the way to SALVATION. Only He is the TRUTH Who can set you free.

Not me, not your leaders, not your pastor not the church building. Why you don't listen? Why are you so stubborn, and do not listen to heed to the WARNINGS and MESSAGES from the LORD.

Why?? How many times have I warned again and again and again? How many times I keep sounding the alarm, and blowing the trumpets to warn you all?

How long will I suffer, because of your ignorance, and hard headedness?

How long will I contend with your stiff necks oh you foolish church you have cause me, and the Father so much grief, heartaches, and pain.

You are grieving us. 😭💔

And my soul travails for your souls to be saved. But you care not about your souls.

You have little regard you are already on your way to destructions.


For the time now is short. And the coming of the Son of Man is nigh.

Matthew 7:19

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

Revelation 20:15

And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

2 Thessalonians 1:9

They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might.

Luke 16:24

And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in anguish in this flame.’

Luke 13:6-8

And he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. And he said to the vinedresser, ‘Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground?

Matthew 7:17-20

So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

John 15:1-27

I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

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