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SEPT 25 2024 | 12AM

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

A while back.

In Sept 09 2024.

Whilst in deep prayers in spirit, and in truth in tongues of fire eyes shut.

In an instant, I ascended to shamayim, and at the gates I see fire works of celebration in the heavenlies.

Fire works everywhere. 🧨🎇🎉🎆

Just beautiful and outstanding.

And then Father God Yahweh, the Father of all the Fathers said I am proud of you.

Thank you for serving Me faithfully in secret, and for being hidden.

Congratulations! 🎊

Thank you for following My Son.

And then He said this day we celebrate.


And then Father gave me the biggest and warmest hugs eveerrrr!!! Wow! 🫂

Melting in adoration. 🥺

I asked what are we celebrating pa?

He said it is our 7th year anniversary.

Then Father Yeshua said.

Remember this day Sept 09 was the day you accept Me as your LORD and Savior.

Your day of SALVATION is finally completed.

It is the day you gave your life to Me.

In heaven we celebrate every 7th years.

Seven years on earth, in heaven is 51,428.57 thousand of years in counting.

For a day on earth is 1000 days in heaven.

Seven is a prophetic number. As it is a very symbolic number to God.

For it is the number of rest. The day the Father rested on the seventh day.

Seven is also the number of the 7th seal.

And it is also the number of completion and fullness.

Seven was symbolic in ancient near eastern and Israelite culture and literature.

It communicated a sense of “fullness” or “completeness” (שבע “seven” is spelled with the same consonants as the word שבע “complete/full”).

This makes sense of the pervasive appearance of “seven” patterns in the Bible.

In Zechariah and Revelation, the number seven represents completion and wholeness; so the seven or sevenfold spirit in Revelation could be a symbolic description of the Holy Spirit.

In Leviticus 25, we find the first reference to Jubilee, as part of the law given by Yahweh to the Israelites. These verses describe God's intent that the Israelites should remain free from slavery for all time by instituting a Sabbath year every seven years.

It also represent the 7 Spirit of God.

Including the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirits of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge and of fear of the LORD, here are represented the seven Spirits, which are before the throne of God.

I will leave it at that for now. Perhaps I will continue some other time, with the meaning of number seven.

Back to the main topic.

Then I said, oh wow it's our anniversary?

Yeeesss I remembeerrr! Woaah! 😃

Pa and I hugged so tightly, I embrace my pa in my arms, as He did the same, oh it was just very loveeely.

Love was overflowing through Him and in Him and all around us in the air waves.

I always want to hold my pa in my arms.

And how I wish I can just behold Him now and forever more. This is why I cannot wait for that day to come.

When we will be together forever.

Unseperable for eternity.

This is my dream,

A dream coming true atlast.

And all the angels, the clouds of witnesses and all the saints surrounds us and celebrated Father and I anniversary.

I receive many gifts from Father.

And I mean plenty of wonderful gifts.

Oh my pa loves to shower me with presents.

Too many to mention.

I tell you all the truth. 🎁

Gift after gifts oh my geesssh!!

Celebrations after celebrations.

Truly I feel like a Kings princess. 👑

I was so pampered, and well taken care of, I feel like the most special, and very important child in the whole universe.

Pa loves to take good care of me.

He assigns angels to always help assist me, and to tend for me like a child.

Dressed me with beautiful royal gowns made only for a princess.

This is how our heavenly Father loves.

Oh how He loves us soooo much.

When He said.....


It is true you need to only believe it.

Believe even when you do not see.

Father loves us all. ❤️

His love is always overflowing.

But He loves those who follow Him, and seek His face deligently even way more.

Father shows His favor only to those who remain faithful, and true to Him, and who will endure many trials and sufferings to the end.

As well as to those who serve Him in secret.

Then angels gathered and presented me beautiful, and delicious anniversary cake as I sat down on the royal banquet.

There was sooooo many candles around, oh my gosh, my eyes was just so amazed and mesmerized by all the candle lights.🕯

The whole room was filled with candles all around, as I sit and enjoy my Father precious love, and adoration for me.

Father delights in me, and I delight in His love. I am my beloveds, and my beloved is mine.

And I blow and made a wish. 😃

What we humans celebrate on earth is different from heaven, and how we celebrate is not the same in the heavenlies.

In heaven we do not have the traditions of man like earthlings do, but it is unique the way Father orchestrated everything in heaven so precisely.

Truly I tell you, no man can perceive

God, and no one can understand His ways because like He always say,

His ways are way higher than our ways.

His thoughts are way higher than our thoughts.

And what the Holy Father is doing for those who truly Love Him in heaven, no man can conceived.

For what eyes have not seen, and nor ears have yet heard.

That is why I am always amazed by Him.

He always blow my mind day after day.

Pa never runs out of surprises hehe 😁

And I see wonderful gifts of boxes from the biggest on the bottom, to medium size, and to smallest size piled on top of each other in different colors, with a beautiful greeting card on the very top.

Eh you see how He loves?

My pa is so swweeeeeeeet.

The sweetest and the most adorable pa in the whole wide world. My heart melts in His love. 😭❤️

Picture and imagine what I share to you?

If that was you, aren't you going to cry in tears of joy filled with excitement, and amazement by the kind of love that He is?

Ahh haa! You have no idea how loving our ever dearest beloved Father, for if you truly know this about Him.

You will never doubt Him, and you will never live in fear again.

But you will truly trust that He is what He says He is in the Holy Scripture.

He does what He said He will do. He is the God of His word, and He honors His words.

Then afterwards, Father started singing to me a song. A song I am familiar with for this is a song I sang to Him all the time. 😃


There is none like You

No one else can touch

My heart like You do

I could search for all eternity, long

And find, there is none like You

There is none like You,

No one else can touch

My heart like You do

I could search for all eternity, long

And find, there is none like You

There is none like You

No one else can touch

My heart like You do

I could search for all eternity, long

And find, there is none like You

I could search for all eternity, long

And find, there is none like You


Then Father said to me,

"There is none like you"


He never found anyone like me since 2000 years ago.

He never met someone like me, who will go above and beyond for Him.

Who don't mind to suffer for His name sake. Who will drink the cup of bitterness and sorrow just like my pa.

Who don't mind to be persecuted, hated, despice by many, but yet still loves thy enemies.

Who don't mind to carry my cross and carry it each day.

Who do not mind to carry other peoples burdens without complaining or grumbling but simply because I do it for love.

A child after His own heart.

Who will leave everything behind, job, career, world, family, friends, wealth, riches, and yes even fame just to follow Him.

He never met someone who will actually apply His written words and obey Him.

And who will truly love Him.

Who will not be afraid to speak.

He said just now yes it is true.

For He never found anyone like me.

This reminded me.

That His words commanded us,

Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul.

Not one person love Him with all their hearts, all their mind, and all their souls Father said.

They say it, but do not do it this is what He told me. 😢😭💔

Father said though many of My children say they love Me, but they don't. For I search the heart not their words, as love is not just something we say.

Love is something WE DO.

We are not defined by what we claim. But we are defined by what we do. We are not what we say, we are what we do.

Love is sacrifice, I gave My very own life as a living sacrifice for My children that is the true meaning of love.

Love is willing to lay down His life for His friends.

Love is actions, not just words.

He is the very person of love, for He is love. His character is Love.

Love is His person.

And He knows who truly loves Him. He knows who is just saying it, and He knows who is doing it.

Father said yes many serve Him.

But to them it's just a job, not because they truly love Him.

Some serve Him, just to obey the call for they don't want to be left behind, when He returns not because they love Him.

Others serve Him for the reasons it's only a duty for them, in other words, serving Him is only a responsibility, but not because of true love.

And the Father said,

He is not their first love. Not one of His people who profess to follow Him truly loves Him.

This makes Father sad. 🥺

For love is not just a word.

Love is doing what He commanded us to do. For those who truly loves Him obeys Him. It is written.

It's easier to say, "I LOVE YOU" but without actions is not true love but fake love.

When we say we love Him, yet our actions speaks otherwise we are only fooling ourselves and Him.

When we tell Him, your my first love, but turn around and lick your vomits again and do the opposite is not really love.

When we claim to say we are christians, but yet we can't even do a simple thing, and that is to obey His words, and follow Him then we are only lying to Him.

For to follow Him is to serve Him, to serve Him is to follow Him, so why do I need to convinced you to serve, and tell you that if you don't, you will be left behind?

That to me is a low blow.

I shouldn't have to tell you what you need to do. You are grown people not little kids.

The fact that I still need to convinced you to follow Him, after being informed of the knowledge of Christ, and knowing the truth does not mean you love Him.

He said it's true.

Father said many of His people say this to Him everyday, He hears them say it, but their hearts are far off.

My people worship Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me.

Many say He is their everything, and they profess so many vows, and plenty of broken promises to Him.

Little they know Father hears everything they are saying, yet no actions this is what He said just now while scribing.

This breaks my heart. 💔

The church loves to make false promises to Him, and even make broken vows in their prayer time, but do not commit to what they say they will do.

Until now still to no avail.

Father said it is a sin to make vows and promises to Him but do not commit.

It is also a sin to Him when you make promises to others, and make vows you know you cannot fulfill.

Many claim to say to Him, that they will do anything for Him, and that they are willing to die for Him, but when He tells them to die to self they can't even do.

Then some say Lord send me, and use me for your glory, yet when He calls them to follow Him they do not answer to the call.

Just like when Peter said to Jesus.

Lord I am willing to die for you, and go wherever you go, I will do anything for you, but when the time they captured Jesus.

He denied the Lord 3 times. 😭

And when the times becomes harder and even harder as the day goes by for the disciples.

Peter left the Lord, and abandoned Him all alone dry and empty in the cold. And He was supposed to be His rock.

His bestfriend.

And the rest of the disciples left Jesus all alone on the cross while He was being crucified, and hide from the romans because of fear.

The only ones who was there for Him, to truly support Him, and show love for Him, was the beloved apostle John, and Mary Magdalene and Virgin Mary.

I can't imagine leaving my Lord all alone in the cold. I can't leave Him like that.

If that was me I will go, and be there like Mary, and John they was both there from the beginning to the end.

It will probably hurt me so much.

And maybe I will passed out from heart trauma to see my beloved Lord crucified but I will be there right by His side. 😭

People never apply what they claim to say. They keep making promises they cannot keep just like Peter.

You say too many things you cannot do or even keep for the Lord.

And that break His heart. 🥺

They speak what they do not apply.

Thus Father said to me.

I am one in a million. A rare breed.

I am different, one of a kind.

Though I am a simple woman of God.

But I serve an extraordinary God.

I keep my promises to my Abba.

Though I am not perfect for I too have many flaws, and short comings.

But atleast I do my best to follow, and obey His commands.

Like I mentioned I am not perfect.

I am not a talker, nor a listener or a hearer of His words, but I am a doer of His written words.

Everything I do in secret is only for His eyes to see, not for all the nations to see.

It's between me and the Lord.

And why I serve only in secret.

Why Father calls me His hidden one. Because I am hidden in Him for He is the Only One Who can see me personally.

Only He is my witness.

He calls me His "BESTFRIEND"

For the reasons My Abba Father is not just a friend to me, but He is my bestfriend.

Infact He is way more than just a Savior.

He is way more than just a Lord. He is waaay more than just a Father to me.

I cherished Him with all my being.

He is my love, my first love. 😭

To those who knows me knows what I say.

And for those who do not know me, do not know what I am saying.

I left all my friends, families and my career to follow Him.

Including the world, fame, and gave away all my possession just to serve Him.

I live a lonely life. This journey is not easy. Nor its glamorous like many of you think.

It can be very lonely at times too. 😔

Therefor I don't have friends or families.

I only have spiritual childrens and sisters and brothers in the Lord.

He knows I am only telling the truth.

But though I am alone, but I am not alone my pa, my bestfriend, my bride groom, my God, and my King is with me.

He is always with me.

Thus I am never alone in that aspect.

He is all I have. I have no one else but my Abba. And I cry while I share this.

Without Him I don't know what I will do.

I don't know what I will do without my pa.

I can do nothing apart from Him.

And why I call Him my best "FRIEND".

Many wants to call Him bestfriend but do not have a clue what they profess. They do not even know what it truly means to be someones friend, let alone bestfriend.

In this time of age, there is no longer such thing as a true friend. For many who I considered friend betrayed me.

Just like Judas Escariot betrayed Jesus.

There are many more of those kind of friends backstabbers, fake, and jealous of you.

Most times the people we show love the most, and trust so much often times are the one who are capable of betraying you.

Not all your friends who calls you a friend are truly a true friend. Often times they just waiting for you to fall and wish you to fail.

And they rejoice in your downfall behind your back then gossip you to all the people around you.

This is also one of the reasons I don't have friends.

Father said yes they do not know what they speak and proclaim.

But not me, I know what I am saying.

Ephesians 4:30

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Don't grieve Him for He is all I have. 😭

He is the only person, and the Only One Who holds that title in my heart. He knows I speak only the truth.

I have no reasons to lie.

Meanwhile all of you have many friends out there you spend time to eat with.

Go shopping, go out for dinners, go for coffees, and trips to the beach to have picnics.

You have family and friends you spend quality time with on a daily basis.

Me on the other hand, do not have any friends. I do not have anyone I can talk to, when I am down or when I am sad.

I have nobody to run to for prayers or help when I am under attacked or when I am afflicted or battled weary.

But all I have is my Abba Father.

Not that I am complaining for this is the life I choose is to be seperated from the world, and to live a life of consecration.

I don't regret my life one bit.

Though I maybe alone, but I am not really alone, I am with my pa all day everyday 24/7.

I am surrounded with thousands of Gods Holy angels day and night.

My life is not ordinary like you.

But I wouldn't want to do it any other way and that is a choice I personally made.

A consecrated life is a lonely life.

No friends, no families around to keep you company, and no time for fun times and enjoyments.

I don't have days off, and I don't have time for vacation days to go out for fun and live my life.

This is what it means, my life is no longer my own. For I no longer make my own decision, but only God makes the decision for me.

My life belongs to Him and Him alone.

I gave up my own free will long ago.

Consecration is a life completely surrendered to the Lord.

Leaving the cares of this world including your job/career, giving all your possesion away to the poor, leaving your friends and family behind to pick up your cross to follow, and serve the Lord.

That is what it's like to live a consecrated life. A life seperated from the world. Not doing whatever you think is right in Gods sight.

Even if you think you are doing Gods work, but if it's His will still in vain He said.

And yes even if you are serving, but if that is not where the Lord is calling you then it's still useless to Him Father said.

For we are not here to do our own will but only to do the Heavenly Fathers will.

And many of you are doing that.

I see you all doing things God did not ordained you to do. For He did not call you in that function.

But you continue to do your own will.

Even without consulting Him or asking Him for approval or wisdom.

That is why He said no one loves Him.

For though many of you serve Him, and you may think in your perspective it is pleasing to the Lord, but actually not.

Remember I said we are not called to do our own desires and will, but His will to be done in our lives.

We are not our own, but we are bought with the price.

And there is no other will but the Fathers will to be done, thy kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

When pa I knew that it's our 7th anniversary for giving my life to Him.

I remembered this song I always sing.

For I was reminded the day I was saved.

And this song I dedicate only for Him.


I remember the moment,

when You saved my soul

Desperate and broken,

and You made me whole

Oh, I once was an orphan till You, brought me home

I remember the moment,

when You saved my soul

You've been nothing but good,

Nothing but good to me

You've been nothing but kind,

Nothing but kind to me

All of my days, time after time,

You've been faithful all my life

You've been nothing but good,

God, You are good to me

Jesus, there's nothing,

that Your love can't do

You parted the oceans,

and You brought me through,

Lifted up from the ashes,

You make all things new

Oh, Jesus, there's nothing,

that Your love can't do

You've been nothing but good,

Nothing but good to me

You've been nothing but kind,

Nothing but kind to me

All of my days, time after time,

You've been faithful all my life

You've been nothing but good,

God, You are good to me

I want to say thank You, thank You

For everything You've done,

I will praise You, praise You

For all that's yet to come,

I want to say thank You, thank You

For everything You've done,

God, I will praise You, praise You

For all that's yet to come,

You've been nothing but good

Nothing but good to me,

You've been nothing but kind

Nothing but kind to me,

All of my days, time after time

You've been faithful,

You've been nothing but good

Nothing but good to me,

You've been nothing but kind

Nothing but kind to me,

All of my days, time after time

You've been faithful all my life,

You've been nothing but good

God, You are good to me.


I was ones blind, but now I see. I was ones lost, but now I am found. I was ones a slave, but now I am free. 😭

Thank you for everything you done pa.

I will praise you, for all that's yet to come. Thank you for being you, for being the way you are.

Thank you for what you did for me, and for what you are about to do in my life.

I will praise you even in my pain. And I will still praise you through the storms. And even in my sorrow, I will still praise your holy name. 😭🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️

And id like to share my love letter from pa that I receive through His servant.

Here it is... 📜

The Battle Field has become the Harvest Field! Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy!"

I saw the Warrior Bride of Christ running with sheaves in her hand. And I hear "It is Harvest Time!" And know this, Child of God. The King is not just in the field during a certain time of the year, but He is always on the Battle Field with you! His Supernatural Grace is sufficient, your warfare on the battlefield is bringing forth your Harvest!

"Beloved. You have planted your seeds with your tears. For many months, even years, you saw no evidence that these seeds were even alive. But rejoice, My Child. In the dark, LIFE has been germinating.

"Every word you spoke in faith kept HOPE alive and growing in your heart. You have patiently endured, Dear One. Now you shall see My Goodness in the land of the living because you did not faint.

"As surely as there is seed time and harvest, you shall reap MULTIPLIED blessings. Grace upon grace, blessing upon blessing has been placed in your account. For the Ultimate Seed was the Son who died for you, and rose again in victory.

"For in this one Holy and Divine Act has your salvation been fully completed. The One who gave His only Son, with Him now I give you ALL things freely. Do not let doubt and fear keep you from what I have declared is yours, My Child.

"The King is on the Battlefield with you. I have come to vindicate you. I bring LIFE and Light to every seed sown. The Seed that was threatened to bruise the serpent's head is here and I shall bless you and your seed. The Battlefield has become the Harvest Field!

"You are NOT cursed, but you are My Blessed One. Hold out your hands in faith, My Child. You shall not want. Indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore.

"You are My Warrior of Patient Endurance. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying their sheaves with them.

"You have wept and warred and carried the Seed of My Word and the Voice of My Prophecy on the Battlefield and you shall return with songs of JOY. Your seed has produced a hundredfold harvest! And you shall possess the gates of your enemy.

"Rejoice, Beloved! It is HARVEST TIME!"


"We often think of it as 100 times the original seed sown, but in reality it can be much greater than that. More accurately, the hundredfold return is simply the greatest possible return on any particular seed sown. The hundredfold represents the blessings of God. A harvest that is too great to count." (Bible References)


Hebrew Meaning:

"The phrase denotes conquest. "Gate" or "gates" were the security of the city and the whole country round about and where courts of judicature were held. This phrase is expressive of an entire jurisdiction and dominion over the people; and was literally fulfilled in the times of Joshua, David, and Solomon; and spiritually in Jesus Christ, who was the Father's Principal Seed, through whom He destroyed Satan and his principalities and powers; overcame the world; made an end of sin and abolished death; and delivered His people out the hands of all their enemies; and in Whom we are made more than conquerors over the enemy, through Christ that has loved us." (Biblehub)

...Genesis 22:17

"Indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of their enemies."

...Psalm 126:5-6

"Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy. He who goes out weeping, bearing a trail of seed, will surely return with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him."

...Romans 8:32

"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?"

...Luke 8:15

"But as for that in the good soil, these are the ones who, when they hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patient endurance."

...Genesis 8:22

"While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

...Matthew 17:20

"For truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you."

...John 12:23-24

"But Jesus replied, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a seed; but if it dies, it bears much fruit."

Beloved, Do you hear the Sound of the Mighty Rushing Wind? Do you hear the Voice of Many Waters? This Wind is not like any other. It is bringing a Mighty Downpour. A Downpour of Water and Fire. I am pouring out My Spirit in these last days.

"The Time is now. I am pouring out My Spirit upon the Sons and Daughters. Though you may not have seen how I was working and tweaking and rearranging, you are being changed from one level of Glory to another.

"As you with an unveiled face contemplate your King's Glory, you are being transformed into My image with ever-increasing Glory, which comes from the Lord, who is Spirit. The Spirit dwells in you and My Spirit hovers over you to accomplish My Perfect Plans.

"It is the Breath of the Almighty giving you LIFE. Those things I have spoken will come to pass. Do you feel the Quickening in your spirit man? It is I, blowing upon the embers, fanning them into flame. Living Waters are flowing, bringing Light and Life.

"You are neither young or old in the Spirit, My Child. Therefore My Word declares that in this Appointed Time, those having authority will dream prophetic dreams, and you shall perceive and look intently upon and behold My Glory.

"I shall bring you to the Valley of Vision and we shall have Divine Communion and Communication. This is the Latter Outpouring. The more chaos the enemy tries to stir up, the more powerful the Flow of the Spirit in you to overcome.

"You shall dwell in My Glory and come out of this Downpour and speak Oracles and Divine Messages and you shall bring a specific word to those who are weary. So step into this Realm of Grace and Glory.

"Words of Wisdom and Knowledge from on High shall come to you. And you shall speak weighty messages of great importance. I have chosen you, Dear One. You are the called and the Chosen and the faithful.

"And I will pour out on you Divine Inspiration and impart warlike energy, and executive and administrative power. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

"And I shall endow My People with various gifts that shall manifest in My Shekinah Glory.

"Oh, get excited, My Child. Rejoice for I am pouring out the Divine Energy of Life. The River from the Throne of Grace is flowing to all who will receive it. It is the Waterfall of Light and Life which brings vitality, vigor, and courage!

"You shall receive a new boldness to speak what I speak, to impart what I impart, to see as your Father sees. For now you see as if in a mirror dimly, but in this outpouring, you shall see Me Face to face.

" The previous and incomplete knowledge you have had shall be lost in the Superior Brightness of the Crystal River. It is a Downpour and in it you shall see clearly and know clearly, and gaze at Realms of Eternity. In this Place of Heavenly Perfection, you will know fully just as you are known.

"For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in a high and holy place, and with the oppressed and humble in spirit, to restore the spirit of the lowly and revive the heart of the crushed.

"And I shall speak with you Face to face, clearly and not in riddles; and you shall see the form of the LORD. You shall see the Lord, high and lifted up. The Majesty on High. And you shall see My Glory!"

Halleluyaaaaaah to the King of Kings, and to the Lord of Lords. Hosannah in the highest heaven.

To my Redeemer and the Savior of my soul. Maranatha come Lord Jesus.


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