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MARH 10 2024

Jocee Tan by hiddenremnant

1 John 2:20, “But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.” The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Knowing; He is the Revealer of truth; He is the One that makes the truth real to us.

Colossians 1:26 The mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints.

Last week as I was spending time with the Father during the day in silence and stillness.

I was taken in a vision.

And I saw little children age of 8 to 13 years old.

I watch many innocent children both boy and girls sitting and watching the movie turning red at home. 🖥

And as they watch the movie.

I see in the realms of the spirit the demon red panda is in their midst.

He is a huge demon about 12 foot tall and he looks just like the cartoon red.

Demonizing the little children as they continue to watch.

I see this demon hypnotizing them.

And all the children who watch this movie are also turning red.

Then Father revealed to me.

This cartoon turning red is not just a cartoon but an actual real demon.

It is made by satan himself.

To destroy the life of this innocent kids.

For the purpose of destroying the new generation of prophetic and apostolic.

Because many of our childrens today have been called in the prophetic.

The enemy wants to destroy their childhood now and their upbringing while they are still young.

I saw this demon before in my vision last 2022 Father revealed to me.

Red panda is on earth and he has come to manipulate, and hypnotized the children to become lustful. Evil. Angry. And rebellious to their parents.

To disobey their parents at a young age.

Which reminded me of the young little ones I saw on reels not too long ago.

This young ones only age 3 - 8 years old making videos of them putting make up on, and applying very expensive skin care products for their content.

They even have their own blog.

Can you believe that?

Yes, they are only 6 and 8 years old.

And already have their own make up and fashion blog.

As I continue to watch their content I can't help myself but in disbelief and was very saddened of the conditions of this world.

This is what the world has become today.

Even our little children are no longer doing what normal childrens do.

I remember back in my time.

I never use to have cell phone, or computer, or laptop not even a tablet or ipad.

I have none. But only play outside with other children.

In todays generation is wicked and evil.

But it is not our childrens fault but the parents. 😔💔

And there is no one else to blame but the parents for allowing their young one to be addicted to make up and skin care and all the vanities of this world.

I am mortified for the children today.

For it is not their fault they are completely innocent and knows not what they do. My heart grieves and have been interceding and praying for our children.

It is the lacking of parental guidance in the homes today, why our generation has become so rebellious in this age.

Turning red from pixar the movie promotes idle, worldliness, lust, pride, rebellion, idolatry, obsession, narcisist, anxiety, anger, disohonor, mental health and disobedient to parents.

What is written above are all demon personalities. It is a spirit behind it. And anyone who watches this movie becomes demonized Father said.

Parents please be warned and be extra cautious not to allow your children watch this movie or any cartoon movies like disney.

It's diabolic made by the kingdom of darkness from the marine world to lure your children to become demonized.

These are my findings in regards to the movie for I have never watch it. And not planning to either.

One of the biggest controversies comes from viewers seeing the movie as too mature, or inappropriate. Namely, this comes when Mei first transforms into the red panda, and her mom assumes she started her period – though the word is never actually spoken.

It represents being angry, being embarrassed or being very lustful for someone,” Shi told The New York Times. In the movie, it is revealed that all the women in Mei's family turn into red pandas every time they are overcome with anger or frustration, and the reason for this family curse is rooted in Mei's ancestry.

It depicted her struggles with mental health and intergenerational trauma.

Parents see that if a child doesn't do each thing a parent wants, means the child is disrespectful and disobedient. Second is because of the mention of puberty. They don't want their kids to watch the movie over a few scenes of her mom holding pads and her being boy crazy.

A refreshingly frank take on teenage anxiety.

Viewers says.


Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.

Ephesians 3:9 And to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God, who created all things.

1 Timothy 4:16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

2 Timothy 3:1-17 But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, [ disobedient to their parents, ] ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, [ lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, ] having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

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