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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant



by Hidden Remnant

Those who have ears to hear, listen to the word of the Lord.

I am not here to disclosed false prophets and false teachers; and I have said this before time; and time again. As I am not your typical servant who LOVES to publicized false ministers for my own personal persuits.

But I come to teach, to educate you. In hopes that you will discern who is true, and who is false; after I reveal it to you; who is who without actually telling you "WHO".

Now you have to understand.....


Here are the following list below.

Their only "MAIN FOCUS" are these:

#1 IMAGE | how you dress, and how you present yourself is everything to the religious leaders. Being successful means false according to their perspective. For you are not allowed to be wealthy as a believer. They judge NOT RIGHTEOUSLY, but they judge based on what they see, and how you look outwardly, as they only seek for the OUTWARD APPEARANCE of a man not the actual inwards appearance. They judge according to "HOW THEY SEE FIT" led by their flesh, not by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Thus, if they see any minister wear nice clothes, or name brands, or living a rich and luxury lifestyle, you automatically on a chopping block of being false. There is a demon personality behind this kind of erroneous doctrine. Pay close attention, and heed to all the SIGNS I am revealing to all of you. These people are filled of bible knowlegde for they are theologians, ideologies, and heresies, but LACK Holy Spirit.

They have no reverencial fear of the Lord to release JUDGEMENT, CONDEMNATION, and ACCUSSATION, GOSSIP & SLANDER against their own brothers, and sisters in the Lord, without showing mercy. For they have no mercy. These are the qualities, and characteristics of false teachers of the law, and false prophets. For didn't the bible declares, anyone who claims to love God, but have no love for their brothers are liars, and the truth is not in them. Thus the Lord Jesus Christ said you will know them by their fruits.

Fruits are the attributes of the Holy Spirit.

If there is more hate, than love; then that shows their actual fruits. Especially if their hate message overpowers their love message; then truly I tell you; that proves that their fruits is not of the Holy Spirit; but from an evil spirit; for they lack heart. There are only TWO SPIRIT, the Holy Spirit or demon spirit as there is no middle ground. Just like you can't serve the world, and God at the same time; but you must choose only one. Whom shall you serve.

As they preach with no brotherly love for others, since they have no compassion or sympathy for the SINNERS. As if they think they are so clean with no sin. They teach nothing about the LOVE OF CHRIST and forgiveness of sin, holiness; peace; hope; repentance; mercy and justice.

[ The demon spirit behind this teaching is the religious spirit Father said. ]

1 John 1:8📜

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.

John 7:24 📜

Tells us, "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." The Bible has told us to judge, but we are to judge by what is right. We are not to condemn, and we are not to be judgmental. Rather, we should make evaluations. We should be discerning.

#2 PROSPERITY💰 | sow a seed of faith, and you shall prosper. And receive your breakthrough, miracles and etc.

[ The demon spirit behind this kind of teachings are the spirit of mammoth. ]

Matthew 6:24📜

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

#3 VACCINE 💉 | the essence of their topic is mark of the beast, and vaccine. They stand for their human precept, and teachings not the WORD OF GOD. There is no message of the cross. For they have indeed an appearance of wisdom, in promoting self-made religion; and self denial, and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh. For that is their main focus. They teach not of the cross, and the sacrifices of Jesus Christ. Nor you will ever hear preachings of salvation, love, repentance, and forgiveness of sin being mentioned in their content.

As soon as the teachings are not sound, and biblical; and only focuses on one verses or one chapter; and completely disregard the rest of the scriptures; that makes it a MANS DOCTRINE. Because though it is true, but what happen to the rest of the scripture? Are we just going to nitpick, and quote verses depending to our own likings; what suits our needs; and exclude the rest because we don't like it? Mark of the beast should not be our daily topic, or main focus; for the core foundation of the GOSPEL of Christ is the CROSS.

The name Jesus should be exalted, and should be our number one daily priority; and topic when teaching at all times, not about the vaccine. As we are glorifying the devils name, way more than JESUS NAME. That's exactly the enemies main goal, is to keep the church distracted on vaccine the mark of the beast; rapture; and end time events; rather than the message of the CROSS. For the message of the cross gives life. And life more abundantly.

[ Same spirit operating behind number #1 on number #3 is the religious spirit. ]

Colossians 2:20-23📜

If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations “Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch” (referring to things that all perish as they are used) according to human precepts and teachings? These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.

#4 DREAMS/VISION 💭 | they are driven with spiritual giftings, deliverance; and healing. Sign, miracles; and wonders are the FUNDAMENTALS of their ministry; but not JESUS CHRIST Who is the author; and the finisher of our faith. They barely preach about the MESSAGE OF THE CRUCIFIXION and the RESSURECTION of CHRIST. Their content is the essence of false dreams, and visions that comes from the false lights. As they are deeply rooted in the false doctrines of demons, and spirit of deceits; not from GOD, but from the fallen angels. Instead of concentrating on what the LORD JESUS CHRIST HAS DONE ON THE CROSS, yet they are more obsess over false dreams, false visions; and teachings of demons.

[ The spirit operating behind it are the spirit of deceit, spirit of divination, familiar spirit, and kundalini spirits. ]

1 Timothy 4:1📜

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.

#5 ENTERTAINMENT MINISTRY OF FAME | These false prophets are motivated by greed, fame, riches, followers, influence and popularity on socmed. They behave more like content creators, and bloggers on facebook rather than true servants. As they are deeply grounded in power, title, and glory not the vine. Who can cast out the most demons, and who can heal the sick the most in public, for all eyes to see their amazing merit; and great works. They take pleasures in COMPETING with other ministries, but not SERVING. Who is better, and who is the most anointed one is the coolest of all. They find pleasure in smoke screen, and lights camera action on the pulpit.

They live for crusades, and conference meeting rather than serving in secret for the audience of one. Who can worship and sing the best, and who have the best platform, perhaps biggest church of all is the most anointed minister. You see them everywhere on the media, as they are very much honored, and respected by a number of deceive and blind guides who follows them around like puppets.

The demon personality operating behind them, are very dangerous. For they seem to come out very powerful, and anointed who can perform many signs, miracles; and wonders infront of the crowd. But the Holy Father said, do not let that fool you, and be not deceive for the power behind it is the power of the fallen angels, called FALSE FIRE of divination. The devil can also cause man to fall on the ground, and shake as if it seems the Holy Spirit is moving on their midst. Truly I tell you, do not let that fool you, yet pray and always ask the Holy Father to confirm to you, but don't be so easily persuaded like a fool. Be wise as a serpent.

[ The demon personalities operating behind entertainment ministry of fame is the spirit of leviathan. But the spirit of pride never works alone, yet in partners with the spirit of Jezebel, and together with the spirit of balaam. ]

Matthew 24:24📜

For false christs and false prophets will arise and ( PERFORM GREAT SIGNS,) and ( WONDERS, ) so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15📜

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.

#6 FALSE VERSION OF HOLINESS | some denomination truly, and deeply believe in their religious mind, that if you are a woman, you must only wear a long dress, a long skirt with a head covering. Several christian denomination even say, that as a woman, your hair must be long, and should not be cut short. They say that if a woman wear a trouser, they will go to hell. And that no females are allowed to wear make up, jewellery or any types of accessories for they claim to say that it is a sin against God.

Father said, I tell you the gospel truth all these are FALSE DOCTRINE from demons. It comes from the doctrine of demons. The spirit of deceit. I have asked the Holy Father about these kinds of doctrine, and Father said erroneous. For it is not a sin to wear a light, and simple powder, a lip balm, if lips are cracking. Or even a light lipstick or light blush is not a sin. Nor it is a sin to wear mens clothing. Not at all. It only makes it a sin to Him, if you wear very tight; and revealing clothing that shows your skin; your body shape, your breast; and legs. Perhaps too much skin exposure definetly not modest to the sight of the Lord. It is not a sin to wear trousers or pants, or light make up. And it is okay to cut your hair short. The Father does not seek your OUTWARDS APPEARANCE but He searches the heart. What you eat does not defile you. But what comes out of you is what defiles you. Therefor what is inside of you matters way more than your looks.

I hope that by educating, and sharing this revelations; helps you identify the distinction by using sharp discernment between true; and false in this hour.

1 Timothy 2:9📜

I also want the women to DRESS MODESTLY, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with ELABORATE hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes.

But this does not mean you cannot wear a simple earrings or your wedding ring. For a wedding ring is just a form of a marriage vow. A sign of honor.

The intentions behind it is not for SELF INDULGENCE, but simply it is to honor your spouse. I wear my wedding ring and it does not mean, I will go to hell for wearing a jewelry. “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as ELABORATE hairstyles, and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.

Modest is unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements. It means SIMPLE. Having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits, importance, etc; free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions. Simplicity is beauty.

Elaborate meaning involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed, and complicated in design; and planning. And one of the ways to describe this is how EGYPTIAN women and men dress and style. As you see they are covered of gold jewellery from head to toe. Now that is the meaning of ELABORATE. Thus what the Father meant to really say in the scriptures, dress in MODERATION just not EXAGGERATION like the egyptian goddess.

Moderation is the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behavior. The quality of being moderate; restraint; avoidance of extremes or excesses; temperance.

Exaggeration a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is, to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; overstate.

To be continued......

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