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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant



MAY 2 2024 | 5PM

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

To be continued......

From yesterdays encounter.

I was taken into a strong battle against the generational curse demon, that has been a stronghold in my families blood line on my Father side.

Generational curse can take years to breakthrough and destroy.

It does not take overnight.

For this battle is not only a fight for oneself, but a fight from your forefathers and ancestral side from generation to generation.

And we are talking about 1000 years or more.

Why most times you feel like you are bound and you can't seem to breakthrough.

For it takes many sessions of deliverance to be able to break free from a generational curse to be completely severed and broken.

I was fighting the ancient demon stronghold that's been in my family lineage from my great great great forefathers side, in order to set my whole entire family free from this bloodline curse.

For the curse must end.

If it does not end, it will continue to your childrens children.

Behold, Father has taken me back all the way to thousands of years ago, back in my ancestral time, waaay before my parents was even born.

And I stood face to face before this giant ancient demon rhinoceraus.


I knew then it's going to be a fierce war.

But I am not alone, my Father is with me and so as my warring angels fighting along side me.

Nothing is too big for the LORD.

What is big for you and me? Is puny to the Father. Just have faith.

I keep asking Father how long will the battle continue?

He said not yet over, but keep fighting!

I keep fighting, then I ask again...

Asking my commander in chief.

Is it over? He said yes it's finished.

Father said YES! 😅

Phew! Father always gives me the victory.

Always warring beside me.

The battles are rigged in my favor.

Amen halleluyaaah! thank you Lord.

Thank you Lord for fighting for me.

Victory is mine. I am a victor, because I got it from my Abba. It runs through my veins.

My dna is the blood of Jesus.

I am my Fathers child.

Thank you pa for always being by my side.

Then after the fierce warfare.

Father had a BIG surprised for me.

I was not expecting it at all.

He took me to my grandmas house in heaven.


We had a wonderful time with my nanay.

She cooked for us wonton soup.

My favorite mmmhh!!

And my grandma just look stunning, and so beautiful.

She looks like in her 20's I kid you not.

People in heaven do not grow old.

They stay young forever.

Her face is so smooth and soft like wax and butter.

Just awemazing. 😃

I can't believe we are in her house.

And she made my favorite dumpling soup.

People in heaven still lives their life almost like earth except with no sin.

Everything is clean, and in order in heaven. You will not find any dirt or germs or even garbage.

And though the saints eat in heaven, but they do not defecate.

There is no sucn thing as poop in heaven for there is no such thing as waste.

Yes the Kingdom of Heaven is the world of order everything is organized.

And heaven is all about righteous and justice but overflowing with Gods love.

The last time I saw my nanay, when I was only 6 years old, when she passed away.

And I was laying on her hospital bed on her last breath until Jesus took her home.

That was the very last time I saw her again.

But Father allowed me to see her few months back in heaven.

When she was dancing flamenco.

And yesterday was the second time.

She smiled, and smiled at me, with so much excitement to see her grandchild.

Then Father made me know.

She knows everything about me.

I was like woaaaahh!! Really?

Father said yes, because He told my nanay about me.

He told me that my nanay is very proud of me. Woaaaah! 🥺😭

Like a parent proud of her youngins.

How great is my Abba Fathers love?

That He will allow me to see my nanay.

And visit her, and cook us my favorite soup.

My nanay ask me so many questions, with her beautiful black curly short hair, and gorgoeus smile, with beautiful white and sparkling perfect teeth.

Ahhh so wonderful.

She keep saying to me "Oooh good good, very good". While she was making the dough on her hand for the dumplings.

And I just watch her in awe.

She keep saying very good!

Like a proud grandma.

She knows about my promotion too.

I was so shocked Father told her everything about me. Hehe! 🤭

I am so giggly like a little kid when I am with my Abba.

As I watch her roll dough, and make nice dumpling shape like wonton on her kitchen counter. Hee!

She was busy cooking for me and Abba.

She didn't know I was coming to visit her.

My nanay was so shocked, and surprised to see me, and Abba together.

I am so amazed, I can't believe I get to spend time with her, and my Abba.

This can only be given to me, all by the grace of God in my life. 🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🏼

Thank you pa love you.

My Abba love me so much.

This is how Father spoil those who deligently seek Him, and who Loves Him with all their mind, heart, body, and soul.

If you only love Him the ways He should be love, and adored you too will see His glory.

If you only obey Him, and surrender the cares of this world He will also spoil you.

If you only follow His perfect will, and carry your cross, and pay the price you will have encounters after encounters.

But the choice is yours.

I tell you this things because I want you all to know how much Father loves us.

If your earthly father gives you good gifts, how much more your heavenly Father?

My Abba gives me everything.

Even when I do not ask He still so graciously, and freely give. Now that's true love only a Holy Father can give.

I am so happy. ❤️

I cannot keep smiling.

Just wowowoowow! What a celebration.

And what a perfect way to end the war in my families lineage. Only God can do, what no man can do.

I am still in awwe of Gods favor in my life.

If you ever wonder what is the favor of God, that is the favor of God.

To end the generational curse from my fathers side, on top of that Father gave me the victory, and then allows me to visit my nanay in heaven, and have dinner with her, and my Abba was just the best reward eveeeer!! 🎉

I am in so much awe of the goodness of God. Ofcourse my greatest reward is my Abba. And will always be forever. 🏆

But there is nothing more exciting than this. I tell you all the truth. I would not want it any other way, like I said yesterday.

My Father completes me, and makes me the happiest child in the whole universe.

Halleluyah glory to God in the highest.

To the King of Kings, and Lords of Lord.

Glory to the Father Son, and the Father God, and Holy Spirit.

The One Who was and is and is to come.

My good good papa. 🙏🏼❤️

What a wonderful experience.

An encounter I will not forget. 🥹

Revelation 12:11

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

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