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JUNE 2022

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

As I was praying I was asking Father God, what He wants me to tell His people.

Then He reminded me of the vision He showed me 3 months ago.

On the month of June 2022 while I was spending time with the Father God, in the sacred space during the day around 3pm.

Father God opened my spiritual eyes.

And then I see Him at the court room in heaven standing on the judges bench.

Father God was wearing all white long sleeves robes all the way to His ankle, with light gray wraps around His shoulder all the way to His waist area.

With His snowwhite wavy hair shoulder lenght. Father God looks glorious. But He looks very serious.

I must say Father God looks angry. 😔

Then I saw His right hand on His chin and He was really focus about what He was reading.

I saw He was reading a scroll.

Then I asked Him in the spirit what are you doing apa?

Why so serious? What are you reading?

Then I saw He was reading an ancient scroll, and His face was very firm.

I received in my spirit Father God has made up His mind.

And I saw Him signed the scroll 📜 and turn His back, and leave the judges bench court room.

Then Father God made me know in my spirit, He made His decision. His Son Jesus already opened the 7th seals and it is done.

Then I heard in my spirit go and tell them it is TIME. 🕰

E n d o f m y v i s i o n.

And about the month of August during at 1 in the morning, as I am praying in tongues.

Suddenly my eyes open in the spirit.

Then I saw a church in my vision. ⛪️

Inside the church I saw many members seated.

And I saw the church on fire and all the members are burning.

Looks to me like the whole church building is burning in hell. 😥

Like hell on earth.

The members look like they are screaming in so much agony and anguish for help.

Many people are inside the church building.

The whole congregation was on fire.

At first I was wondering what is this?

Are the people burning, because of the revival fire of the Holy Ghost?

Then Father God is saying.

I have released My judgment upon the church.

❌️Church who don't preach My truth.

❌️Church corruption and deception will fall.

❌️Religious church.

❌️Church who steal tithes and offerings.

❌️Church leaders who deceives My children.

❌️Church who persecutes, judges, and falsely accused My true servants the prophets.

❌️Church filled with pride.

❌️Church who sows discord amongst the brethrens.

❌️Church who mocks, and scoff at My prophets.

❌️Church who causes division in My body.

❌️Church who rejects My warnings, messages and word through My prophets.

❌️Church leaders who lies and make up false testimonies, like false dreams, false visions and false encounter.

❌️Church leaders who lies to the members.

❌️Church who compromised My truth and lukewarms.

❌️Church leaders who aren't called in the office of a prophets but claims to be prophets.

❌️Church leaders who gossips, slanders and jealous their own brethrens.

❌️Church leaders who control members.

❌️Church pastors who threathens the members, if they leave something bad will happen to them.

❌️Church who twist the bible doctrine.

❌️Church leaders with filthy mind and filled with lust.

❌️Church leaders who uses control and manipulation.

❌️Church pastor who takes the money from the believers and pockets them.

❌️Church members who rather follow the doctrine of man, than follow My laws.

❌️Church members who idolized their pastors and worship their leaders.

❌️Church members who fear their pastors more than they fear Me.

❌️Church members who rather follow man, than follow My Son.

️All the church members who continues to follow the systems of man, and not my commands, will all burn in the lake of fire if they don't repent.

My people repeeent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Thou saith the Spirit of the LORD.



⚖️Amos 3:7

Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

⚖️Matthew 4:17

From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

⚖️1 Peter 4:17

17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

⚖️Romans 1:18

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.

Let those who have eyes see and let those who have ears hear the WORD of the LORD.

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