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SEPT 18 2024 | 1:30PM-9:30PM

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

Before I begin to share my testimony.

Let me first tell you this.

And let me be very clear.

One thing about me, that many cannot stand, and do not know. I am not moved by mans standards, and systems build by humans.

I am not moved by the traditions of man.

I am not moved by many popular voices of prophetic leaders, and very influencial believers, bloggers and content creators.

I am not moved by the hype, the clout, nor am I moved by entertainment media ministry.

Definetly I am not moved by the smokes screen, and camera lights with huge pulpits. 📽📹🎥

I am not moved by the bright, and shiny stages that causes mens eyes to be lured, hypnotized, and star gazed.

Listen I am not moved by big platforms.

I am not moved by algorithym, followers and influence with verification badge.

I am not moved by publicity stunts.

Mans intellect, and earthly knowlegde does not moved me one bit.

Nor I am moved by mans diplomas, phd, achievements or accomplishments, even pedigrees ah esti I mean degree. 🥴

Statues ah I mean your statues.

Your statures does not, cannot and will not define your servanthood in the sight of the Lord, and that does not moved the Father nor me.

Didn't the Lord said in His words, we are only saved by grace, through faith not by WORKS; meaning no amount of rewards; awards; trophies; certificates or diplomas we achieved and accomplished can SAVE US thus NONE shall BOAST.

I am not moved by statues quo.

I cannot be easily persuaded like many of you puppets and puppeteers.

For I am NEVER persuaded by shiny things, sparkles, glitters, unicorns and sunshines.

I am not moved by schollars and theologians or by your bible knowlegde professor x from XMEN who graduated from ideology university with 25 years of experience.

I am not moved by famous prophets, and famous apostles with titles on their self image flyers; and ads running from one crusades to another crusades; next to conference meeting in every nation.

I am not hasty or thirsty for fame.

Nor I after to be seen, known or noticed.

I am not moved by what the church in this hour will die to have and drools over.

I am not moved by what you define a well known true five fold called puff with 1 million followers.

Numbers, algorithym and multitudes of followers does not mean TRUE CHURCH of Jesus Christ. Read that again.

Nor I am moved by human credentials.

I am not moved by what you call norm.

I am not moved by what a man can do.

I am not moved by wealth, and riches nor titles or positions and yes even ranks does not moved me.

Are you surprised?

Well as I am not like many of you.

I am not even moved by anointing and mans power.

And I don't care how many demons you can cast out, and how many sick you can heal, that does not moved me.

Never will be.

Nor I am moved by signs, miracles and wonders. To you it maybe a big deal, but not for me.

Signs, wonders, and power does not moved me, for even satan can perform many false signs, miracles, and wonders.

Called false fire of divination.

Says in 2 Thessalonians 2:9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie.

I am not moved by how long you can pray, nor how much you can pray in tongues, and how anointed you think you are.

Even if you claim to say, you can spit fire 🔥 like the dragon lucifer can, listen to me child, and listen clearly; even if you spit fire infront of me face to face; still that does not moved me.

I will just throw water on you, 💧 so don't try that with me, for you cannot moved me. You can't even get me to get up the chair, unless I need to use the bathroom.

You hear me?

I give you my word for my word is my pride, I will never be moved; unlike you; you are moved by anything that moves.

Oh Lord have mercy on them.

Do not deceived yourselves people of God, even agents of the devil witches, warlocks, wiccans, satanist, high priest and priestess can speak in tongues.

They can even astral project and elevate.

Oh you didn't know?

Well you better knooow it.

Lest you deceive yourself and fall.

Understand this, I am not moved, and will never be moved. For I am not moved by what moves you.

What moves your being, does not work on my being. What moves your tail feather, does not moved me. 🪽

I will not be moved, I cannot be moved, and will never be moved by what moves you blind gates, who are undoubtedly deceive, and persuaded by angels of false lights.

Ay dyos mijo quepaso?

Yes you, I am talking to the churches in this hour. Who else was I talking to?

For the reasons you are so simply moved by fame, popularity, influence, power, and miracles without a doubt.

Without testing their spirit by their fruits you just quick to believe ignorantly.

Fruits does not mean miracles. Nor it means signs, and wonders or power. Fruits does not refer to how many sick you can heal, or how many demon you can cast.

If thats what you think fruits are then you are deceived. Fruits defines the person, characters and attributes of the Holy Spirit.

Galatians 5:22-23 - But the fruit of the Spirit is [ love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; ] against such things there is no law.

The fruits of the Spirits has nothing to do with your ability to heal the sick, cast out demons, or the amounts of miracles you can perform.

Swallow this with understanding.

For many of you judge according to the works, deeds, and spiritual gifts of leaders.

When you see a famous prophets or apostles on tv screen, or your electronic devices, immediately you are so fixated by what they can do, and how many demons they can cast out.

But during the days of the 12 disciples, and Jesus Christ they healed many sick; and delivered many oppressed but it was not announce.

Only few miracles Jesus Christ and His apostles performed was written, but not all their works; and amazing deeds was written in the bible.

Not even all Apostles Pauls work was added in the scriptures, for they did not do it to be known, or famous. They did not do it for the sake of popularity, or to be seen by all men and all eyes.

That was not the main intentions of Christ. For the foundation of the gospel of Jesus is deeply founded in........


not [ FAME, POWER and WEALTH. ]

Discern the distinction.

Whenever you noticed a famous public figure, and popular faces of healing and deliverance ministers on social media; you automatically jump from your chair; and quick to go; and RUSH to FOLLOW wherever they go.

You are willing to go above and beyond to spend 5000 pesos to buy tickets, just to get your healing, and miracles.

And you are even willing to go far by travelling half a miles, to spend all the money you utang, and hingi from people, just to see a man made of dust only just to be touched by Gods presence.

You are like a leaf that follows wherever the wind go, 🌪a dry leaf that withers away. 🍂 Just like a rotten fallen tree, 🥀 that follows wherever the crowd; blown away by the false whirlwind 💨 of deception from depiction by the falsehood media entertainment ministry of fame.

Lost in the sauce of counterfeit glory stars, mesmerized by shiny; and glitters and twinkle little stars; delusioned by the fire works; and the extravangaza many of them bring on stages.

Shall I continue to embarassed you?

I know truth hurts where it fits perfectly.

This is what Father said,

Do you know, you don't need to do all of that extraness, just to be touched by Gods tangible presence everyday?

Do you know that you don't need to be touched by anyone just to have encounter.

Do you not know that you dont need a famous anointed man, to pray over you just to receive your miracles?

Do you not know that there is no need to leave your house just to travel far, and spend money to buy tickets to experience the glory of God?

You don't need none of the above.

You can still encounter Him at home.

Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

What these famous bloggers of prophets and influencial content creators leaders, and public figure apostles do is feed you with all kinds of lies to deceive you, that in order for you to receive REVIVAL you must GIVE and SOW a seed.

This is all a lie from hell Father said.

But the problem, you love it too.

Yes you do, you love to follow hype.

You love to follow where the wind blows.

For you love to follow man. As you only love the glory and power, but not the One the power, and glory comes from.

Allured by the idea of being part of the excitement, and afraid to missed out. Yes you do not want to missed out the fun.

Thus you follow famous ministers around like a puppet, don't you see yourself?

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

I see you follow them around wherever they go, like oto oto aji no moto, para kang atat na atat addicted to msg much. 🤦🏻‍♀️

If they say that you must follow them to see the power of God manifest in your life, for actions without faith is dead, then they jump the cliff..... 🪨

are you going to follow, and jump too?

And if they fall into eternal lake of fire, then you shall follow them in there too, since you rather follow man, not the Son of Man.

For the deaf follows the deaf, the blind follows the blind, and the deceive follows the deceive and they are deceiving each other.

You have become an idol worshippers of man made of dust, and you do not even know it. But you do not follow to worship the Only Son of God, made of the exact replica of the Holy Father Gods image.

As you don't even realized you are already falling away from the faith, for you think that salvations comes from following a leader or a famous prophet.

You assume that being a follower of man will saved you. For you are blinded by the systems, and traditions of man.

The only difference between you, and catholics, is that they follow and worship statues, but you follow and worship man.

But as for me, and my house we shall follow to serve the Lord.

I will not be moved, never be moved and cannot be moved for as long as I live. I shall not be moved by mans standards.

But I will only be moved, by the moved of the Spirit of my God.

I can only be moved by His tangible presence through living a life of sacrifice, consecrated, and seperated from the world.

Moved by His mighty touched in every fibre of my being, as I stay, and bow low in reverencial fear of my Lord on Jesus feet, as I offer my life of true worship.

I will only follow wherever the moved of my God is, and leads me to, for His word is a light to my path, it is only located in the secret place of the most high.

Wherever He is there I am also. For I can only be moved by the Holy Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and Him alone.

I shall forever be moved by His unceasing, unfailing, and everlasting endless love, touch by His grace, and mercy that endureth for eternity.

And will only be moved by His Shekinah glory, majesty on High, and my bright and morning stars.

For the rest of my life, and for as long as I lived, until my last breath; no man; and no one can moved me, but only my Abba Father Who is seated on the throne in heaven.

The Beginning and the end. The God of yesterday today and forever. The Alpha and Omega.

The first and the last the everlasting God.

The great I AM and I AM. The writer and author of my Faith. The One Who wrote my story. ✒️📜

The Only One thing that is needed. The breath in my lungs, the lover of my soul.

The BLOOD that runs through my vein.

The beat of my heart. ❤️

The bright and morning star.🌟

The King of my heart the Only One Who is enthroned in my heart. And forever He owns, and captures my heart.

My Loyalty belongs only to the LORD.

My faithfulness only belongs to God.

My service belongs only to the King.

My hope only comes from the Lord.

My confidence is in my Maker.

My trust is only in my Creator.

I belong to Him, and Him alone.

I am His and He is mine till the end.

I am only moved by my God, not by man. And forever and always will only worship and follow the King of Glory. 😭

On this day Sept 18th 2024, from 1:30 to 9:30 pm, it was just a day spent with the daddy God, yes the Father of all the Fathers.

Our heavenly Father God, Who sent His One, and Only precious and beloved Son because of His reckless and purest Love for the world. 🌏🥺

Father God wanted me to give Him all my undivided attention this day, in praise and worship together all day, and all night long.

Quality time Father and child bonding.

Do you know that Father sings too? 😃

My pa sings with me all the time, when I worship and praise Him. As you know He sings too, oh yes!

He enjoys, and loves to sing along with me. Hehe sometimes He sings to me, while I listen to Him, like a daddy singing a lullaby to His little one.

And most times we sing together in worship and praise. Father and I always sing along together. Oh yes!! 🥹

There is so so much more you do not know about our loving Father.

As I worship and play my intruments 🪇🥁🎶 whilst I enter His glory, into the Holy of Holies, in the inner court of His chamber being lost in the Fathers chabod.

Soaking in His liquid love of mercy, and sufficient grace, while I continue to sing to Him, describing His immeasurable, fullness and greatest love of all. ❤️😭

As I described His goodness one after another, and sang to the Father God.

Your love never fails. 🎤🎶

Nothing can separate, Even if I run away

Your love never fails, I know I still make mistakes, But, You have new mercies for me everyday, Your love never fails, You stay the same through the ages, Your love never changes, There may be pain in the night, But joy comes in the morning, And when the oceans rage, I don't have to be afraid, Because I know that You love me. 🪇🎵

Your love never fails, The wind is strong and the water's deep, But I'm not alone here in these open seas, 'Cause Your love never fails, The chasm is far too wide, I never thought I'd reach the other side

But Your love never fails, Your love, Cause You stay, You stay the same through the ages, Your love never changes, There may be pain in the night, But joy comes in the morning, And when the oceans rage I don't have to be afraid 🥁🎶

Because I know that You love me Oh, Your love never fails, 'Cause You make all things work together for my good, And You make all things work together for my good, 'Cause You make all things work together for my good 'Cause You stay, You stay the same through the ages, Your love never changes, There may be pain in the night, But joy comes in the morning, And when the oceans rage, I don't have to be afraid, Because I know that You love me Oh, Your love never fails. 🎼🥁🪇

I cannot contain my tears. 😭

My tears was just overflowing in hymns.

And my voice that coming out of me, sounds like a melody of heavy rain filled with adoration for my God.

I just weep while singing His love that never fails. His love that never change.

Then behold, I see my Holy Father God right before my eyes, oh it is so wonderful and I am so very blessed and astonished as I gazed my eyes on Him.

There was nothing else that catch my attentions, nothing else matter at this point. Nothing else can take my eyes off of Him. 😭

There was nothing that can stop me or hinder me from gazing upon my Yahweh. My Abba Who is the sweetest, and so precious to me. Oh my sweet papa.

I can't take my eyes away from Him.

Whilst I was seated on Father Gods lap like a little child to my Abba, you see the image below?

That's exactly how little I am, like a child. Enjoying, and laughing together. And my Pa was holding me, just like the image you see.

Oh it was just amaazing. 🥹

Truly I tell you, I was mesmerized by His beauty and glory.

As I fixed my eyes on Him, I watch His white wool like snow hair flow in the wind and waving so gloriously and beautifully.

Yahweh smiles that melts my heart. ❤️

Truly I tell you I melted in His smiles.

My God, my King, my Elohim supreme, I cry even as I type this for everytime I see my Gods face, I can't help but weep.


Not because I am sad, but for the reasons of the LOVE I see in His eyes for me.

I sob because of the love I feel. I was completely immersed and soaked in His liquid love.

All I see is the beauty of His love.

The love that is overflowing through Him.

How can I contain and even explain?

Just wow I can't believe I sit on my Gods lap, while He holds me in His arms of love, as we both sang melodies together.

I was filled with unspeakable joy.

Just singing with my pa.

Your love never fails. 🎼🎵🎶

When my pa look me in the eyes, with His piercing beautiful eyes, oh I just feel so extremely and tremendously LOVED. 😭

Love is just overflowing in the air and the atmosphere. True love only He can give.

And as I look at His beautiful smile, I feel so adored, valued, and wanted as if I am the most special little child in His eyes.

Everytime I see His face, and look into His eyes, all I see is His unfathomable, and matchless grace, like I have never sinned, I am amazed.

His eyes of love is pure and full of mercy.

Where there is grace there is mercy, for where there is love there is His fullness.

Whilst I look at my pa, as He holds and carry me so gently, and meek, nothing can seperate us.

I swear to you, and I am not kidding you, no one can snatch me away, or even dare to touch the apple of His eyes. 😭

Truly He is LOVE, for GOD is LOVE, and He is Love. This is true.

And only those who experience Him, and encountered His love, can truly explain the details of the kind of Love that He is.

You will not know what love truly means, unless you encounter the GOD of EVERLASTING LOVE. ❤️

My eyes could not stop looking at Him.

The Only Man, and the Only person my eyes tranfixed, and forever gazed upon His beauty, as I laid my eyes on Him.

Father Gods hair is curly, and short. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, His feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and His voice was like the roar of many waters.

The beauty of my God cannot be described, you will have to see Him for yourself to know, and conceived what I am saying.

For there is no words to explain Him.

My heart melts in adoration.

I adore you pa forever. 😭❤️

The LOVER of my soul.

I just can't never look at any man the same again, after seeing the fullness of my Gods beauty, and splendor.

My eyes and my heart only belongs to the King of Glory, the Lord of Lords.

Then Father brought me to different places in heaven. He showed me another heaven in heaven.

Ah haa I know right?

Haha you must be wondering.

How is that possible. Well is there anything possible with the maker of all things, the creator of the universe?

There are different heavens in heaven.

Man even if I try to explain, I can't.

Then Father God took me to a restaurant in the city of heaven. Geesh there so many different kinds of restaurants in heaven.

Father said yes there are plentiful.

I am truly marvelled by how HUGE heaven really is. Geessshh!! What I have seen before was nothing yet.

We sat infront of an open wide concept glass window with a gorgeous view and had our dinner together.

Just Father and child bonding.

And I see a different city in heaven by the view. I am stunt and just blown away.

Father never ceased to always amazed my little nugget brain. I tell you.

It was notable to look at. 🏙

Then I saw enormous buildings, I was so surprised to see actual buildings.

I remembered before a year ago, Father brought me to a sky scraper in heaven.

The tallest sky scraper there is ever made of crystal glass, and we had lunch at the very top floor tower part area.

Just marvelous.🗼

And there are more to explore.

Many more places I have never been.

Father created buildings too just like buildings on earth. Except the buildings in heaven are not the same on earth.

They are magnificent, and very striking, gloriously and enormous build by His mighty hands.

It is not the ordinary building you see. The view was just spectacular, and impressive.

Afterwards, Father presented me a gift.

He gave me a white box, and a white love letter. 🎁✉️

And I was surprised yet again.

I asked ohhh? Is that for me?

Pa said yes it's for you. 🥺

Didn't know I was going to receive a gift.

Then we went back to the holy throne of my pa, and I was seated on my throne beside Him.

I was wearing a white gown. I look so beautiful with my blonde hair so long and silky.

Father presented me another crown. 👑

While I sat, Father put the crown on my head.

I am truly speechless. 😭

For I have no more words to say the kind of love, I am receiving from my heavenly Father day after day.

My pa spoils me soooooo much even when at times I feel I don't deserve it.

This is truly how it feels to be loved.

This is how it feels to be cherished, and valued and adored. Pa said yes.

This is how it feels to be wanted.

This is how it feels to BELONG.

I caaant stop crying. 😭

And many people out there long for this kind of love. They long to be loved too.

For I desire for the people to received this kind of loved from pa Like this, but pa said to me just now while I type this.

He said absolutely not. 🥺

Though He loves His children.

But no person paid the price to follow and serve Him, like how I serve and followed Him He said.

Father said no one laid their lifes for Him but only me. 😔 For they fear to die to self, afraid of what it will cost them to deny their flesh, and to carry their cross.

Thus they do the minimal for Him.

They do it because it's just a duty.

Yet they expect God to blessed them, and give them supernatural encounter.

Father said no. They will not. For as long as the church is afraid to pay the price, and deny self, then there is no favor of God.

This is why I receive all this special treatment from Him.

For the reasons of I am willing to die to myself, and pick up my cross to follow Him even to my last breath.

Because I am not afraid to die.

I am willing to give my life to save a soul.

Since those who will saved their lives will lose it, and those who are willing to lay down their lives for Him shall be saved.

Though my life is not easy, for the many battles I faced, and the trials I deal with, and sufferings I endured everyday. 🥺

But this is the rewards for all the pain.

I get to spend time with my pa. I get to see His beauty like no other. I get to know Him intimately, and deeper than I ever known Him.

What a privilegde to die to self for the rewards is sweeter than honey.

What a privilegde to follow and serve my King for the awards I received is Him.

I get to have Him. All of Him. 😭

It's a blessing and very rewarding to have my pa. Without nothing missing nothing lacking.

He is my treasure and my reward. 🏆

It's worth it and I wouldn't do it any other way. There is no other way but His way.

Not my will, but Gods will to be done.

And I will do it again, and again for my pa because I love my pa sooo much. For He first love me, and gave His life for me, my first love.

One day when I go home to be with my pa, I will get to see all the beautiful gifts I receive from the Father God, the Father Son, and the Father Holy Spirit in my pink castle.

So exciting to know that I actually own all these extraordinary, and glorious gifts and treasures from my pa. I look forward to see, and use them. Hee. 😃❤️

Why it's not worth it to store treasures on earth, where vermins and rodens eats and destroy. But store yourselves treasures in heaven where no vermin and rodens can eat and destroy.

Thank youuuu pa love youuuu muah.

Psalm 103:11-14

11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,

so great is his love for those who fear him;

12 as far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

13 As a father has compassion on his children,

so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;

14 for he knows how we are formed,

he remembers that we are dust.

After Father God gave me a word of assurance, and confirmation to affirm through His faithful servant what He did for me on this day.

John 15:13

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

Jeremiah 31:3

The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.

1 John 4:19

We love because he first loved us.

1 John 4:16

So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.


Heard," The Bright Morning Star is rising, there shall be signs and miracles, Visible Manifestations of His Presence."

"Beloved. Arise. Your tears have come before Me as a witness. Your cries have come before Me as a Witness. Your prayers have come before Me as a Witness. Innocent blood has come before Me as a Witness.

"The Bright Morning Star arises on your behalf. My Word is firmly fixed in the Heavens. I have chosen you. I have broken the shackles of your condition. You shall have victory.

"It is Time. This time shall echo throughout all the ages. It is the Time of the Triumph of My Church. Your Triumphal Procession is happening now.

"Every opposition will be brought down. The path of the Just is like the shining Sun, that shines ever brighter unto the Perfect Day. The night is far spent. The Day is at hand.

"This is the Time the enemy has feared and therefore has attempted to change the time and the seasons. Try as he might, his plans will never succeed against you.

"For My Word does not change, it is as solid as a Rock. Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Words will never pass away.

"The enemy's intimidation shall be ended. Tell him, "GET BEHIND ME, SATAN!"

"I am opening the Door to your future. For it has been spoken over you before you were ever born. It is a Sure Word of Prophecy shining the Way before you.

"The Sign of the Son of Man shall appear. Miracles shall happen to confirm, corroborate and authenticate that He who is Light has overcome the darkness.

"No more forebodings of dark times and affliction and distress coming upon you, but all shall be reversed.

"My End Time Purpose shall be accomplished. I shall do what mere man can not replicate or take credit for.

"All confusion will flee when the Bright Morning Star appears, as the God of Glory thunders. It shall be as a Light shining in the darkness on a pathless region in the night; as the Sun shining on a cloudless day.

"The Bright Morning Star is pointing to your future, My Child. You shall be distinguished from all others and known by the supernatural and the miraculous in your life.

"It is a Sign, Beloved. My Brightness shall appear like the Light; Rays flashing from My Hand, the Place where My Power is hidden. And you shall see Visible Manifestations of My Presence.

"Arise and shine, My Warrior. It is Time!

"For behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness is over the peoples; but the Glory of the LORD is arising over you, and My Glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your Light, and kings to the Brightness of your Rising!"


Day star occurs only 1 time in the New Testament, (2 Peter 1:19). Jesus calls Himself “The Bright Morning Star” (Revelation 22:16). The point of time which Peter has in view is that immediately preceding the second coming, the time when the σημεῖον (sign) of the Son of man appears. (Matthew 24:30)

SIGN: Strong's Greek #4592 sēmeíon – a sign (typically miraculous), given especially to confirm, corroborate or authenticate. Emphasizes the end-purpose which exalts the One giving it. Authenticates the Lord and His eternal purpose, especially by doing what mere man can not replicate or take credit for. A sign, miracle, indication, mark, token. The sign which indicates that the Messiah will shortly, or forthwith, come from heaven in Visible Manifestation. An unusual occurrence, transcending the common course of nature; Of signs portending remarkable events soon to happen. Of miracles and wonders by which God authenticates the men sent by Him, or by which men prove that the cause they are pleading is God's.

REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR: Strong's number #629 Redemption, a deliverance, procured by the payment of a ransom; the author of redemption, 1 Cor. 1:30; deliverance, When believers are to lift up their heads because their ἈΠΟΛΎΤΡΩΣΙς (salvation) draweth nigh (Luke 21:28).

2 Peter 1:19

"We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the Day Star arise in your hearts."

Luke 1:78

"Because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the Dawn will visit us from on high."

Matthew 24:30-31

" At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other."

Isaiah 55:11

"So My Word that proceeds from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper where I send it."

Matthew 24:34-35

"Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.

Psalm 119:89

"Your word, O LORD, is everlasting; it is firmly fixed in the heavens."

Proverbs 4:18

"But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day."

2 Thessalonians 2:8

"And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming."

Habakkuk 3:4

"His brightness is like the sunlight; He has [bright] rays flashing from His hand, And there [in the sunlike splendor] is the hiding place of His power." AMP

2 Thessalonians 2:8

"And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the Breath of His mouth and destroy with the Brightness of His coming."

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