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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant




04 2017

📍Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

I remember in 2017 the very first time I layed my eyes on my Jesus. And when I first met and encounter HIM face to face.

In my vivid dream.

I was standing face to face fighting with the ruler of this world. You know who I am speaking about. He was huge and big red with two giant big horns on his head. Half goat and half human. Really ugly and hideous. I was battling him. He look very very angry, filled with so much rage, and hatred towards me. All I sense from him is nothing but anger, rage, jealousy, fear, intimidation, and negativity in my spirit.

I was not moved.

As I stood infront of him I came up closer to his face, a feet away and I started to cast him. And I raised my voice and said you satan! I am not afraid of you. Who do you think you are? You have NO power over me. I said YOU DON'T SCARE ME!!! I am more powerful than you. What are you going to do about it? And I taunt him and even came even closer to his face like literally inches away from his face, and I said what are you going to do?

No fear.

Just like how Elijah taunt the false prophets and their false gods haha 😅

Back to the dream.

I tell you the truth I said it in the most boldest way without being shaken. All of a sudden I felt in my spirit such mighty and power and glory, that I cannot explain until this day. I feel so powerful and strong and was on fire 🔥 I have no fear in me.

Then I felt a big and mighty strong hand on my left shoulder. I turn my head to look. Indeed I saw a huge hand with a hole. I perceived in the spirit Jesus right hand on my left shoulder. His strength is my strength. I am under His authority. He gave me power, authority and dominion to trample on every serpent, and scorpions.

Which is why I felt so empowered and full of zeal. I was on fire with so much boldness to fight the ruler of this world with no fear.

✨️Luke 10:19

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

The Splendor of my KING👑

I look up and there it is I see my precious Jesus the bright and morning star. The Alpha and the Omega. The great I AM. My strong shield.

The Rock of all ages. My banner. The Ancient of days. The First and the Last. The Everlasting God. My Fortress. The Covenant Keeping God. Wrecked by His splendor. My El Shadai. My Strong Tower. The Writer and Finisher of my faith. My Emmanuel. My Jehovah Jireh. Jehovah Nissi. Jehovah Sabbaot. My Refuge. My Redeemer. My Savior. My Lord my God and my King. My Protector. My Defender. My Great Yah. The King of Glory standing right by my side. The most precious spotless Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

The God of Zion. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. My Yehuric Kodish. My Yeshua Hamashiach. My Messiah. Son of the living God. The living bread of life. The rivers of water overflowing in my belly.🌊

His face🌟

As I look closer but His face was so bright like a sun. 🌟 I could not see His face clear, because of the powerful beaming light coming out of his face. But I was stubborn and continue to force myself to see His face, and as I continue to stare at Him my eyes started to burn. Oh I felt it. What have I done to myself. 😆

My eyes was burning. But I refused to close my eyes because I really want to see His face. I scream in pain but I want to see. Then finally Father gave me the grace to see clear. 😃

Beauty like no other✨️

Father lessen the luminous bright light from His face so I can see Him. And there it is I can finally see my Jesus. I was in awe and I started to see the silhouette of His face, then I see His whole face.

Thou there was still ray of light coming out of His face, but I can see Him smilling at me. Awe what a beautiful supreme being. Standing right in front of me a feet away.

So tall and big I think 8 foot tall, and He is wearing white linen robes. With maroon wraps on His shoulder. And golden ropes belt around His waist. The most beautiful man I have ever laid my eyes upon. I am not worthy to untie His sandal. 😢

Jesus has my back. 🛡⚔️🔥

Behold His face is like a lightning, and His eyes are like flaming torches, nose, mouth, forehead, and His hair is a bit wavy shoulder lenght brownish color.

So Holy and pure. Blameless. So glorious and perfect in every way. So magnificent and filled with glory. Just wow.

My Father smile at me with the most beautiful smile. He nod His head and spoke to me this very word, mind to mind, spirit to spirit, heart to heart..**GO AHEAD I HAVE YOUR BACK.** I will never forget what He said. Soooooo sweet. And so loving.

So precious. So kind. When He stares at you, He makes you feel so special, like you feel so valuable to Him. He makes you feel worthy. Like you are whole. Because He looks at you like you are the only apple of His eyes in His life.🍎

I feel nothing but LOVE. Indeed I feel so loved and accepted. What a loving Father we have.

End of my vivid dream..

Then I woke up screaming on top of my lungs ahhhhhhhh 😭 because of the experience, and the encounter. It was unreal and I was undone. The experience was just like wow.

And I cried and cried because at the same time I was emotional and I was in so much pain. I feel my eyes burning. Felt like someone lit my eyes on fire. Haha! Oh Lord I am laughing at myself whenever I remember this moment. 🤦🏻‍♀️😆

I was trying to open my eyes but I couldn't. I swear to you I am not kidding. My eyes was shut. And for the life of me, I could not open my eyes. I continue to cry because I don't know what was happening to my eye. I was in such terrible pain. Sniff sniff 😥

After 30 min of crying, finally I was able to open my eyes again. Oh I thank God for that. But just a little bit but I know that was because of His mercy. Father restored my eyes and healed me. 🙏🏽

I know for a fact as soon as I force myself to look at His face, my eyes burned and started melting because of the power and glory that is coming from Him. Truly I say to you no one can see God except, if He gives you the grace to see Him, and unless you have a pure heart.

Within an hour I was able to see again. An encounter I will forever remember and will never forget. I cherished this moment.

I was forever marked since that day. My life has never been the same. An experience that forever change my life.😢

✨️Exodus 33:20

But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

✨️Matthew 5:8

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Whew 😓😢🥺

✨️Isaiah 53:2

For he grew up before him like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground; he had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him.

✨️Revelation 1:15

His feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters.

✨️Daniel 10:5-6

I lifted up my eyes and looked, and behold, a man clothed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his waist. His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude.

I love you my papa.❤️

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