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Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

This is where my journey begins.👣

When I gave up my career, and walk away from everything the world has to offer, to follow Jesus. This is when it all started. My life begins here...

On December 2018, I finally decided, I am going to stop working full time, so I can focus, and serve the LORD. In Feb 2019 was my very first intense 21 all night prayers, with my pastor, and members. Everynight we gather to meet at 10pm to pray until 3 in the morning. Depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes Father will lead us to pray until 6am -7am. Mind you that was my first, for I was still a babe in the faith. I wasn't a prayer warrior at that time yet. 😆 but to my surprised I survived. And only by the Grace of God I made it.

Whew 😓

Long story short, at the very last days of our 21 all night prayers. Holy Spirit led my pastor to do a deliverance. Unexpedtedly, I was the only one who didn't need deliverance. All the members are being delivered except me. I was wondering why the whole time within me. But later I found out, mine was different. Holy Spirit instructed my Pastor/Bishop to anoint me instead. When it was my time, I kneeled down, and then she started to anoint my head with oil. Just like when prophet Samuel anointed David with oil from a rams horn. Suddenly, the Spirit of the LORD took over her, and started to prophesy to me. Oh! I tell you, I broke down, and wept the whole time. I could not stop weeping, and groaning. I did not understand what was happening to me. While the other members watch in amazement. 😭 After that night, I was never the same again.

I heard Father said that night I was imprinted. 🪔

An imprint of good or evil. The imprint of God or of Satan. Because our lives are not our own, and the Holy Spirit dwells within us, people should see the imprint of God upon our lives. God empowers our relationships by His presence in our lives, so that our family, friends, and acquaintances might see Jesus in us. That is the REQUIREMENTS in order to be GODS CHOSEN vessel. For many today, serve God, calling themselves chosen, yet they never receive anointing from the Holy Ghost. Ps. Father said, if you have not been anointed with an anointed oil by God Himself? then you are not anointed. And you have no anointing. For in order to be anointed, God Himself will anoint you, with His anointed oil just like David.

1 Samuel 16:13

He was a handsome, healthy young man, and his eyes sparkled. The Lord said to Samuel, "This is the one - anoint him!" 13 Samuel took the olive oil and anointed David in front of his brothers. Immediately the spirit of the Lord took control of David and was with him from that day on.

Marked for life.🪔

Then at 9am when we finished we all went home. I went to bed. As soon as I close my eyes, within minutes I was attacked. I saw this hideous looking old hag, wearing all black. Her face was so wrinkly with black lines all over her face. Her skin was gray. Just very old looking hag. She look like the witch from the cinderella story. She was trying to suck the life of me, from my mouth. I couldn't breath. I was struggling, I felt like I was losing my strenght while laying in bed. I was weak. I thought I was going to die.

My angel help me.🌬

But I saw my angel, and I ask her to give me a hand. My angel help me finally I was able to get out. Then I started to fight her. I push her face away from me with my hands. I rebuke her in the name of Jesus I bind you. She manifested, and turn into a real demon infront of me, but took a step back away from me, while elevated on the air. I keep casting, and rebuking her. I told her to GET OUUUUTT of my house! And she vanished in seconds. But I was shook, and was taken back, because I have never experienced such personal, and close up attacked in my life. I was like wow what was that.😳

I got ill.🤕

The same day, I prepared myself to meet with the members, and pastor to do our last day all night prayers at 10pm. It was the 21 days of the month of feb. During the whole day, I started to feel very weak. And slowy I begun, to lose my voice. When we was praying, I was having a hard time to maintain. Because I was really weak. I knew then it was because of the attack. I confide with my pastor. She explained to me why. It's because I am getting deeper with the Lord, for I now have been anointed. So I have to expect the attacks, because there will be more attacks to come. Aye oo! 🤦🏻‍♀️ While we are praying around 3am. I cried to the Lord to strengthen me, because I started to get very cold, and I knew then I have a flu. I shivered, and my whole body started convulsing. And I could not hold myself anymore to stay up for the night vigil. Then Holy Spirit spoke through my pastor to me.

Father said......


I humbled myself, and received the word with gratitude. Then in minutes, I started to feel better. My fever was gone just like that. Without taking medicine. That's the God I serve. 🙌🏼 With man is impossible, but with God all things are possible. I got my strenght back. Halleluyah. Praise God. I continued to stay up, with no sleep praying all night up to morning. Just to cut the story short. After our 21 all night prayers, I dedicated my life for Him. I seperated myself from the world. And live a consecrated life for all His glory. Day and night I was burning on fire for Him.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit.🔥

As I continue to persue the LORD. After a few days the very last week of the month of feb. I was kneeling, and praying with my hands lifted up on my couch. After an hour of praying, while my hands up, I started to shake uncontrollably. My mouth started to shake, and I started to mumble. My whole entire body was literally trembling. And unknown tongues started to come out of my mouth. I could not understand what I was saying. I knew Father is doing something. Just not sure what. During that time I was young in the faith, and I didn't know much about spiritual things of God. This continued for what it seems like an hour or longer. My whole body was burning, and on fire 😥🔥 like I was in a hot oven being baked, and I started to sweat almost like I was in hot sauna, but I was not. I feel every demon that was attached to me, was being burned, and consumed by the fire. Then after for a long time, finally I knocked out with my head down on the couch.😰😥

I was so amazed.😯

I gathered myself slowly and sat down on the couch, and I feel so very weak. I had to gather all my little strenght just to get up, and I was processing everything that happened to me. My brain could not contain or fathom what happened. Then just 5 min after, my pastor called me. I explained to her what happened to me. She smiled, and said to me not many people receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost fire. But she said I am one of the very few. I asked her what is it, and she said you just received POWER from the Holy Ghost. Now you can go, and heal the sick, cast out devils, raised the dead.

I was like wao! 😳

Then Holy Spirit spoke through her to tell me, that I must now be very careful, and to live a Holy life. For the devil knows, what happened, and he will come for me. So pretty much expect more attacks is what Holy Spirit is saying. Aye oh! 😅 Imagine how I was feeling that moment. I am knew to all of that. I am still trying to marinate what just happened to me. I tell you the gospel truth. The same day that night I was attacked in my sleep. Oh I was getting attacked after attacked all day, everyday. 🤕 I keep seeing different demons manifesting all day, especially at night when I close my eyes. Hords of demons different shapes, and forms just keep coming to attacked me. And they will not stop coming. I tell you the truth, the kingdom of darkness surrounds me, and wants to kill me. Every opportunity they get they will take me out. That is their only goal. Father wasn't lying when He said it. Because satan knew there is a great calling in my life. And the Lord will use me to destroy his kingdom one day.

The battles was intense.🤺

They just wont leave me alone. Battles after battles. Warfare after warfares. It was almost like I am watching myself on resident evil zombie movie. I was tired and worn out both spiritually and physically. And mentally I was losing myself I kid you not. Oh Lord! Fight after fight. I probably fought 5000 different demons, and evil spirits in total probably more if not mistaken. Father said yes it's true. Sometimes they will come in packs and team tagged on me. This went on for 3 months straight, and I tell you the truth I had not slept for 3 months. No lie. Because as soon as I close my eyes that's when they come back. I lost my sleep. And including myself. Im not going to lie after 3 months I felt like I started losing myself.

I was wrecked.😞

I started to get weak. I thought to myself not sure how I can continue like that. I was losing my mind from the relentless battles. Imagine not sleeping for three months. Ofcourse your body starts to deteriorate. I had no other choice but to pray, pray worship, and praise all day everyday like it was my only choice. Prayers and fighting was my only choice then. The spiritual warfare only pushed me to pray more from an hour to 16-18 hours a day. Morning to night. Day after day. Until prayers was my only choice. And no I didn't tell my pastor. Or the members. I kept it a secret. I didn't share to anyone because I know they will just think Im crazy, and judge me. For they will not believe me. So I kept it to myself, and face it alone. I only told her I get attacks, but I didnt tell her the intensity and magnitude of the spiritual warfare.

Battled weary.😔

One day while I was seeking the Lord rolling on the floor laying prostrate from 3 in the morning until 6pm just weeping and weeping on Jesus feet. Crying out in wordless groans, and travailing asking the Lord for help, because my spirit was weary, and in need of rest. The flesh is very weak. As I pray Father made me know that, because I haven't completely surrendered all my burdens to Him. I have not let go and yielded completely to Him. I am still in control of my life. There are still somethings in my life that was causing me to be hindered from my calling. The unconfessed sin, pride in my heart, and unforgiveness. I did not die to self, and denied myself. If I want to be free completely, I have to die to self. And I must surrender the cares of this world, and leave everything behind, and follow Him without withholding anything. So that very moment, I humbled myself, and I ask Father for mercy, and forgiveness. I repented for taking things on my own hand. I decided to follow, and serve Him for the rest of my life. I made a personal choice to leave my families, and friends and all the cares of this world. Then I made a vow, that if He delivers me, I will live a life of sacrifice to serve Him for the rest of my life. 😭

I made a vow.🔐

As soon as I made the vow I feel a shift in the spirit, and a sudden release in my spirit. Then I heard my phone buzz, and my pastor message me. She invited me to meet with her. I agreed. When I went to see her, I can see that the LORD has answered my cry. Because she is leading me to scriptures for warfares, and I can see the Holy Spirit is in the midst leading my pastor to teach me the whole time. I knew then in my spirit it is my time for my breakthrough. 😭

Father delivered me.❤️‍🩹

After she offered to drop me home. While in the car Holy Spirit spoke to me, and said tell your pastor to come upstairs with you so she can pray for you. I told her what I heard, and she confirm yes I heard night vigil this was 8pm. And so I asked do you want to come up? She said no, but we can pray now in the car. I said okay. She started praying for me. When I close my eyes, I saw the devil infront of me mocking me. I continue praying. After Holy Spirit spoke through my pastor and said "FEAR NOT FOR I AM WITH YOU." I cried because that word was all I needed to hear, it gave me hope, lifted my spirit, and strenghten me not to give up. I felt my faith arise that very night just to hear that word from the Lord. And I said bye to her, give her a hug, and went home.

Personal encounter with Holy Spirit🕊

When I got home I praise, and worship from 9pm to 12am. Then I went to bed having full trust in the LORD that He will give me rest. I woke up at 2am and I saw Holy Spirit elevated on the air, hovering around me like a thick blanket of white smoke, clouds of glory, wrapped around me in my bed. ☁️ I was in shocked when I saw pa floating all around me face to face 2 inches away from my face. 🌫 I saw His face, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, I saw His body from head to His shoulder. Like a cloud. You can just see the power, glory, and might, truly HE IS ALMIGHTY GOD all powerful 💨 He can come in different shape, or any form. Sometimes Like a mighty rushing whirlwind. 🌪He was flying shape of a cloud but human form, and then He stared at me, with His beautiful face, and His eyes open, and close, and look at me with so much Love and compassion. Father spoke heart to heart, mind to mind, spirit to spirit and said..... 😭

My Child I AM here do not fear, I am watching over you. You are safe with ME. Go back to sleep and rest. And I knocked out like a little baby. I wanted to cry, and hug Him, but I was too weak to even lift a finger. Then pa put me to sleep in His arms. I slept from 12am to 11am besides when I woke up at 2am to see Him guarding me. I rested like a baby. WOW 🤕


When I woke up. I see the time is 11am I was so amazed. I rested and slept for the first time peacefully for 11 hours. Wao! I still see the thick glory cloud all around me, and in my home like a hedge of protection. His glory cloud never left me but stayed with me until today.😢 I knew then that's pa presence to remind me, that He is always with me. Watching and protecting me. 😶‍🌫️ After that encounter my faith grew stronger, and it increase a tremendous amount. Did I regret the experience? Absolutely not. Infact I am grateful. Because it bend me, and change me. Every battles taught me a lesson. A lesson to trust in the LORD and not SELF. Every warfare strenghtened my faith all the more. My suffering did not go to waste, it's all for His glory. Because my story is for His glory. I learned to trust in my pa in every storm. To humble myself before Him. To lay all my burdens on Jesus feet. To stop leaning on my own carnal understanding, but to always acknowledge Him in all my ways. Regardless of what happens God is faithful and true. He will never forsake you, and abandoned you. We need only to trust and believe Him. Through it all His name will always be lifted high, forever glorified, and magnified in my life. Amen. 👏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️


I thank my Father for all the experience, encounter, for all the suffering I endured because it made me the broken vessel that I am today. 😭

🕊2 Timothy 1:8

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God.


The Holy Spirit because He is, after all, Christ's Spirit is also a paraclete, a helper. Literally, the Greek word paraklētos means “someone who is called to come alongside someone else.” In Greek culture, a paraclete was like a family attorney.

The word parakletos is a verbal adjective, often used of one called to help in a lawcourt. In the Jewish tradition the word was transcribed with Hebrew letters and used for angels, prophets, and the just as advocates before God's court. The word also acquired the meaning of 'one who consoles

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. ( John 14:16 NLT) In this verse, another Advocate is the English translation of the Greek allos (another) and parakletos (Advocate or Comforter or Encourager or Counselor).

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