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  • Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant


Updated: Jul 11



NOV 31 2023 | 9PM-6PM

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

What a loooong two days in the presence of my Abba Father.

Wheeewwww glory.

I am beyond blessed and overwhelmed with so much gratitude, and thankfulness for my Lord, my God, and my Yeshua has done it again.

I am truly so thankful that my heart is sooo full of gratitude.

Yesterday as you all recall.

I was called by papa God to come up higher in ascension to rest on His chest just like the beloved John.

Because He said He wants to reveal, and show me His secrets, and hidden mysteries untold.

As I was worshipping in the spirit and in truth in our inner chamber.

I saw papa Gods presence standing before me as I worship and praise Him.

I could not contain myself.

The moment I saw Him.

I was undone. 😭

So I started to weep and travail.

Theeen I heard Abba Father say bow before Me.

So I bow my head, and my knees in so much tears, and in so much adoration and revencial awe of His presense.

I weep and weep. 😭😭😭

An unforgettable encounter.

Infact it was a personal visitation.

Because though I am always dwelling in His presence in the secret place.

But this was a different experience.

I saw my papa right before me in my bedroom where I seek and praise Him.

Yes just me and Him alone.

He was there with me. 😭😭😭

I cried and I cried and I could not stop crying.

Because of His power, and glory and majesty.

Just woowww!! 🙏🏽🙇🏻‍♀️

Glory to the most high.

Holy is His name.

Indeed my house shall be called a house of prayers and worship.

Because my Lord has made my home now His dwelling place.

Both the Father and Son dines with me.

Woooaaaahh! 😭

I have access to the triune Godhead anytime and whenever I want.

I see Him and I can enjoy His presence anyday, any moment, and any time.

With no restrictions, no hindrance.

Without withholding.

Father told me He will not withold any good thing from me because I am His special beloved little one. 😭❤️

What a priviledge indeed to have my Abba Father with me 24/7 days.

Just like what He said to me yesterday in my love letter.

He is true to His words for He does not lie nor any of His words return to Him void.

While I am enjoying my Abba Father in worship and praise in spirit and in truth.

All of a sudden I got lost in Him.

I was in and out body experience.

In a different dimension. 😶‍🌫️💨🌪

And I went into a very deeeep rest.

Rest that only He can give.

No amount of sleep you can do to get this kind of rest. I tell you the truth.

Even if you sleep for 24 houra straight.

Still nothing can compare to His rest.

You know why? Here is why...

This rest is very special because He is that rest.

Father is the epitomy of rest.

In His presence there is fullness.

Fullness of His glory.

Peace, joy and love.

Rest is His personality and character.

It is the very person of His being.

Only those who have a deep encounter like this can understand what I am saying.

Because it is that deep.


I got lost in His arms while laying on His chest just like the image below.

Until 3am past, and until the next day morning, and I was still on His arms.

Theen I only took a little break to say hello to my spiritual children, because I have an important word for one of my daughters from the Lord.

I was receiving and downloading plenty of revelations and mysteries while resting in Him. 😭🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🏽

Waaaaahh glory to the Lamb.

Then quickly I said goodbye and went back to continue worship.

And then laid back on His chest to rest again.

I am just engulped and envelop in His Shekinah.

Words are not enough to explain my visitation experience. 😭🤍🕊

Halleluyaaaahh thank you Abba for your love fails not.

Indeed I am deeply grounded and rooted in you it is true.

And in your love, like you mention yesterday.

I feel just like Apostle John your beloved resting on your chest.

And I can hear my Abba Fathers heart beat. Waaaaaahh!! 😭😭😭

I hear every bit of His heart.

Bobom bobom bobooomm 💗💗💗

As I continue to lay I hear every sound.

The whole house is shaking.

My whole building is trembling.

Like the whole earth is quaking.

Every bit of His heart have a beautiful unexplainable sound, that I cannot put it into words.

And when His heart beat my heart also skips a beat.

Our hearts are indeed beating at the same time.

When His heart beats mine also beats.

So amazing and beautiful.

Bobooom bobooom bobooom!


Just wowwww!

Then Father made me know that His heart beats for me. 😭🤍

I feel the agape love of my papa God.

I am soaked in His love.

No matter how much I try to explain my visitation, I still cannot put it into words.

I cannot explain it and words are not enough to describe the feelings.

The moment and every experience was just breath taking and amazing.

I am in so much aweeee of Him.


I love my Abba so much.

For He loves me first.

He is my first love.

The lover of my soul.

The Only One Who holds and captured my heart.❤️

And the Only One Who Holds a title of a bestfriend. 👨‍👧

We spoke and I ask so many questions.

And He answered me with no hesitation.

We literally spent time together since yesterday 9pm until today 6pm.

How can I leave His presence?

How can I ? I can't.

I just want to stay on His arms and not go anywhere.

If I didn't have to prepare for dinner I will just stay and not move at all. 😔

If I could..... I would.

I can't imagine my life without my Abba.

I can't live without Him.

I am addicted to Him, and I can't wait to go home one day, and be with Him for the rest of my life.

We will never be seperated again.


Then today while laying on His chest listening to His heart beat.

I am sooo lost in Him.

And all of a sudden.

I had an encounter with King David.

I saw King David. 😭😭😭

Abba Father introduced me to Him.

David looks so beautiful.

He did not age one bit.

He still look like He was in His 20's.

While He was a young boy.

Shepherding the sheeps in the wilderness.

He is light brown skin, with a black wavy silky hair to His shoulder. He is thin but pure muscle.

And David was wearing animal skin.

This is when he was a young boy.

When prophet samuel anointed him to be the next king of israel.

Oh what a beautiful man he is. 🥺

Woaaaah 😭🙏🏽🙇🏻‍♀️

I can't believe I get to meet all the prophets and apostle of the old.

I feel so blessed. 🥺

Then one of my daughters today confirmed to me, while she listened to my worship songs, instantly she got healed, and delivered.

And she then told me that Abba Father reminded her that I am like David.

When I sing and worship anyone who is sick or demonized will automatically get healed, and delivered.

Like when Saul was tormented and when David played harp the demons flee.

Halleluyaaah glory to a mighty God.

All powerful and sovereign.

Who am I without you Lord??

Who am I?? 😭

I am nothing and can do nothing.

This is all because of you Lord.

I have nothing to boast.

I must remain low on His feet.

Less of me and more of Him.













Luke 8:39

Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus had done for him.

2 Timothy 1:8

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God,

Revelation 12:11

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

Psalm 66:16

Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.

Psalm 71:15-18

My mouth will tell of your righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge. With the mighty deeds of the Lord God I will come; I will remind them of your righteousness, yours alone. O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.

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