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  • Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant




Release July 21 2024

Received year of 2020

2 Peter 1:21

For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Amos 3:7

For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.

Those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear, heed the word of the Spirit of the Lord.

In the year 2020 I had a dream.

In my dream, I was taken in the future.

And I saw vice president Kamala Harris seated side by side with Trump in the White House.

When I saw this, I knew instantly in my spirit, Trump is back as a president of United States of America again, and Joe Biden is dethroned.

I saw them both having a deep one on one discussion sort of like a meeting in presidents office.

She was wearing a navy suit seated on the right hand side of president Trump.

Father gave me the interpretation.

Right means prophetically is RIGHT HAND side man as Trumps upper hand.

A person who is very well entrusted with such power, and authority next in command.

The position of having power or being in control in a particular situation.

Just like Jesus Christ is seated on the right hand side of the Heavenly Father God.

The Father said when the two unite as one, and work as a team together they will become a forced to be reckoned.

God will use both Harris and Trump to bring America back in order again.

And this will come to pass this year 2024 the Father said.

Just like He told me a month prior He will make AMERICA great again.

It is GODS promise, and He shall fulfill what He has planned to do for America.

Trump will win presidency this year, for God will give the throne back to the rightful owner.

It has always been part of Gods plan. And His plans shall prevail no matter what it may look like.

Father will fulfill every prophecy He had spoken to His prophets.

As He did not come to abolish the prophets law and prophecies but to bring it to pass.

You shall see this happen this year.

Let Gods will be done amen.

Glory to Jesus the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Halleluyaaah thank you pa for this revelation prophecies.

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