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Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

Whoever have eyes to see, and ears to hear listen to the Word of the Spirit.

Amos 3:7

GOD does nothing unless He first reveal His secrets to His servant the prophets.

Luke 8:17

For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.

Daniel 2:22

He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him.

As I am praying tongues of fire, interceding the other night for the churches, nation, and for every nations as a whole.

I was being led by the Spirit to intercede.

And I was dispatching and commanding angel armies, warring angels, firey angels, healing angels, deliverance angels, and ministering angels all over the earth to deliver the people, to set the captives free, to heal all the sick little ones and so on.

As I continue to pray so intensely, that my spirit, mind even will, and emotion was so focus in intercession.

Suddenly within a blink of an eye,

I transported into the glory realms, then I was standing, and elevated on the space looking on the earth right before my face.

The earth was so close to me, as if I can almost touch the earth that's how close I was. 🌍

I was flying or you can say floating on the airwaves together with my LORD Jesus Christ standing on my left side by side. And I was on His right hand side.

You see the image down below.

Almost similar to the picture I personally created, by the help of the Father, but obviously it is more gloriously, and extraordinary in person.

Then I saw the mighty righteous right hand of Abba Father Yahweh, so HUGE and GIGANTIC, bigger than all the universe, heavens, and earth combined, on top of my very tiny little head.

Coming out of nowhere in the realms just pin pointing on earth with such power, glory, and might like I have never seen before.

And as I look at my Lord Jesus Christ and seeing the great Yahweh Most High, I can't help but melt in reverencial fear of the Lord of their splendor.

Beauty like no other, too alluring too behold. Just wow I am in awe. 🥺😭

Then I perceive Father made me know,

in my Spirit we are working together as ONE. One body, one heart, one mind and one Spirit.

He speak to me spirit to spirit. Mind to mind, and heart to heart. This is how the Father speak to me.

LORD Jesus is my commander and chief giving me instructions, ideas, divine intel, wisdom, and strategies on how to pray like Prophet Daniel.

How to intercede like prophet Noah with such divine clarity, and revelations. The two most powerful intercessor of all time Father said to me.

And I was being led on how to pray strategically with such divine intelligence, and knowlegde.

As I open my mouth to speak and release words with such authority on what I want to see manifest according to His will, and purpose.

I see it coming to full fruition one by one. And it shall be done.

Whatever I decree on earth it shall be established.

Everytime I declare the written words of Yahweh it will not return to Him void, and none of my words will fall to the ground.

But it is being established as He said it in His words, one after another, and it shall come to pass.

Every declaration will come forth.

Then I see Father God the great Yah immediately points His huge fingers to come in agreement with me, and make it come forth through His mighty right hand. 😮

For whatever I decree on earth shall be established in Heaven. Then it is so.

Whatever I bind on earth must be bound in heaven. And it was finished.

Signed and sealed by the blood of the spotless and blameless Lamb of God.

This is the power of a true intercession, it's all about partnering with the TRIUNE GODHEAD.

Father made me know this is what you call a true relationship with Him. Partnership with Him in this end times.

But not my own personal persuits, and agenda but only His agenda and His will to be done according to His purpose.

Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

But the greatest amongst all the intercessor and there is no other than my chief and commander the Son of God Yeshua Hamashiach.

Now I know why The LORD Jesus is the best intercessor of all time, even until today He still intercedes for His people.

You did not know? Father is the one interceding for us for the Father Gods will to be done on earth.

Day after day, He is our greatest advocate, our helper our intercessor. Without Him we will not even last this long.

What a loving Father we have. ❤️

We are so blessed. I am in awe and in amazement on how the Father God, The Father son, and my Holy Spirit leads me in prayers. Amen.

And how they teach me how to pray in order and in one accord. I don't pray what I want, I only pray what the Father wants.

For it is not about me, but its only about Him.

Hosanna in the Highest Heaven. Halleluyah!!! Glory to God. 🔥🌊⚡️☄️

NOTE: The “RIGHT HAND” is seen as a place of honor, and status throughout the biblical text. When the Bible makes statements that Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of the Father, it is affirming that he has equal status to the Father within the Godhead.

Hebrews 12:2

Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

1 Corinthians 2:9

However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” the things God has prepared for those who love him.

Matthew 18:18

Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Daniel 2:19

Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of the night. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.

This image I personally made, by the help of my Abba Father is the closest I can describe my encounter.

But it's nothing compare to what I saw.

The only word I can describe this was magestic and superb. ✨️

Halleluyaah glory to the King of Kings and to the Lord of Lords.

We praise the God Almighty.

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

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