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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant




Jocee Tan by HiddenRemnant

One day I was praying in my secret place during the day.

While worshipping I started calling Holy Spirit to come.

I said come and fill this place with your presence.

The first min I didn't feel Him.

I called Him again.

But I still didn't hear Him or sense His presense.

I started to worry. 😦

So I repeated myself and continued calling Him again, and again.

Because I am not feeling His presence.

Still no avail.

So I started screaming on top of my lungs.

Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit cooommmmeeeeeee!! while weeping. Huhuhu! 🤦🏻‍♀️😅

And then my phone started talking to me.

I was like waaaaaaaa 😬

I promise you I did not touch my phone.

My phone was far away from me.

And it was on silent the whole time and offline.

So no one can interrupt my worship.


My phone spoke very loud and clear to me and said.

Beloveds Im not kidding.😂

My phone started speaking to me and said......


I got startled. 😂😣😨

So I quickly grabbed my phone to investigate.

And I checked.

On my screen it says in written words big and bold.


Within me how did that happen?

I was so out of it. 😆😵‍💫

And then the Holy Spirit said in my spirit it was Him because I was so loud.

He was trying to tell me to stop shouting, and screaming.

Hahaha 😂🤣

He said there's no need to scream because He is beside me. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I started laughing Haha

Ofcourse laughing at myself. 🥴

I was laughing and couldn't breath. 🤣

That's when I learn we don't need to scream or yell to be heard.

Even if we don't see Him he is always there. And he sees you and everything that you do.

So do not assume He doesn't know.😄

We don't need to repeat ourselves again and again. Like pagans babbling with the same words.

Oh Lord have mercy. 🤭

Father can hear us even if we whisper.

And even if we don't say a word, He can still hear the beat of our hearts.💗

The Holy Spirit is a person not a bird.

So let's be sensitive to Him.

Because He is just like us.

He smiles. He laughs. He talks like us. He is very funny too.

Oh yeah!

He always makes me giggles and laugh.

Until I cant breath anymore.😂

And He plays with my hair and gives me kisses on my cheeks.

Most times He will shake me hahaha 😂

To get my attention. Ayeee ooooouhh!

I told Abba How do you put up with me?

I am crazy and I drive you crazy? 😂

And He just laughs at me.🤭🤦🏻‍♀️

I tell you the truth just like a Father to His child.👨‍👧

He's got feelings too.

Father is very gentle and meek.

He is very soft spoken and so swweeet.😄

I love my Holy Spirit. ❤️

From the beginning of my walk with Him.

It has always been just me, and Him alone in this dark world.

Although at times I feel alone, but I am not really alone for He is with me always.

But I'd rather have Him.

Than have 10000 fake friends. I'm good.

Let us treat the Holy Spirit like a person.

Not a santa or a genie.

Not a bank machine.

Not someone we can just use anytime.

Or remember because we need something.

Let's stop taking advantage of Him.

But let us learn to have peace and quite without asking.

Let us learn to be content for what we have.

And appreciate the small that is given to us.

Not I want this and I want that and I need this.

STOP 🚫❗️✋🏼

But be thankful for what you have.

Spending time with Him doesn't mean asking Him what you want.

It has nothing to do with asking.

But its to do with communing.

Enjoying your time with Him.

Simply having conversations with Him.

Learn to also ask Him How are you Abba Father?

How are you today? What's in your mind?

It's not just about you but it's about Him.

Be considerate about His feelings too.

You don't have to always come to His presence asking for blessings. Favour. Mantles and spiritual gifts.

Stop Abusing the Holy Spirit.

Or I need healing.....well don't you think He knows what you need?

He already knows what you need before you even open your mouth to speak.

You don't need to tell Him what you want.

He knows.

Everything is already provided if you believe and have confidence in Him.

And if you have faith and obey His will.

What He wants from you is a relationship and intimacy.

He wants you to know Him.❤️

Know His heart and mind.

Find time to make time for Him everyday morning, during the day and night.

Go to your secret place and play some anointed soaking in His presence music and worship and praise Him.

Live a life of worship.🙌🏼

Set the atmosphere heavenly by always praying and worshipping day and night.

Then after worshipping.

Be quite and still.

Learn the power of stillness and silence.

And allow Him to speak to you.

Be patient and wait. It will take hours.

You want an encounter? Then try this.

He wont fail you I guarantee you.

Close your eyes and don't move.

And wait patiently.

Allow Him to do what He wants to do.

Just be silent and don't move but have Faith.

Without Faith you cannot please God.

But faith without action is dead.

So don't ever enter His presence with doubt.

But come before Him in expectancy with humility.

Because He will reveal Himself to you.

And the more you spend time with Him, the more He will give you a revelation of His person.

But not if you have even a tiny bit of doubts or fear.

If have doubt and fear then forget about it.

This take a lot of discipline, self control and dying to self.

As long as you are willing, nothing is impossible with God.

You will never experience heaven if you dont die to self and carry your cross everyday.

My best encounter and experiences is when I stay the longest in the dwelling place for 8 hours straight. No break.

So if you are willing to have experiences then be willing to pay the price.

Hope this will help you build your relationship with the Spirit of the Living God, Ruach Ha Kodesh. Shalom!

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