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  • Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant




SEPT 14 2024 | 12PM-7:30PM

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

Today as I was preparing for breakfast.

Father put a movie for me to watch on my computer.

Yes even without me changing it, or touching the computer keyboard haha I know. I was in the kitchen how can I.

But Father always helps Himself at home.

For my home is His home. 🥹

While I was in the kitchen, pa prepared a movie for me to watch, while I eat my breakfast.

How cool is our GOD? only if you know Him, like I know Him oh boy, oh boy.

You all are missing out a whole lot, by limiting a BIG and MIGHTY POWERFUL GOD.

Didn't Father say in His word,

Revelations 3:20

Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and I will come and dine with you together as friends.

Then if you let Him in, He will come; and also dine with you too; and make your house His dwelling place.

My house is now Fathers dwelling place.

When I check my computer, I see the title of the movie is called THE APOCALYPSE it's about the life of the beloved apostle John. Woaaah! 😃

I actually have not watch this movie yet, and to my surprised it actually exist; so happy to be able to watch it this day together with my pa.

Since I have always wondered how Apostle John live His life on earth being the only last disciple alive.

You all remember his life story, the romans tried; and attempted to kill him many times, but they could not kill him.

And he live for over a hundreds of years.

I was sooooooo marveled by his life story.

Astounding and in awe of how God kept him alive for so long, and so many years despite of his old age; being in jail cell in patmos.


John live his life only dedicated to serve the Lord, that even in his weakness he still serve, and always serving to tend to the wounded sheeps.

He always receive fresh manna, and revelations from the Father to give to the people from time to time.

When Father brought him to the holy throne room of God in heaven, and when he receive THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS.

I was in so much awe, and filled with wondered; and astonishment like wow.

Especially when he meet the 24 elders.

Oh how it reminds me of me.

Theeeen, I was also reminded of my many encounters in heaven. 🥺

Father said to me, this is going to be my life before His return, my life will be just like the life of Beloved Apostle John.


This is my truest calling, for this is who I am; and this will be my life just like John.

Father said, but my life will be waaaaay better than John the beloved. I will not be put to jail, I will not be handcuffed. I will not be chained to be a slave to the law.

Nor will I go through martyrdom like the rest of the disciples of Jesus Christ. And I will not endure the great tribulations. For He will take me home before that.

The only one who did not die was John the beloved out of all the apostles for the Lord preserve His life until the end. 😭

Once again, I am reminded that I am the very last disciple standing in this time of age.

The very last 13th apostle of Jesus Christ in this last days. The only one standing in this generation.

For there will be no more true disciple of Christ in this era Father said. 😭

My heart is in awe and I still can't believe even until now that my Father chose me to be His 13th disciple.

Father said, since 2000 years ago I was the only one who left my families, gave away my possessions, gave up my career and left everything behind just to follow Him.

He said I am the only one who paid the price since the time He was on earth, besides His 12 disciples. And you all know that there are only 12 chosen disciples of Jesus Christ?

But Father surprised me to core when He promoted me to be His number 13th.

And I am the only last one standing.

I am shocked. I knew about it since 2021 but I kept ignoring it, because I didn't believe it. 😞

For the last 3 years Father have been speaking to me about it, but I was stubborn then, and did not believe.

Until Father revealed, and confirmed it to one of my spiritual daughter, indeed what He has been speaking to me is true.

Father is the God of confirmation, for He always AFFIRMS what He already spoken to you.

And He confirms it through numbers of ways, another voice, His scriptures/words or dreams, and vision.

It's not because I did not believe God, it's because I did not believe in myself. I always thought I am the weakest one.

To me I considered myself the very least. I am not as strong, and powerful nor confident like others out there.

2 Corinthians 11:5

But I don’t consider myself inferior in any way to these “super apostles” who teach such things.

So to me, why me?

Out of all the people. 🥺

It could have been Kathryn Kuhlman. It could have been Smith Wigglesworth.

There are way too many mighty man and woman of God, very anointed generals of the faith the last 50 years or so, but why me?

Even I asked pa why didn't you pick Anosike, Father said because he did not pay the price like me. And I asked, well what about prophet Tb Joshua?

Father said because they did not pay the price. They only serve Me, because it's only a responsibility for them.

Servants only serve God today, as they only see it as a job perhaps a duty. It's more of a responsibility rather than a service.

Me on the other hand, I serve Him for the reasons I love my God. Serving is not just a job or a responsibility to me but my passion to serve.

I don't care about positions, nor power or fame. I after no titles, or popularity, nor wealth, and influence or followers. I did not give up everything just to be famous.

I don't care about all of that. I am not here for the hype, clout, fame or riches.

I am here to serve not to be served.


This is the difference between me and other servants.

I love serving my Lord, and I will do it until my last breath. Because of my heart and love for souls. Forever I am a servant to my King of Kings, and Lords of Lord.

Father said yes it's true.

Jesus is not just a duty.

To me He is everything I ever needed.

Everything I ever wanted and the only one thing is needed.

I do what I do in the name of love, not in the name of fame. For aren't we commanded to do everything in love?

This is what Father made me know why He chose me as His number 13th. 😭

It's not because I am so mighty, or for I am so strong; and wise like others; it's not because I am so anointed or gifted; talented like other servants. None of the above.

But simply because I love my God.

My servitude was never a burden to me, but I love what I do. It's my passion. It's where my heart is. For where my treasure is there my heart also. And what is inside my heart is my treasure. ❤️

Nothing else and nothing more.

I see myself the very least of all Gods servants. I am nothing without my Lord. And can do absolutely nothing apart from Him. I am only still standing today by His grace.

But in my weakness He is my strenght.

All glory belongs to the Holy GOD.

And before I continue,

I want to share what I told pa lastnight.

While spending time with Him, this was around 3 in the morning.

I said pa I like to write with no errors.

And why when I scribe, and release revelations of my encounters; I don't want to rush to post right away.

Often times it takes me 6-12 hours to scribe my revelations. I do it meticulously and intricately. Sometimes even it takes days, and to weeks until I finished.

Id like to take my time, and read again and again to proof read my work, to ensure I did not missed a thing.

For I am feeding it to the people of God.

Thus it has to be done precisely. ✒️📜

It will never be as perfect obcourse, but I don't want to missed anything because I said.

If I am going to serve, Id rather do it in excellence; with love to the best of my ability; and even with little strenght.

Otherwise, if I am going to just scribe a revelation or teach without passion, then why do I bother. Might as well just stop scribing.

That is why even the image attached to my post you all see with my revelations, I personally made it, and most of the arts I share, I edited with my own hands help by my Abba Father.

Why I spend numerous amount of time editing my arts because I don't want to post an ugly art.

I don't want to just post something that just looks like it was copied and pasted.

Where is my originality if I was to copy.

That is not me. I don't like to mimic or copy other peoples work of art. I like to recreate, and make something new, and different. 90% of my art is made, and created by me.

What is the point of serving with no love and no passion. Serving without passion is meaningless.

Then I said, didn't you say in your words that even if its shabbat, but service never ends.

So even if it's holy day of the week but we must continue to serve in excellence, and this is what I am doing.

After all I am only doing what I only see my Father is doing. I am all about my Fathers business. There is no day off, or rest when it comes to serving.

Service never ends even if it's shabbat.

I only look up to my heavenly Fathers footsteps, not mans footsteps. Even in my weakness, I shall serve the Lord.

Until the end without nothing missing, nothing lacking. For I believe in serving with excellence, love and passion.

That was my conversation with pa around 1 in the morning.

As I finished scribing late, and had to proof read my work before releasing, and even after releasing I was still proof reading it again.

Trust me I go over my revelations like a mad woman, for more than hundreds of times no kidding.

Father said yes its true.

Most times I am already falling asleep because of exhaustion from writing for 12 hours.

And why you cannot expect me to answer all of you or respond to you. Since my life is not the same as yours.

My life is not my own, I don't get to control or run my life anymore like you, I spend all day and all night doing Fathers work, and scribing revelations is not easy.

It takes a lot of hard work spending alot of time in the secret place to download new hidden mysteries and the secrets of God.

And pa made me know it will be another epistles of the book of revelations. Just like the book of Enoch and Daniel. 📖

And this day, I just wanted to worship my life away. All I wanted to do is worship my Lord, my God, and my King.

For Who He is to me, and what He is to me. For that is why we worship Him.

Thus I sang and sang and sang about the goodness, and the faithfulness of my Abba Father and my GOD.

Holy Holy Holy to the King of Glory.

Hosannah in the highest heavens.

All highest praises belongs to Him.

His mercy endures forever, His grace is sufficient, His love never ends, His goodness is endless.

I could not stop worshipping. 🎼🎵🎶

How could I stop? I can't.

My life belongs to Him, and Him alone.

My life is no longer my own.

I am His and forever He is mine.

Then as I was worshipping in spirit and in truth laying prostrate face down.

I ascended into the Holy of Holies.

The Holy throne of grace.

And I was seated beside my Abba Father Lord Yeshua Hamashiach on His right hand side.

I saw my Father wearing His white glorious robes.

Seated on the throne.

Wearing His golden crown. 👑

My Abba Father is MIGHTY and a GIANT.

As He is BIGGER than you all realized.

I was just a little puny beside Him.

Yet you all think He is a small God.

You think you can put Him inside a box.

He cannot be put in the 4 walls of your church building.

He is to be honored for who He is, and show our reverencial fear.

He is the CREATOR. He is the living word.

There is so much more to know about the Lord our God for He is filled with mysteries.

It's only a matter of getting to know Him.

He is not just Father to us, He is GOD.

He is the God of signs, miracles and wonders.

The MAKER of heavens and earth.

You must fear the Lord thy God.

Honor His Lordship and authority.

For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

You see the image below that is how I saw my Abba Father seated on His throne ofcourse more glorious than that.

In His glory and power.

How can you not fear God?

Think about how He made us in His image? How He made all the creatures and angels in heaven?

All living things is made by His hands.

Heaven is inside Him that is how GINORMOUS He is, even I watch my God create the universe, and all planets by His fingers.

The earth is just a size of His fingers.

I watch Father God create space and the galaxy only by His eyes and mind without even touching it I shared this in my old revelations.

Yet we take Him lightly like God is just a man. We do not honor Him, for if we do, we will fear to sin against Him.

And if we truly know who He is, and believe He is what He says He is, then we will obey Him; follow Him; and serve Him; for obedience is the highest form of fear of the Lord.

And those who obey Him loves Him.

As I was with the Father in heaven, spending time with pa, there was soooo much food.

It was yet again another celebration.

We was celebrating. 🎉🎉🎉

But I did not know why we was celebrating at first.

All I know is I just wanted to fill my belly with yummy foods, and sweet treats.

I am such a big kid when I am with pa.

There was so much seafood, and I never thought heaven will also have sushi.

Ayeeeeeshhh!!!! 😂😃😆

I ate so much sushi and shrimp.

Sushi is a big size not small and even the shrimp in heaven is big. 🍙🍤

It was soooo tastey. So good. Haha!

Seriously you can eat, and eat, all you can, but you never get full for we don't excrete in the heavenlies.

There is no such things as waste in heaven.

That is one of my favorite thing to do is eat, while I enjoy the company of my pa like a child enjoying her time.

Then I was promoted yet again. 🎖

Father just told me now. I did not know Father will promote me again today. Wow. I was not expecting it I promised you. 😭

I thought we are just having child and Father quality time.

Something happened to me while I was with Him, that I cannot explain in words.

Right now I feel the POWER of God through me, in me from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.

I cannot conceived what happened in the spirit. All I know is I am on fire, my heart burns; and my whole body feels like I was revitalize to a new level.

I feel so different.

Then when I open my fb.

Father confirmed what happened to me this day through His servant.

Here please read. 📜

"The Breath of God, Holy Oil, and The Fragrance of the Living Tree of Life"

I had a vision of the most beautiful Tree. This Tree is in the Garden of Righteousness. It gave out the most beautiful Fragrance. This Tree of Life was alive and breathing. And the Fragrance of Heaven was in the Holy Oil that dripped from its branches. It flowed down upon all that would come to receive it. The Fruit was abundant and its leaves were for the healing of the nations. Jesus is this Tree of Life.

Did you know that the early church fathers spoke of the Spirit as not only power, wind, and fire, but a Heavenly Fragrance that filled the house! This fact has been left out of most of the English translations. Read about "THE ODOR OF THE SPIRIT AT PENTECOST" below.

"Beloved. I am the Tree of Life from which all blessings flow. As I breathed upon My disciples, so I breathe upon you. And you shall walk in Newness of Life.

"It is a Divine Deep Breathing which releases the Fragrance of Heaven. I am anointing you with this Fragrant Oil upon your head, running down to your generations forever.

"The Sweet Breath of God clings to your garments of Salvation and your Robe of Righteousness, and sets you apart as My Holy Bride without spot or wrinkle.

"So receive this Anointing from the Tree of Life, that breaks chains and destroys yokes; the Oil of Life , the Balm of Gilead falls from the Leaves for the Healing of the nations.

"The Tree of Life in the Garden of Righteousness breathes forth incorruption upon My Church. I give you an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled; that does not fade away, accomplished in Heaven for you, and you shall be kept by the Power of your God through faith.

"Holy Inspiration shall come upon you and you will breathe forth fragrant prophecy to edify and comfort My Church.

"All creation has been groaning for the manifestation of the Sons and Daughters of God and you are now anointed and appointed and ready to be revealed in these last days.

"I shall always causes you to triumph and you shall make manifest the Savor of My Knowledge in every place. For you are unto your God a Sweet Savor of Christ, to those that are saved, and to those who are perishing.

"This is My Promise to you, "And you shall be like a Tree planted by streams of Water, yielding its Fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither, and who prospers in all he does!"

Jesus BREATHED on them

John 20:21-22

"Again Jesus said to them, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent Me, so also I am sending you.” When He had said this, He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. "


"Divine deep breathing, God's Breathy, fragrance released with the Spirit. We could render our Greek: "then came suddenly a sound from heaven while as it were a strong smell The divine perfumes are unique, ambrosia and nectar, and of surpassing sweetness. "

"A voice of mystery was heard by them and a sweet odor which is strange to the world was diffused on them, and tongues of fire, between the Voice and the odor, came down to them from heaven, and alighted and sat upon every one of them, and according to the tongue which each of them had received he prepared himself to go to that country in which that tongue was spoken. "

"At the third hour of the Holy Sunday of Pentecost, a mighty sound was heard, so that all men were terrified. and marveled at the mightiness of the sound; and the chamber was filled with an ineffably strong light. And there appeared over the head of each one of them (something) in the form of tongues of fire, and there BREATHED forth from thence a SWEET ODOR which surpassed all aromas in the world."

"Suddenly the sound of heavy thunder came and from the force of the sound, the inhabitants of Jerusalem were terrified, and there was seen above that upper room fire that was formed in the likeness of a burning ball; and a vapor of smoke and a sweet fragrant wind blowing in the midst of the upper room and around it; and from that ardent flame there were distributed gifts in the form of tongues of fire."

" But the spirit is not like "a current of wind or a certain gentle breeze which may be felt, but just as if some fragrance of ointment or incense made out of a refined mixture, a power diffusing itself by some impulse of fragrance which is inconceivable and superior to what one can express . . . And the fragrance of the Spirit is wafted onward occupying an intermediate position, and proceeds forth, just as is diffused the odor of incense offerings (laid) in fire."

Acts 2:1-3, All above translations came from the Journal of Biblical Literature written by the early Church fathers, Ephrem Syrus, (350 A.D.) Isho'dad of Merv, (850 A.D.) and Hippolytus of Rome(170 A.D.)


Strong's Greek 2175: A sweet smell, fragrance. From a compound of eu and a derivative of ozo; good-scentedness, i.e. Fragrance. The common Old Testament term, 'the soothing odor,' which occurs in the parallel account in Genesis 8 , and elsewhere. A balm of life.

The Book of Enoch also refers to such odors from the TREES of the garden of Righteousness, or the trees that encircle God's throne, or the trees of life or of knowledge.

"Jesus, being Himself the perfect sweet savor without need and without lack is always full of all good things, having in Himself all sweet savor and all exhalations of fragrant things."

The Temple gave forth the ambrosial odor that greets from afar one that approaches with its good Breath, a Breath that clings to the garments as one departs. (We are His Temple)

"And since the Spirit is thought of as inspiring the prophets, Origen,

and Eusebius speak of the odor that breathes from the prophecies. So Hippolytus, of 2 Pet. 1 19 'the fragrant word."

Matthew 3 15-17 (Jesus baptism) "And straightway, a great light shone, and the Jordan was surrounded by white clouds, and the Jordan stood still 'quietly from its course, its waters not being troubled and a scent of perfumes was wafted thence."

Song of Solomon 1:12-13

“While the King was at His table, My perfume gave forth its fragrance. “My Beloved is to me a pouch of myrrh which lies all night between my breasts." (Heart)

Song of Solomon 1:2-4

"Let him kiss me with the kisses of His mouth! For your love is more delightful than wine. The FRAGRANCE OF YOUR PERFUME is pleasing; Your Name is like PERFUME POURED OUT. No wonder the maidens adore You. Take me away with You—let us hurry! May the King bring me to His chambers. We will rejoice and delight in You; we will praise Your Love more than wine. It is only right that they adore You.…"

Ephesians 5:1-2

"Be imitators of God, therefore, as beloved children, and walk in love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a FRAGRANT sacrificial offering to God."

2 Corinthians 2:14-16

"Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the SAVOR of His knowledge by us in every place. For we are unto God a SWEET SAVOR of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish: To the one we are the savor of death unto death; and to the other the savor of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?"

2 Corinthians 2:14-16:

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!

It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard,

on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes!”


Scent is an often underappreciated sense, and it has a powerful effect on our emotions and well-being. The olfactory system has a direct pathway to the limbic system, which includes the amygdala and the hippocampus, regions of the brain that are involved in emotion and memory. When we inhale a particular scent, the molecules travel through our nose, bind to olfactory receptors, and send signals to our brain, which can trigger emotional and physiological responses. This explains why a whiff of a certain perfume can evoke vivid memories or why certain scents can calm us down or make us feel more alert. . .Solid research exists, and there is a clear and established link that positive moods and emotions can be elicited via the inhalation of aromas.. (Yale University)

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