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MAY 05 2024

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

On this night, around 2 in the morning.

While praying and seeking Fathers face.

Laying prostrate face down. Completely still, and silent. Without moving, or blinking, or even speaking.

Not all can remain still, and silent for 8 hours straight.

For most people today cannot die to self.

Father speak to us more clearly with clarity mostly is when we are silent.

When we learn to be quite and still and wait on the Lord to speak to us in calmness.

People always have the tendency to move around. They cannot stay still in one place.

For being still has a lot to do with denying the flesh, dying to self is to do with discipline, a lot of self control.

But people always feel the need to move, and do something.

When we are always busy, and moving around day after day, busy with the cares of this world, it's hard for the Father to get our attention for we are too busy for Him.

Too busy to take the time to allow Him to speak to us. Why most of you cannot hear His gentle voice.

But in stillness there is His presence. I just want to put it out there for you to know.

If you want the Lord to speak to you, with clarity it takes you to be completely still.

Self discipline is a must if you want to make to the finish line.

For in your stillness He speaks.

Why He said in His word.

"BE STILL" and know He is GOD.

Perhaps I will teach on this some other time not now. Just medidating in the presence of the Abba Father. But at the same time speaking to Him in spirit.

Suddenly, I was taken in the heavenly realms, and behold.

I stand before the man, I always admire and honor. The man I look up to since I was little. When I was a child, to me, he was a hero. But today, now that I know the truth, there is only one hero in my life, my Jesus Christ the One Who died for me on the cross.

No one will understand what that means unless you have gone through abused, and violence at such a young age.

Before I begin to share let me tell you my story, when I was growing up.

I was only 8 years old when I learn martial arts. Jiu jitsu, Karate, boxing, and self defense. My father trained me at such a young age how to fight, and defend myself.

For I always get bullied in school.

I always come home with bruises, scars, wounds all over my body from fighting. Almost every time, I am always in our guidance counselor, for the reasons of altercation that leds to physical fight with bullies.

Most times I will come home with black eyes, missing tooth, or scraches all over my face, with a bleeding mouth, and buss up face. Since I was only in kinder garten.

Up to elementary in grade 1 all the way to grade 6, and until I reach high school. I fought all my life, I kid you not. This is not a joke, I tell you the truth.

And I always get bullied in school all my life, and even at home, I will fight back, but didn't know how to fight or defend myself when I was little, that's why I ended up getting beaten.

This was my childhood life. I was bullied and beaten most of my life as a child.

Even at home my 2 oldest sister use to always bully me, and beat me up so badly. When I am home alone with them. I was only 3 years old, when they started abusing me physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I was treated with such abused, and violence at home. They will picked on me for no reason, and hit me left right, and center, grab my hair, and drag me to the floor you name it.

If I can't finish my food, my sisters will mashed my face all over the plate, and force me to finish my food with so much aggression.

And if I do anything wrong, or if I make any mistakes, I will get slap on the face and get beaten. I can't do nothing but just cry, for I was too small to defend myself.

When I turn 6 years old, I have already suffered tremendous beatings, and mental abused both emotionally, verbally and physically.

Even when I turned 13 my oldest sister stabbed me 3 times with 6 steak knives in each of her hands.

I was stabbed on multiple accounts, to my right elbow, left arms, and my right legs 3 times, and almost lost my life, and could have died.

I bleed uncontrollably. And battled for my life for 3 months in bed, and could not walk, or move or even do anything.

The only reasons why I am still alive today, because of the grace of God in my life. I had to fight back and defended myself. Or she would have killed me for sure.

When she stabbed me, and the moment I saw blood. I knew I had to defend myself or I will die. My eyesight was darkened, and I black out. I grab her head, punch her 20 times, and then she fell to the ground, I grab her again, and wrestled her.

Then I sat on her stomach, and I keep punching her face, back to back for more than 35 times, and finally knocked her out. And just like that she went to sleep zZ.

My middle sister was trying to stop me, and so our helper. They was both crying and panicking. For I was bleeding so much, and almost lost blood.

My dad finally arrived and carried me in his arms while he was crying, he wanted to take me to the hospital. But I said no. Please I want to just stay home, and rest.

Because I don't want people to know our family shame. My father then self medicated me himself. I was in excruciating pain for months. I could not sleep. The pain was unbearable.

I am a bit teary, while I share this personal encounter, because all my life as a child, I have been tremendously abused, and gone through so much violence.

Martial arts was my safe heaven. Like a happy place for me. I grow up watching martial arts especially Bruce Lee, he was always my favorite martial artist.

My father, and I would stay up all night long, watching wrestling or sometimes kung fu. And most time we would watch boxing.

I love all kinds of fighting sports. As long as it's fighting related, I enjoy it. I know I am weird, but that's who I am, and that's part of me. I maybe change now, for I am a new creation in Christ. But you can't take the warrior bride dna in me.

Something about kung fu martial arts, boxing, ufc, and all kinds of fighting sports that always drawn me, and I always wanted to learn.

I love boxing, to muay thai, ufc, jiu jitsu, kick boxing, kung fu wing chun, tai chi, you name it, I am all in. And even when I was in my 20's I took muay thai training with my sister. It was hard and expensive too, wheew.

I tell you the truth no lie.

And so finally when I turned at the age 8 years old. My father who was a private police inforcement back then, trained me how to fight.

He also happened to be a fighter. My dad was a boxer, and a martial artist.

I watch him box with others in the ring, and train every morning martial arts when I was only 3-5 years old. And so I have always been inspired.

Thanks to my dad. He was such an inspiration to me. And it makes so much sense why I love fighting, and why I am who I am today.

My father also trained me how to be vigilant, and to always be aware of your surroundings. That was their training in policing. I learn that at the age 6.

And he also trained me how to hold a gun, how to shoot, and even how to clean it. He use to make me carry his 38 and silencer, even his magnum 45 when we go to church in my pocket. I know I tell you my dad is something else.

Now you know why I am a bit crazy. 🤭

At the age 8 was my very first training with my father. He made me my own stick. In pinas they call it stick fighting.

Filipino Kali is the art of stick fighting using hard bamboo sticks to strike, and defend. Filipino Kali classes teach weapons fighting before bare hand-to-hand combat.

Everyday we trained, until I learned how to finally use a weapon.

After my dad trained me self defense. How to block an opponent from hitting your face, and especially your eyes.

For your face is the most valuable part of your body, and as well as your head, you must know how to cover it.

Then my father trained me boxing. Now this is one of my favorite. My dad, and I would spar together one on one, but it's only training, and for sports.

Nothing serious until one day he told me to hit him hard, and I did. And he got a giant bruised on his arms. I felt bad, but he wanted me to punch him with my best.


I also learned grappling, submission move, and wrestling. Grappling is a fighting technique based on throws, trips, sweeps, clinch fighting, ground fighting, and submission holds.

Grappling often involve takedowns, and ground control, and may end when an opponent concedes defeat.

I did not become good at it at first, until I had to put it to use to learn self defense from bullies in school, and my siblings, when my sister stabbed me with 6 knives.

Until I was finally 10 years old. Getting a bit bigger. Then one day my cousin from mindanao stayed with us for the whole summer, because they have no school.

I found out that her dad which is my uncle is also a karate martial artist, and she happened to be a black belt in taekwando. I was like wow.

Now I am no black belt in anything. And I was not trained proffessionaly. I learn all my training only through street fighting and at home with my father.

So I only have black belt in street fighting, and grappling. 😅 But I am good at putting my opponent down on submission move.

My areas of expertice is more jiu jitsu style. Though I never really trained in jiu jitsu proffessionaly, but this is what I love. And I am good at it. Because it is alot to do with ground fights. I love ground fights.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ; Portuguese: jiu-jitsu brasileiro is a self-defence martial art, and combat sport based on grappling, ground fighting, and submission holds.

BJJ focuses on taking ones opponent down to the ground, gaining a dominant position, and using a number of techniques to force them into submission via joint locks or chokeholds.

One day, her and I was training together for fun in our basement. I told her to show me her highest kick. And she did not hesitated. Her kicked was so strong and so high. I was so amazed. 😯

Then I told my father about her that she is good. My father said don't worry I will train you, and you will fight her only as a sport. My dad said you will beat her.

And I said okay. 🙇🏻‍♀️

One day she summoned me and wanted to fight just for fun. I agreed.

Now when it comes to fighting a blackbelt in taekwando, you must use wisdom, agility with speed is important to tackle your opponent to the ground quickly.

You cannot make any wrong moves for all it takes is one mistake, and your done.

Because taekwando are known for standing, they kicked with such power, and force, but they are not really good at grappling, for their weakness is ground.

They are only strong in stand off.

I knew then I could not fight her standing face to face, for that is her playground and area of expertice. I have to use techniques if I want to beat her.

The moment the fight was on, I grab her so quick with speed, for I cannot make no mistake, and use all the strenght I have to tackle her down.

For if I am too slow she will kicked my butt, and for sure, she will probably put me to sleep. Not a chance.

I managed to grab a hold of her, and put her down on the floor, grappled her legs with my two legs, arm lock her and ensured she can no longer move, and use submission hold with my two arms, on her neck to chokehold her.

She could no longer move, and breath, then she tapped out, I said to her do you give up now? She said yes, and I won the match because like I said the ground is my play ground.

When I was already in canada. I got into a relationship with a very abusive man at the age 24. I got into a huge physical fight with him. He was very abusive, and violent. He doesn't care if you are a woman.

And mind you I was only 95 pounds for I am small. And he was 200 pounds for he was very mascular, and built.

He beat me up, and punch my head like a punching bag for more than 30 times. And I fought back though I was small. I grab a broken bottle, I broke it to stab him, but he grab it from my hand, and stabbed me instead.

He got me very badly on my left shoulder and stabbed me very deep. I have a huge cut on my left shoulder, and bleed so much.

I have now 4 in total stabbed wounds. But I have more scars over my body from other battles. Until now I still have my scars as a reminder to me what tried to kill me, failed miserably, and did not succeeded. For what cannot kill you, makes you stronger.

Back to my youth story, I have become a force to be reckoned with in my high school years. That's when I started joining gangs, and even joined one of the toughest gangs back home. And I was the leader of the female gangs.

No one can mess with me, I was so untouchable in my high school years. I was fearless. Even the highest ranks in gang members respected my name.

I fought all bullies in my school, and defeated them. Then finally I got kicked out because of it.

My last fight was when I was in a karaoke bar, I got very drunk from alcohol, because of it I got into altercation. And I beat up a korean man badly, and stab him with a broken battle on his neck. I almost killed him. Until now police are still looking for me. But they do not know it was a woman who did it.

After that incident. I realized it's time for me to change my ways. For if not, I will end up in jail, and waste my life. I had come to a realization I need to change. And it was a wake up call. Because I can't be like this for the rest of my life.

I became a bully beater. For I hated bullies. All gang members know my name because they heard stories about my fights.

But today I am proud to say, I am no longer lost, but now I am found, and I am a warrior bride, and a demon beater.

That was my childhood story.

Back to my encounter.

On May 5 2024.



I was like woaaaa Bruce Lee is in heaven? I was sooo filled with joy when I found out he is in heaven.

Father said yes he is with me.

All smiles on my face. I could not stop smiling. My heart was just bubbling with joy when I saw him. 😃😲

He was wearing his chinese tai chi martial arts uniform. The black and white one. Check the bottom on the comments section below to see.

Then I saw myself in training, dressed like a shaolin monk, but female version.

I was wearing a black tai chi uniform for women so it was a tunic style with a slit on the sides of the dress, and cut off sleeve.

My hair was in a ponytail bun, all black and so long all the way to my bum. Holding a long wooden stick weapon.

Just like the image below.

I was so fierce, very brave, fearless, and untouchable. Father said yes you are.

WOW! 😃

I look like a chinese kung fu fighter. Haha I smiled in amazement to see myself so fierce. This is incredible.

Then Abba Father said, He will teach me how to fight like Bruce Lee.

I could not believe I am training kung fu wing chun with Bruce Lee. Father said Bruce Lee will be the one to train me.

I am so filled with excitement, and I am all smile. I cannot believe what I heard Father said. I am still in awe. 😯

Then today while fighting in the realms.

I was fighting principalities, rulers from high places. I tell you that we are at war.

Kingdom against kingdom. For the war never ends.

The warfare went on for more than an hour or longer. But I was so overpowered by the dunamis power of God.

I was unstoppable. 🔥🔥🔥

After the battle, I ascended in heavenly places far above principalities, rulers of the air, and power from high places.

Then I entered a door in heaven. Where no man, or no saints has ever been or seen before.

And I heard Father say to me "CONGRATULATIONS."🎉

For finishing the battles, and for not giving up, and for passing the test. 🏆

When I entered this glorious room. It was the door only VICTORS, CHAMPIONS and true WARRIORS, can enter. Not for the weak, and the faints of hearts.

Then I saw BRUCE LEE ones again. 😳

This time I saw his spirit man ascending.

He was only wearing his black pants with no shirt on. I see all his incredible muscles, and stature he is very fit for a tiny man. Wow. And I witness his spirit being caught up. Almost look like he is being raptured but not.

Then I heard Father say.


Remember the movie? How they all are fierce warriors but they can fly in the air and elevated on the sky. That is how I will be fighting them.

Father said it is a TRANSFER of the spirit.

He gave me the spirit of BRUCE LEE as a gift, and as a reward for my obedience even when the warfares are tough, but I still did not give up.

Even when I am beat, and down to my wits I still keep fighting. But I never quit. Even when I got hit blow after blow, from the attacks of the enemies, but I never surrender.

And even when I fall, I get back up, and I keep rising up, and continue fighting. I have been fighting all my many years of life non stop. Though I maybe tired in all sides, but I will never give up.

Giving up is never an option.

This reminded me when Father gave me the spirit of Elijah in the year 2020.

When I heard Father say this?

I waass likee whaaat??

Waaaaaaaaaah! 😭😭😭

Bruce Lee?? No waaaaay!!

I cannot believe what Father said.

I am in awe of Gods favor and goodness in my life. I am beyond words right now.

I still need to process this revelation for I am so honored, and forever grateful to be chosen to have the spirit of Bruce Lee.

I am truly humbled by this. 😭

Thank you pa. I am in tears of joy.

I am so happy. So happy pa. 🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️

I can't stop tearing my heart is so full of gratitude, and thankfulness to the LORD most High.

What did I really do to deserve such beautiful extraordinary supernatural rewards.

Such a gift. A gift that no amount of money, dollars, silver or gold can buy.

No amount of wealth can behold.

You can't buy this. And only God is able to do what no man, and no one can do.

This is why your odedience to His will is crucial in this last days. For when you obey the Lord, He too shall blessed you with gifts, no riches can buy.

Truly this is what it means to receive such rewards, and gift what no eyes have seen yet, or what ears have heard yet.

What no man can conceive the things God is doing, and preparing for those who truly loves Him.

1 Corinthians 2:9

However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” the things God has prepared for those who love him.

Halleluyaaaahh thank you LORD.

Still crying. 😭

Glory to the King of Kings and to the Lord of Lords

My heart is full. ❤️🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🏼

Psalm 107:1–3 Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! With this psalm the members of the community call one another to give thanks for God's enduring “steadfast love,” which he has shown not only to the people as a whole but to the particular members as well.

𝗕𝗿𝘂𝗰𝗲 𝗟𝗲𝗲’𝘀 𝗡𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿-𝗕𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲-𝗦𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗪𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗽𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿, 𝗘𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻, 𝗠𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗿𝘆, 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲.


Recognizing that the power of will is the supreme court over all other departments of my mind, I will exercise it daily, when I need the urge to action for any purpose; and I will form HABIT designed to bring the power of my will into action at least once daily.


Realizing that my emotions are both POSITIVE and negative I will form daily HABITS which will encourage the development of the POSITIVE EMOTIONS, and aid me in converting the negative emotions into some form of useful action.


Recognizing that both my positive & negative emotions may be dangerous if they are not controlled and guided to desirable ends, I will submit all my desires, aims and purposes to my faculties of reason, and I will be guided by it in giving expression to these.


Recognizing the need for sound PLANS and IDEAS for the attainment of my desires, I will develop my imagination by calling upon it daily for help in the formation of my plans.


Recognizing the value of an alert memory, I will encourage mine to become alert by taking care to impress it clearly with all thoughts I wish to recall, and by associating those thoughts with related subjects which I may call to mind frequently.


Recognizing the influence of my subconscious mind over my power of will, I shall take care to submit to it a clear and definite picture of my CLEAR PURPOSE in life and all minor purposes leading to my major purpose, and I shall keep this picture CONSTANTLY BEFORE my subconscious mind by REPEATING IT DAILY.


Recognizing that my emotions often err in their over-enthusiasm, and my faculty of reason often is without the warmth of feeling that is necessary to enable me to combine justice with mercy in my judgments, I will encourage my conscience to guide me as to what is right & what is wrong, but I will never set aside the verdicts it renders, no matter what may be the cost of carrying them out.

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