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MAY 6 2024 | 4AM-8AM

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

Those who have ears to hear, listen to the word of the Spirit of the LORD.

The LORD does nothing, unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7

On May 6 2024, around 4 in the morning.

Father woke me up early, though I have only very few hours of rest, since I spend all night with Him in prayers, and went to bed between 1-2am.

And then woke up again to spend time with Father in prayers in His tabernacle under the shadow of the almighty in the secret place of the most high.

Whilst I was medidating in deep silence completely still around 4am. 🧎🏻‍♀️

Suddenly, Father and I teleported into the realms of the spirit, now understand that this can only be done by the power of the Holy Spirit through long durations and longevity of prayers and a life of sacrifice, set apart, and consecration.

For not by might, not by power but by the power of the Spirit of God. Without any offerings of sacrifices there are no such thing as encounters.

Father will only give such revelations and deeper mysteries and supernatural experiences if you pay the price.

Thus be very careful on people who are not prophets nor apostles, but claim to have such deep encounters or claim to hear Father speak to them with a deep revelation for it is NOT TRUE BUT FALSE.

I warn you now, what they say is not true.

Now teleportation in spirit means especially in science fiction) transport or be transported across space, and distance instantly.

To (cause to) travel by a supernatural vehicle, very fast form of transport that uses special technology or by the power of the Holy Spirit. Delivering and despatching.

Then I started elevating on the air higher, and higher up up away. I was flying with my heavenly vehicle, that looks exactly like a surf board, but it's plain, and white made of a silicon plastic from heaven.

Father made it for me, and gave it to me as a gift for my travels in the spirit when I am in my mission. It helps me to travel from different region, cities, and yes even to different nations or even in the different realms with high speed.

The speed of this heavenly vehicle is personally made for me to control.

There is no buttons or remote controller or anything of such, but I can control it only with my mind, I can tell it to turn left, right, low, up, higher, slow or faster depends to my liking.

The silicon made of plastic gives me the ability to mould, bend, twist, and shape it into any object I desire.

If I want a chair I can mould it into a shape of a chair or whatever I am comfortable with.

If I want to get to my destination faster? Then I can. For instance by plane, it will take about 13 to 14 hours maximum by average to reach Philippines if there is no delay.

And it will take me 8-9 hours to fly to the united states of america again that is only by average.

But with this heavenly vehicle it will only take me less than minutes to arrived to america, and minutes to philippines.

Yes I knoooooww right?? 😄

Father said yes.

I kid you not, this vehicle is supernatural. It saves so much time, when I am time travelling to the future, or the past. What the natural takes days to travel, it will only take by minutes in the spirit.

That is truly to show you how powerful is our God. He is not a boring God like many of you think and assume. He is not limited of power. You all have not seen nothing yet. But I have witness my Gods power and might.


Now before I begin, it's important that my readers have a full understanding of what I speak of. For I speak spirit, not soulist or carnal. For if you are carnally minded, then I warn you now, that this revelation is not for you, for you will not conceive the things of the spirit of God.

Only those who walk in the spirit will perceive the spiritual. As only spirit can understand spirit.

As I was flying with my heavenly vehicle, from regions to different territories, and even reach some very odd abandoned places in the realms.

It was dark, old, everything was raggedy, and completely wrecked. I have no idea what that creepy place was.

But I rush to get out of there. Phew! 😬

Then I was passing through a very dark earie tunnel, like a rail road, then I reach all the way inside that leads to a subway train. This is happening in the spirit realms.

I was going through another tunnel with different doors, and all kinds of entry just like a mazed or some sort.

So many doors and it was a bit confusing because time is running, and I don't have much time to waste.

I tell you the spirit realm is as real as the natural. And it is hard to navigate if I don't have Abba Father with me.

For He was my only guide and instructor. Father tells me where to turn, and what not to do, and where to go. I would have been lost without the Lord I tell you the truth.

Until I ended up to a subway station in the USA phew finally 😮‍💨 sheesh that was such a travel in spirit. Picture me flying on my surf board like wonder woman.

Ultimately I reach the subway.

It's not dark anymore, and finally there is light, thus it's way easier for me to see.

And I entered inside the subway, while elevating on the air, I was really hoping and so confident that no one will see me.

Until one person saw me. Aye oohh!! 😬

I turn so red 🥲 because how on earth he was able to spot me in the spirit flying. To my surprised he happened to be my old high school classmate, back home in Ph when I was in San Jose Catholic School.

His name is Richard Carino. I waasss shocked, and surprised He was the only one who saw me flying, and elevated on the air. Father said yes it is true. 😳😮

Then he said to me, oh wow Jos is that you? Wow is that you Jos? He called my name, but I was a bit nervous, because he saw me and didn't know how to react.

So I stop to say, ah yes it's me Jocee. How do you remember me?

His eyes was just 😃😳 like he saw a ghost or something. Oh Lord, while I was so shy and ashamed, since no one has ever seen my face in person before, except my spiritual children.

This is mainly why I am called hidden remnant. He was marbled, and awe the whole time to see me, while I am floating on the air. Weird.

He was just shocked. 😯

Richard could not stop staring at me in amazement how I am able to fly. So I started to giggle, my face turn red, 🤭 and then there are more people passing through the subway train, who also happened to see me.

Oh Lord have mercy 🤣

I wanted to hide in a hole.

There was two little boys, that came over towards me, and said hi to me because they saw me elevating on the air.

I love little children they are adorable human beings. So pure, and innocent. I cannot say no to them. Thus I grab the boys, and I hold them in my arms both left, and right, and I gave their cellphone to Richard to take photos of me, and them as their remembrance and a memory that the supernatural is REAL.

He said okay, and he was so glad to take 2 photos of us smiling while I am still elevated from the ground. As we finished we said our goodbyes and gone my way.

I had work to do, for Father send me on a mission; and time is very limited. So I had to rush to go though, he still wanted to catch up; and talk for I haven't seen him since we was in high school.

But I am really surprised he still remembers me since I look nothing like my earthly self in the realms of the spirit.

Infact my skin is white skin tone, my hair is platinum blonde like my Abbas hair color. And I am skinny like a little child.

I look nothing like my old age, for I look like a 16 year old little kid in the spirit. Wearing a white top, and pink kilt uniform with a pink boots Haha 😂

I am dressed like I am going to school. Aye oohh!!

This is what Father wanted me to wear while on my mission. Because I am supposed to be undercover, and no one is supposed to recognize me.

Laughing at myself oh boy! Hide face🫣

Then I left quickly, and ended up in this compound in a building, it seems like a BIG organization or something owned by a very wealthy elites. Hmmp!!

Not sure what the name of this building, but it is like an entertainment production where they have numbers of different levels of floors, with many types of retailer real estate.

On the first floor they have a loaning company, like western union, or money cash loan. They allow you to loan, and they make money through the interest.

On the second floor, there is a SCHOOL for bible school, as well as high school, and for college students.

Third floor is for an entertainment television channel. They hire proffessional singers, and hollywood stars to perform; and sing and etc. It is also a shopping center mixed with production where they go live on tv all together.

Father brought me to the first floor at first. And my mission was TOP SECRET as I was an UNDERCOVER AGENT but dressed in high school uniform as a student.

I went to the counter and spoke to a teller, I am supposed to loan from them, and pretended as if I go to their school academy in this building.

But I am no good at being an undercover agent, because of my Elijah personality. I am not good at pretending to be someone else just to lie.

Hamercy on my soul. 😬

I tell you the truth, I was so nervous the whole time, my face was sweating like bricks; I was turning red, afraid I will blow my cover. And they will find out who I am.

Laughing at myself. 🥲🤣

Then while lining up, I pretended to be one of the workers, so I can gain entry quick, and faster without having to wait for hours in the line for my turn.

Now listen Father has given me the ability, and power to transform, and change into different outfits. I can literally change into a worker or a student or anything accordingly.

Please do not be mistaken. This is only for Fathers glorification, while I am on mission not for myself. Absolutely not. When I got into the line, then I change again into my student uniform.

I went to the cashier to loan some cash. And I change into my school uniform again, pretending to be a teenager to blend in so im not obvious.

Because everybody in the line was all students. I only use my worker card to get in line. As soon as I am inside at the counter I change again.

I saw the teller is a pilipino woman, she told me that there is not enough time if I desire to wait a little. I said to her its okay ill wait.

Then she notices that I am wearing my uniform, so she asked me, and said well aren't you going to be late for school?

I answered not to worry school starts at 5:30pm I have plenty of time. And she stared at me, with disbelief to her face, if whether she should believe me or not.

Oh boy the look on her face. 🤨

Then she said hmm you sure you have class on a sunday maam? Because sunday school is already done at 3pm.

Thinking to myself, oh Lord please help me, Lord help me how to answer aaye ohhh! I was so terrified because I just lied to the worker/teller.

And I was asking Father for help what to say, because I did not realized it's a sunday. Toinks! 🥴

What high school would still be open at 5:30pm on a sunday? Haha I think I just blow it off. I was a mess I tell you the truth.

I can't stop laughing at myself 😂

And even Pa is laughing at me while I laugh, and giggled to myself. He is just knodding His head, and covering His face. Ayesssh! 😆

Sunday class is already done at 3pm and it's now 5pm.

I then realized I am blowing it, I am blowing my own cover ugh. Father said yes you are sheesh!! My face turned so red like a tomato. 🍅🥲 I swear to you. Father is just laughing at me. Haha!

Oh Lord help me, I turned around to take a breather so im not obvious. As I am panicking. I said to myself within me oh God, what have I done, why would I say I have a class at 5:30 pm on a sunday wearing a high school uniform. 😂

Who will believe me with this lie?

Looking like a little kid wearing pink uniform with a platinum blonde hair. I look like a lost child or something, or a missing child looking for mommy and daddy.

My stomach pains so much from laughing histerically, I almost fell off the chair from laughing so hard.

Bahaha! 🤣

I realized I am such a bad liar. Father said yes you are, Laughing at myself. And I turned red ashamed of myself. How dare me blow this off. Awck!!

What a shame. Hide face.🫣

Man lying is not for me oooohhhh!!! I can’t lie for shizzle ohh. So while I was sweating, and face turning like a tomato asking, and waiting for Father to teach me what to say. Because I was such a nervous wrecked. 😬

Father was calming me down the whole time, telling me to relax, for He is with me, and I am not alone.

Then Father gave me an alibi, oh thank you Jesuussss. Ahaha! anyway, I turned around to face her back, and swallowed the most painful shame of a lifetime.

Gulp. 🥲

And I said to her, it's okay I can wait, l don’t mind, it’s my summer school anyway. Whew! She said oh okay. Then you can wait for 18 min, you can have a sit, while you wait for your turn to be called, until they call your name.

I said okay. I have 18 minutes to spy before they call my name.

While I sat down, the pink sweater tied on my waist, I grab it to put it on me; so I am not too obvious calling attention for myself to cover my uniform; and to blend in for I am about to go in.

I have 18 minutes to get the job done.

I got up and went under cover quickly, and left to enter the employees room. As Im about to enter, I see many pilipino workers, working for this company.

To my surprised, I even saw my old friend back in the old days, when I was in the philippines. Her name is Jennifer Yu.

I asked Father if she is one of the agent He said yes she works for them. 😲

Be mindful that the only one I am reporting to is the Holy Father, and Him alone. He is my commander and chief. I report only to Him.

You see soldiers on earth, they wear special kind of headset to communicate with each other, and to report to the general when they are at the battlefield.

Me on the other hand, I don't have a head set, but I speak to Father spirit to spirit, and by the spirit through the power of God. It is not my power, but only Gods power that this can be done.

Back to the topic.

While I was spying, Father and I are speaking, and He is revealing to me who they are. Father told me, she is one of the head leader, and she helps traffic the little children from philippines to usa.

I also saw Kakai Bautista working along side her. They are the head as I can see and noticed the authority they both have. I saw so many people I am familiar with but I do not know their names. 😥

Apparently they have been doing this child trafficking for many years. And many pinoy workers makes a ton of money selling children for child labor, chick traffic, child rape; and etc.

Why the rate of child abductions, and missing children in Philippines lately is increasing tremendously because of those pinoy workers in usa.

Child traffickers make tons of money selling children all around the globe says the Father. The owner of the company is a phedofile himself, he loves raping little childrens; and eats them when they are finished, and no good for sex.

Serve on a plate like a steak because the evil elites believes that if they eat babies or little children they become younger, stronger, and healthier. They also believe that drinking their blood and eating them gives them stamina and long life.

What a lie from the pit of hell.

Then as I continue to investigate, I saw many of my old time friends in that company working as agents of satan. This is appalling to me. I cannot believe they will go that extreme. With no compassion for children.

And I saw numbers of rooms with many different beds with gray bedsheets, and white pillows where the elite, and old men enter to have sex, and rape little boys and girls.

Oh Im furiouuus. 😤😤😤

My blood boils in holy anger, but I must hold my self for I cannot be too obvious. But I tell you the truth, I was really furious and I wanted to destroy them all for the wicked, and evil they are doing to the innocent lives of this children.

Father had to calm me down because I am not there to make any noise but to spy for now. But I must control myself not to explode or else it will be a waste.

I was soooooo blown away how many pinoy are working for this black market. Father said this is mudos operatos. Then I ran back quickly, and sat down again in quiteness still waiting for my name to be called. But I still have little time left.

Observing everybody around me, and all the workers, and employees working. This place is massive, because they own the whole entire building in Miami City.

They have a shopping mall, they own a bank for loans, they own a production company, and a live tv show, and they own both bible school, high school, and college school. Then they have a top secret motel for when they want to rape childrens.

And it is only available for the elites like Opera Winfrey, and Hilary Clinton. Those who have plenty of money. The rich and the wealthy men and women. Thus imagine how much they are actually profiting from all that?

Then I entered the employees room for entertainment production, as I was at the entrance door then I saw the powdered dressing room.

As I pass by the mirrors and chairs where all the performers sit to prepare before coming out to perform live on stage.

And whilst I walk carefully, then Father said. Slow down, and turn look at your left side do you see? Take a look clearly and see for yourself who they are. And I look at one female artist who stand out to me the most, for she looks familiar; but I don't remember her name.

Then I asked Father, who is she?

Father said that is Savage. One of the most famous, and talented female artist, song writer, producer of hip hop, rap, reggaeton, and trap songs. Infact she is known to be queen of trap, a very well respected female rapper and producer.

And she is an african descent. She is very beautiful. I was amazed by her beauty. What a stunning african woman.

I saw her prepare themselves for the live show. And I also witness people I use to know in canada working in this place.

I was walking slowly, and silently spying on their operations. As I am watching and observing their every moves. They did not know who I am. They thought I was one of them, because Im not in my earthly look, and form I am in my new perfected glorified spirit.

Thus I look different and young, I look like a little girl in my teenage years. Petit and thats why they did not noticed I am an outsider. They thought I was one of the models. So they just ignore me while being inside the private offices.

Then as soon as I exited the employees room. I went into another floor flying and elevating going up higher and higher. As I fly around to every room, to get me to places using my heavenly vehicle but no man or no demons can see it except me, God, and my angels.

Nobody can see my vehicle nor my weapons. It is hidden to them. They cannot see my weapons and surf board. The moment there is no one around, I use it to fly to get me around faster.

While flying as I was about to enter the private room where all the childrens are hidden, and chained. No outsiders knows that they are hidden in that room. Only the workers knows they are there.

But as I am about to enter then I saw an employee coming towards me, I didn’t want her to see me flying so I ran back quickly on the left corner to hide. Where there is no one around.

And I was communicating to the Father in spirit to make me invinsible to them so they cannot see me.

Because it was risky to hang around that long the workers might start to wonder who in the world I am? Why am I inside the employee room.

Father said yes He will.

Suddenly, I vanished in a thin air back to my body in seconds.

Then I said to the Father I will not stop until I rescue the little ones. And I will go back to get them I said in holy anger, and I thought I was going back the same day to rescue the poor innocent souls.

Father said not yet, it’s not time yet.

It will not be today, but Father said He will send me back again to rescue the children. I don't know how I will rescue all of them, for there are thousands of little children ages from 1 up to teenagers in that compound. 😔😭😢

But by faith I will my God will make a way where there seems to be no way. They are being sold and traffic each day.

And I said to Father I will not only rescue the little children, but I will destroy them. I am not kidding, I said this in such holy anger. All agents of the devil, who are in cahoots working together to traffic the children, I will destroy them and they will pay for what they have done.

Their operations cannot go on and continue they must be destroyed. One way or another they must pay for their wickedness, and reap what they sowed. I said to pa they will pay for this.

Father said yes they will.


It took me a long time to processed everything I saw in that compound. I am speechless, and have no words to truly described how I feel. I didn't really know how to write down the evil I witness.

For I was mordified. 😔💔

Plus I need more information, who is behind this abomination. I continue to seek Fathers counsel in regards to what He revealed to me.

That is why it took me almost 6 months all together to finally release this shocking revelations this day.

IN MAY 5 2024

As I seek the Father more deeper. Father exposed to me who is behind it. Behold I was taken in a vision.

Everytime I remembered what I witness, and when I get a flash back, I tremble and shake in such disgust; and sickening feeling in my heart and soul.

I saw an innocent child age 6 years old, she look like a doll; with blonde curly hair; wearing her white; and baby blue doll dress; with a bow in the back. With her black baby doll shoe, and white flowery socks. I saw Stevie J in the room with the child. And he put her to bed.

Then I heard the baby scream in agony while crying calling her mommy. She keeps saying mommmmmmy. Aaahhhh huhuhu the baby cries in such pain.

I can picture the pain, that this little one is going through while they enjoy it. Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrgghhhhhhh!!!

Crying in anger 😭😭😭

I want to screaaaaaam aloud. Because of the poor babies cry I hear. Oh what a painful sound to hear in my ears, I heard it so loud.

Until this day, whenever I am reminded of the cry of the child, I shake in so much fury, and anger. And I felt Fathers holy anger through me arose, because I started shaking.

I am sheviring. 😭

I want to demolished them all for their evil and blasphamous deeds. I am crying in pain for this children, and Father knows how angry I am.

Father said yes it's true. 😔😢

I want nothing but to avenge the little ones. I don't want this to continue any further, I want this to end now. It's time for them to pay for their wickedness.


Children are supposed to be at home playing with their toys spending time with their family. Being under the care of their mommy, and daddy. Not in places like that being tormented day, and night.

As I type this, I keep hearing the cries of the children in such anguish and pain. I keep getting flash backs of what I saw and heard. Their inside parts are being ripped, and torn apart internally for they are just so small.

Sex is not meant for babies. They are way too small to understand anything, and what is happening to them. I can see their faces as they lay in bed spreading their legs in excruciating pain and agony while all they can do is cry.

Since they do not know what to do. They have no voice to speak, they can't defend themselves, for they are little. And I envision myself, if I can only put my hands on these evil phedofiles.

I will give it to them, tie them on bed same thing they do to the children, make them taste their own medicine, and I will grab a huge object and shub it behind them until they can't breath.

How then that would make them feel if it was vice versa? They wouldn't like it right? Thus why are they doing this evil on the ones that cannot even protect or fend for themselves. Blasphemy.

Father said Stevie J rapes little children, and he is part of the child trafficking business along side the female rapper Savage. They are all in cahoots. Working together to satisfy their greed for money, and lustful desires.

He is a famous producer, and rapper. And he is bestfriends with the famous P Diddy who recently was expose from sex trafficking, and accuse of raping; and abusing Cassie his x girlfriend. You are who you surround yourself with. Why the bible say, good company corrupts good behavior.

As I continue to seek for more details and who is the owner of the building I was in.

ON MAY 11 2024


Then behold, I stand before one of the famous, and infact one of the wealthiest and richest pastor alive; known to be a beckon of hope, a general of the faith; a star in many believers eyes; and an icon.

A powerful influencer in todays christianity and someone many believers follows and idolized all around the world. People love and adore him for all his great works.

And no other than Kenneth Copeland.


I saw him eat a baby meat steak, it was bloody, cooked medium rare. I watch him ate the baby meat like a piece of delicious beef steak.

I want to gag in my mouth. 🤮🤢😨

He devoured that plate like a lion, he enjoyed every piece of it, for his face tells it all, as if it tasted like the most expensive steak in the world or something. Ugh Gross.

Then Father showed me a mountain of dead bodies of little children from age 1 year old, and older in his private backyard with a little child being kidnapped.

Father said he owns the child tracfficking business in the states. He also own many bible schools, and there are many different location in America. Kenneth decided to expand his bible school internationally.

Today his bible school is growing exponentially all around the world. And the more we support it, the more it will increased in numbers.

Kenneth Copeland is an evil man, he is not what you think he is, a murderer, a false teacher; a rapest; and when the childrens die, they are butchered to be serve on a plate to be eaten.

It is a delicacy for the wealthy men, and women of elites; hollywood stars; and yes even the governments.

Then I was taken into another vision. My spirit was transported to the mansion of the former president Barrack Obama.

And I stood before Michelle Obama, and Barrack Obama while they fight. I saw Michelle face turn into rage. She was mad, and so furious while she stared Barrack straight on the face with anger I have never ever seen her angry like that in my life before. Wow. 😳

I saw her face turn into a mad black woman in fury, as they argue.

I asked Father what is happening?

Father said, Michelle found out that her husband all along is part of the child trafficking. She is furious because she does not agree or will ever approved of such evil, and abomination in her family and household.

Then Father said, it's only a matter of time, but sooner or later she will leave Barrack Obama for the reasons of his evil ways.

Michelle Obama is a good woman and she will never stand behind her husband wickedness and condone such atrocity in her marriage. She will not stand behind an evil man.


Infact I have prophesied about this in the beginning of the year that many false prophets will be exposed this year 2024.

This revelations is one of the fulfillment.

Daniel 2:22

He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him.

Mark 4:22

For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light.

Daniel 12:4

But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

1 Timothy 4:1

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.

Matthew 24

The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times

24 Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”

3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers!

20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.

22 “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.

26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

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