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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant


Updated: Jul 11



NOV 8 2023 | 3PM

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

A little while back.

I have shared to you my story.

On the battles I was facing the past months.

Since that time, the battles has only intensified.

My health was tremendously in serious trouble.

Though you may all see me post.

But behind the scene I am in tremendous pain.

To a point of breaking. 🤕

A week ago I completely broke down.

My whole body was in so much pain.

I can feel pain in all sides.

When I say everything hurts, I literally mean every parts of my body, my organs from the top to bottom was under attacked.

My throat started to hurt, and I lost my voice.

I couldn't pray or praise the Lord the way I wanted to.

My knees was hurting me so badly, it was hard to sit in bed or even move around.

My chest was so congested, nose is runny nonestop, and bad cough.

Next my stomach started to swell.

I can feel my liver swelling, and then my kidney started to also hurt me.

When I sit on the chair my bum also started swelling, I started to feel super uncomfortable.

The only word I can describe my experience was anguish.

It was too much to bare.

I cant tell you enough how much in pain I was during the past weeks.


I was a mess. I was so beat. I lost my strenght.

Even praying or worship was so hard to do and a struggle.

It took so muuuuuch out of me.

And every little strenght, I have left in me, is not mine, but the Fathers strenght.

I was in my weakest point of my life physically.

But this is not just physical.

Because life is spiritual.

Before it happens in the natural, it must first manifest in the spiritual realm.

And something like this can take so much of you.

It has taken a toll of me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Everything was painful.

I have lost so much weight not that I am complaining, but just updating you all what's been happening to me behind close doors.

And I tell you the gospel truth only the GRACE and MERCY of the Father kept me.

Crying inside...😭😭😭

This is not a lie. I am telling the truth.

Only Father is the reason why I am still breathing right now.

The fierce warfare was wearing me out.

The unceasing battles worn me out, tire me out, and torn me out.

The fight was unbearable it almost taken me out.

I can't tell you enough how painful it was to just take a step.

High fever started to crouched in, and I started to get very very cold, and was shaking.

My whole body started comvulsing from all different levels of pain from left to right.

I was literally shaking.

My whole body feels like hundreds of people beaten me and wounded me.

Even my head was pounding so much.

I could not sleep. I kept on waking up every hour or so night after night.

Tears just wont stop coming out my eyes.

My nose are in so much discomfort from sneezing.

Everything hurt to the core.

I was in so much pain.

My spiritual children can tell you, for they saw, and witness what happened to me, and they all know my pain.

It was the very first time, I have ever ask them to keep me in prayers.😢🙏🏽

For I am not the type to ask for prayers.

I never ask them to pray for me.

That just to tell you the magnitude of what I was going through.


I would have been dead by now, if it was not for the hand of mercy of God in my life.

All I did was hide in the Fathers arms and remained in His presence the whole entire time.

I did not leave the secret place, because I know, if I leave the secret place, I will not survive. One of the most difficult battle I have ever experience. 🤧

I know I am nothing without my Lord. I cannot do it alone. 😔

Though I was weak, but Father is my strenght and my main power source.

And I know better to abide in Him soaking in the secret place, until I am fully recovered, and healed in all sides of my body.

The whole week I did not go anywhere but remained in the vine.

In my weakness He is my strenght. Always has been, always did, and even until now, and always will be.

His Grace will always be my help in times of need.


Today was the day I woke up with my strenght back. Oh thank you Lord.

All the pain is gone. 😭

Father healed and restored me.

Just a little runny nose and a light cough but other than that I feel so much better.

I can finally scribe again without discomfort.

Praise be to God. Thank you Lord.

Id like to share what Father said to me regarding this battle I had to face and endure.


The Father says today, it was meant for evil and to destroy the very core of your destiny.

Beloved it was meant to change the course of your journey so that you arrive at the wrong destination, manifesting the wrong outcome to the process of your lifting.

However, I am turning it around for your good so that you arrive at the right destination, a destination set by heaven for you says God.

Beloved, expect all that you’ve been through to work together for your good.

This is because you have demonstrated your love in very difficult circumstances and have not denied my name.

A new dispensation is upon you and a pendulum of change has swung in your favour.

You are really at the peak of things, the threshold of something great which will compensate for all you’ve been through and have experienced.

This will be your reward and it is great for I reward those who diligently seek me says God.

You have been diligent even when you drunk the bitter cups and walked through the valleys of the shadows of death.

You kept your trust in me when the chips were down and you were faced with many disappointments and downturns.

Beloved, it was meant for evil, but I am turning it around for your good says the Father.

I give you a peace that surpasses all understanding.

It will calm the storms around you and bring an end to the war for your lifting.

I have decreed your warfare accomplished in the realm of the spirit for the time of your restoration has come.

The time to recover all that was lost and receive a repair for all that was destroyed in the war.

Listen to the instructions and let your obedience be complete says the Father.

Beloved, there is a time for everything, a time to war and a time for peace.

The war time is ending and the time for peace has come.

The transition season is also ending, and you are crossing over to the other side.

You are winning this war because I am waring with you says God.

When I fight, I win and so you will win.

Remember the war is fiercest at the edge of breakthrough and at the time of transition.

The adversary has thrown everything into this warfare to stop the process of your lifting and restoration but who can battle with the Lord for I am a man of war, strong and mighty, mighty in battle says God.

I am also the prince of peace, and I am near to facilitate this time of peace for you, so that you sleep in peace and rise in tranquillity to enjoy the spoils of the war and a great restoration says the Father.

Lift your voice in praise to the one who sits on the throne for he has done great things for you, and it is marvellous in our sight.

Prepare to dance and make merry for I have given you victory against all odds and proved my faithfulness and generosity to you and to your cause says God.

It is a hard-fought victory, and it has been long in coming however it has come.

This is momentous and a great accomplishment, it will be celebrated by friends and foes and many both far and near.

Listen and hear the trumpets sounding in the realms of the spirit, declaring your warfare accomplished and your iniquity pardoned.

Drop all combat weapons and pick up the weapon of praise for with praise will you enter in and with praise will you be established says God.

Yes, beloved it is the set time, and all things are working together for your good says the Father.


Then I said to Father.

Abba why do you give me credit that its not for me to take? 🥺

You continue to amazed me.

You are such a sweet and loving Father.

To give me credit I don't deserve to keep.

I told Him, I did not do anything.

You did it all by yourself.

You fought for me. You protected me.

You save me. You kept me. And healed me of my afflictions and infirmities.

You are God and alone you are God.

You do not need me, but I need you.

Why do you give me the credit, credit that it's not mine.

I did not won this battle? But you did.

It's all because of your love for me.

This is all because of you.

You did it for me.

Who am I without you Lord??

I am nothiiinnggg!!!!

Crying while typing..... 😭😭😭







Then lastnight while medidating.

Around 2 am.

In silence and stillness.

In my vision I saw myself in heaven wearing the most beautiful royal gown.

A red long gown with golden designs.

Kind of like the image attached below.

But the one I saw in heaven was 1000 times more glorious. 👑✨️

Eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard.

Father made me know you cannot replicate or find the same gown on earth.

It can only be found in heaven.

For it is made only for royals.

It was so beautiful but delicate at the same time. 🥺

So intricate and intrigued handcrafted.

Made just for me, for my taste, and liking.


Wheww so gorgeous.

I am surrounded with angels.

Angels who are taking care of me.

Dressing me with fine linen gown made for a queen.

The designs are so beautifully made.

I wish I can find the pictures to show you.

The closest I can find is the one below.

It was so stunning and breath taking.

I said to Abba Father wow I look so beautiful. 🥺

Father said yes you are.

I could almost not identify my new self.

My new transformation looks nothing like my earthly looks.

My hair is snow white color and I am white skin in my new perfected body.

Then I saw a vail on my head.

It was also red and gold.

Gold represents kings and royals, and the glory of God. Red means power, authority, anointing, dominion, the blood of Jesus.

I am still in so much awe.

I wish I can show you. ❤️

I look just like my Abba Father.


I will sing praise to His name.

I will praise Him even in my pain.

I will praise Him even in my suffering.

I will praise Him even in my misery.

I will praise Him even in my trials.

I will praise Him even in my challenges.

I will praise Him even in my infirmities.

I will continue to sing praises to His name.

The name that is above all other names.


Today, I receive a message from the Lord from His servant, that id like to share to you.


Heard," A change of Season is bringing a changing of the guards. The Guardians of His Grace are arising!"

We have seen this happening recently in the news, how different religious organizations have been rocked by scandals.

It has been going on for many years because of the falling away from Grace and Truth. So many have desired to be "gods" instead of worshiping and honoring the one true God.

They forgot that their "good works" were performed by the Holy Spirit, and it was not of themselves. They became proud, boastful, and "puffed up" as it states in Habakkuk.

There are many such "guards" still around today. But let not your heart be troubled, Child of God. God has reserved for Himself a Remnant chosen by Grace. There is a changing of the Guards, the Guardians of Grace are arising!"

"Beloved. You are My Guardians of Grace. I have kept for Myself a Remnant chosen by Grace for these last days.

They are those who have not bowed their knees to Baal or to his minions.

"It is always by Grace alone that I work in you, Beloved, lest any should boast. Grace is Divine Empowerment, the Holy Spirit in you and working through you.

"You are My Humble and Hidden Ones.

My Precious Watchmen on the Wall who seek only to know Me and Christ crucified. Not many know your names. Not many acknowledge you or recognize you.

"Oh, but I know you, My Child. I know your name. You have been kept as My Secret Weapon until now. I have kept you for Myself, you who have not bowed your knee to Baal.

"You are the New Guardians of Grace raised up for such a time as this. Many say My Grace is a license to steal, kill and destroy, but here is Truth. The devil comes not but to kill, steal, and destroy. Grace is the Divine Empowerment that brings forth Life and Life abundantly.

"You are the Guardians who will not allow lies and distortions and half-truths to destroy your confidence. For Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ. Grace and Truth are one.

"The Spirit of Truth dwells in your heart. He is the Treasure in earthen vessels. He is the Spirit of Grace sent to you, your Advocate and Comforter and Friend and Truth Revealer.

"Listen for My Voice, Beloved. Get ready! Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that reads it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it hastens toward the end, and shall not lie: though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay any longer!

"Behold, I am doing a New Thing. You are the Keepers of the Flame, those Burning Ones who know their God and will do exploits. You are the Guardians of Grace being raised up for such a time as this.

"Worry not about what you will say or do. I will fill your mouth with Good Things! The Just shall live by faith. Stand upon your watch, My Guardian of Grace, the Season is changing.

"The Doorkeeper has opened the Door for you. Lift up your voices, My Watchmen, shout joyfully together! For My Grace is sufficient for you; My Power is made perfect in weakness.

"You are the Called, the Chosen and the Faithful. I have called you by name and you are Mine. It is by Grace and by the Blood of the Lamb that you shall overcome and accomplish all that I have called you to.

"It is the Season of the Changing of the Guard. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord of Hosts."


The phrase “changing of the guard” is used to refer to a situation in which there is a dramatic or big change, and a “changing of the guard” is basically a time in which new people are replacing other people in positions of importance.

The phrase “changing of the guard” was originally used to refer to the event when the guards of Buckingham Palace (in England) would change so that new guards would replace them to take on a different shift. This event became an elaborate ceremony which people still watch today.

Romans 11:4-6

"But what is God’s reply to him? “I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Baal.” So too at the present time there is a REMNANT, chosen by GRACE. But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace."

Habakkuk 2:1-4

" I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will look forth to see what He will speak with me, and what I shall answer concerning my complaint. And Yahweh answered me, and said, "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it hasteth toward the end, and shall not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay." Behold, his soul is puffed up, it is not upright in him; but the righteous shall live by his faith.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

"But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."

Isaiah 21:6

"For thus the Lord says to me, “Go, station the lookout, let him report what he sees."

Isaiah 52:8

"Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices, They shout joyfully together; For they will see with their own eyes when the Lord restores Zion."

John 10:3

"To Him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear His voice, and He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out."









2 O LORD my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me. 2 O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me. 2 O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you restored my health. 2 God, my God, I yelled for help and you put me together.

Psalm 103:2-4

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy.

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