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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant




Jocee Tan by hiddenremnant

On this day Father spoke to me.

And id like to share what Father said through His servant as a confirmation to my encounter.

The Father says today.

You have come full circle, and I am repositioning you for promotion.

This promotion comes from above and only from my hand says God.

Pay attention to everything happening around you and be particularly alert in the spirit.

You will receive promptings and quickening in your inner man, and this is a call to engage the throne in prayer and in praise.

I will use this prayer and even the praise to change things and position you for your elevation which has been released in the spirit and coming to you says God.

Your promotion will require for you to do things differently and be fervent in the spirit.

It will no longer be business usual for you are receiving something glorious and your responses should match up says the Father.

Beloved this is your finest hour, a Kairos moment and the set time written under the sun for you to rise to the pinnacle of life and destiny says God.

Are you ready? Are you ready? Yes, you are says God, for I see it in your eyes and can hear it in your supplications.

If you are ready, then heaven is ready, and I am also ready for us to fulfill all righteousness when it comes to you.

Your promotion will bring you much revelation and increases in wisdom.

Your revelation will give you greater access to the throne and you will see things in the way I see it and the wisdom will help you to navigate through the new and all that is coming.

This wisdom will help you to understand the revelations and the mysteries it presents say the Father.

KAIROS MOMENT it means the opportune time. In Ancient Greek, the word kairos (pronounced 'KAI-ros') means 'time' – but not just any time. It's about timeliness: the special moment when it's the opportune time to say or do a particular thing. It is the right time.

After receiving this message, then I tarry quickly to worship, and praise Him for His unfailing love and neverending wondrous works in my life.

While worshipping eyes close I was taken in the spirit, and ascended to the throne of Grace.

The holy of holies.

Behold I saw a red and golden throne chair. 🪑

So beautiful and glorious.

Red represent power, authority, blood of Jesus, and dominion. Gold represents the glory of God, and royalty.

And I was like oh wow what is that Abba, is that a throne I am seeing, and is that for me?

Father said yes.

Waaaa!!! 😳😮😯

Just imagine me in awe and my jaw drop in so much joy, and amazed by what I am seeing.

Then I saw me wearing gown with a crown on my head seated beside my Abba Father Lord Jesus on the throne of holy of holies, surrounded by the 24 elders with so much bright light radiating and illuminating around us.

I am tearing while I write my testimony.


And I could not believe what I am seeing with my eyes. I am so overwhelmed with joy unspeakable.

And even right now as I type, I am shaking and trembling because of His presence.

Father is here with me writing along side me, and helping me to write my testament.

His glory and power surrounding me like a whirlwind. 💨🌪


Trying to compose myself while I write my encounter, but I am filled with His chabod, and cannot contain myself.

Still shaaaaking. Wheww!!

You see the images I created attached below?

That's the closest of what I saw.

Ofcourse you cannot capture or ever replicate the glory of God in heaven.

But thats the closest, so you can picture my encounter, and feel like you was there with me. 🥹

Then.. I saw all the 24 elders, and the Lords council wearing white garments with their crown seated in round circle, around me, and Abba Father with their own golden throne.


I am still in shocked, and in awe right now. It's like I feel like I am a in dream.

A dream but it's not a dream, because it's real. Like wake me up because I think I am just dreaming. But it is as real as it gets.


Until now I am still in awemazement.

But the words says it clear, we walk by faith, and not by sight. Believe what you

cannot see in the natural, because faith is something the human earthly eyes cannot see, and what no human mind can comprehend or perceive, but can only be revealed by the Spirit of the Lord.

For the Spirit of the Lord is the revealer of all truth and hidden mysteries.

I am still trembling, and shaking the power of God is overpowering me.

You will know it's true because even you who is reading this story of mine will start to shake, and tremble and you will feel the presence, because of the power, and anointing of God that is upon me.

When I saw myself.

It was almost like I was in huh moment.

Is that really me who I see? 😳😮

Am I really seated beside my Abba Father? Can please someone wake me up? Or pinch me? Slap me or something?

Crying.......... 😭😭😭

What can this simple woman possibly do to receive such a glorious gift and promotion???

I am just a simple ordinary woman of God just like everybody. 🥺

I am not better than you or any other servant.

Why me? What did I do to receive this kind of treatment. 😭

All the question in my mind was running in disbelief. But then I remembered what Father said in His word to me earlier that day.

He said this promotion comes from above, and only from My hand, for you are receiving something GLORIOUS.

I can't stop crying. 😭

I am literally bawling my eyes out, in so much tears. But this is the tears of pure joy from the Lord.

Words cannot described how I feel.

I am in so much awe of His goodness and faithfulness to me. I don't know how else I can thank the Lord.

And I ask Abba Father who am I to receive a throne of my own? 😭

Who am I to sit beside you surrounded by 24 elders? 😭

I am so deeply touched and honored but truly, and deeply humbled.

Abbaaaaaaaa 😭😭😭

I don't deserve you.

This promotion is such a big deal to me you will never understand how this makes me feel unless you are in my shoe.

I have been weepy because everytime I walk outside the street.

I look just like every normal people. I am just a simple ordinary woman serving an extraordinary God most high. 😭

People who do not know me will never know I am a woman of God.

Not even my husband, and family knows who I am.

No one knows my true identity in Christ except a very few of my spiritual children.

But other than them no one knows who I am in the Kingdom of Heaven.

I don't call myself anything but a servant.

I prefer it that way for I am not interested in no titles. 🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🏽

But when I call myself servant, Father corrects me all the time, He said, I am not a servant, and that I need to stop calling my self a servant, for He does not share His secrets to a servant but to His friends.

John 15:15

I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.


Indeed He has been my close friend, and my only bestfriend. For He was there for me, when everyone turn their backs on me. He is closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24 “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

He was there when all my friends and family left me dry, and cold all alone.

He was the only friend I had and still today when no one was around. No one or no man hold this title of a bestfriend in my life except my Lord. 😭

He is all I have and all I ever wanted.

I have seen His faithfulness again and again and His hand of mercy have save me, and protected me from harm time and time again. 🥺

I am nothing without my Abba and can do absolutely nothing without Him. Apart from Him I am nothing. 😔

He is the very reasons why today still I stand with nothing missing and nothing broken.

I am whole and complete in Him. 🤍

Then Father reminded me of Revelation 3:21.

Revelation 3:21 Those who are victorious will sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat with my Father on his throne. Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honor at the side of my Father.

This is a confirmation to affirm what I saw in heaven.

A promotion I will never forget. 😭

Indeed the word of God does not lie, but it's true.

After seeing that, there is nothing this world can give me or offer me to change my mind.

Nothing can seperate me from the love of God. And nothing will change what I have encountered for the world.

I guarantee you. 🙏🏽🙇🏻‍♀️😭

My story is to tell you the glorious works of God in me, and my life, and to strengthen your faith.

This is a true story of His faithfulness, and unceasing unconditional love.

Love that knows no bounds. His grace is sufficient, and His mercy endures forever.

He is faithful and true to His words, and his promises are indeed yes and amen.

Only if you believe with no fear or doubt then you too shall receive a reward.

Everything we are going through on this earth is to strenghten our faith. Because faith without being tested is dead.

Without a test there is no testament.

I share my encounter because Father told me today, to share it for His glory and honor. And His name shall be glorified, lifted high, and forever magnified in my life. Amen.

Beloveds do not set your eyes on temporary things that will eventually rot and decay and fade away. But set your eyes above.

This world is temporary and will not last forever but His words is eternal.

📖Colossians 3:2

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

And do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

📖Matthew 6:19-21

Treasures in Heaven

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.







Psalm 66:16

Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul.

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