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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant




NOV 26 2023 | 3AM-8AM

Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

Amos 3:7

Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth His secret unto his servants the prophets.

Whoever have eyes to see, ears to hear, hear the Word from the Spirit of the Lord.

While praying, and spending time with the Father about weeks ago.

Around 3 in the morning in a vision, I saw a volcano erupting, burning, and lit on fire covered of lava about to burst. đŸ”„đŸ—»

I perceive it's about to EXPLODE SOON!!

Then I ask Father is this volcano will erupt soon? He said yes. I ask where? He said Philippines. đŸ‡”đŸ‡­

But He also made me know it's not just Philippines

it will happen GLOBALLY.


I ask is it volcan mayon? He said yes one of them. Then I thought about how many volcanoes are there in philippines over 200 or more I believe. đŸ«ŁđŸ˜ąđŸ˜„

And other nations. 😳

Father put in my heart to warn you. The volcanoes eruption will soon take place both spiritually, and naturally.

And it will explode with such great force, that will cause the church to shake, and tremble.

Father then impressed me that this is to wake up the sleeping church and the deceive church.

What cannot be shaken will be shaken. What cannot be broken will be broken. What cannot be moved will be moved by force by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Father said it is His judgment on earth. For we are in the season of EXODUS the days of Moses. It is part of the great shaking that is already taking place since the war in Isreal started.

And there is more to come.

Indeed we are in the last days.

This is to bring the fear of the Lord back again in the church. Because in order for the revival to come. First things first, the house of God must be judge, and the church must wake up from deep slumber, and deception.

Then the fear of the Lord will return, next the great seperation will take place, and then revival will come thus saith the Lord.

Today while scrolling on the internet.

Father showed me.......


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People please pray for the souls!!! đŸ™‡đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ™đŸœ

Pray for the lost.

Pray for people to turn away from sin.

Pray that people will repent.

Church please pray we don't have much time.

This is not the hour to joke. 😭😭😭


1 Corinthians 2:10-12

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.

1 Peter 4:17

For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

Here is additional information I gathered from another source regarding my vision.




I’ve had visions of volcanoes before, but never quite like this.

The Lord showed me a volcano again this morning. I wondered what it meant? I had previously discovered there are nine extinct volcanoes in the UK! But, they're extinct - dead. So why are you showing me a volcano now, Lord?

I remembered someone once said that they erupt with great force when the time is right and NOTHING can stand in their way. Anything that does not move is completely covered by the lava. Just as a volcano erupts and cannot be stopped, I believe the glory of God is coming in that force when the time is right and nothing will be able to stop His glory from spreading over the entire world.

Lava is slow, but I believe this will be a "quick work" and just as a volcano can cause fear, so it will be with those who try to resist His power. I was very excited about this, so I took it back to the Lord.

“There has come, it’s already started, a short season when My Spirit shall explode upon the church like a volcano.”, says the Lord. “It will be a period of cleansing by My fire and many will be shocked as I cleanse the temple of the impurities that have taken root in her.

I will shake My Church as never before but a clean, zealous, remnant church shall emerge - shining and pure! I shall restore true apostolic and prophetic ministry the way I designed it, not man's way.”

I asked about the volcano effect? “Many will see it as judgement upon the church but it will be a cleansing - by My fire - but My judgement is still to come! For this season, one volcano effect is this - that which is covered by fall-out will be lost to the world. As with Elijah, the real volcano effect - the earthquake, storm, and fire - will be My shaking. Revival only comes with My still small voice directing, encouraging, bringing miracles, signs, and wonders - sweeping millions into the Kingdom.

The church has never realised the fullness of My wish that none should perish - revival will come and you will be amazed whom I will save! It was decreed and written before time - do you really understand that I am ‘outside time’, My Kingdom transcends time.”

The Lord seemed to pause before adding, “Some will be lost, by their own choice! They will reject Me, they will reject My Son's salvation. They will refuse to believe - and they will eternally perish! But this volcano effect that I am sending will cleanse and cause many in the church to re-assess their faith and turn in repentance back to Me.

That's when I will send revival to revive the church into helping to bring millions into the kingdom. First the shaking - earthquake, storm, and fire - followed by the still small voice bringing revival.”

As did Elijah before us, let us wait patiently while the shaking takes place, all the time listening for the still small voice. Then watch Him as He moves among us first, then as He moves on the world by Holy Spirit.

Exciting times ahead - Amen?


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