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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant




Jocee Tan by hiddenremnant

Psalm 144:1

Of David. Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

This past couple of weeks.

I have been in massive spiritual warfare.

Battles after battles. Night after night.

I could barely have any sleep or rest.

I tell you the truth.

The moment I close my eyes the enemy comes like a flood.

And infact satan has come to visit me 3 times.

Hmmpp but I was not afraid.

Greater is He that's in me, than He that is in the world.

They say higher levels higher devils.

I hate to say but this is true.

But there is no higher than God Himself.

Been training with Abba Father this past month.

I have destroyed and killed lions, and bears with my bare hands in secret.

For He trained my hands for war. ⚔️

And now destroying formidable giants bigger than the ones I fought before by the power of the Holy Ghost. 🕊🔥💨

I have been fighting the fiercest battles non stop. And have fought even many giant krakens and cyclopes with one eye 23 foot tall.

I am just testifying to you what the Lord has done in my life and through me.

Despite of the enemies I face.

Regardless of how many of them.

But my God has never failed me.

He has always been with me till the ends of the world fighting along side me.

Though I am just a small little puny woman. But my God is bigger than all of them combined. 🙇🏻‍♀️

I also face the two anti christ of the end times, recently and many more giants from the abyss, second heaven, marine kingdom and planet nibiru. 🪐🌠🌌

While I face battles in the spirit I am also facing battles in the natural.

All happening at the same time. Phew!

Attacks after attacks from the people on social media. I had no break.

It is more mental than it is physical.

And if you do not have a deep close relationship with the Father.

You will end up losing it and chances are end up going crazy.

Like Father told me many failed the test and did not make it.

I am the only one who made it.

In my own tribe and kind. 🥺

Others gave up and quit so easily.

And some could not handle the mental torment and warfare. The sleepless nights. The spiritual attacks from demons.

Let alone the persecution and accusation from the people.

And many more. But yet here I am still standing.

All by grace. 😭 Thank you Abba. 🙏🏽

To cut the story.

Today while spending time with Father.

Around 6 in the morning.

As I am praying and medidating.

In silence and stillness.

I was taken and transported in the realms.

And behold I saw the moon. 🌝

Father surprised me today.

What a gift 😭😭😭

He took me to the moon.

Can you believe that???

I was shocked literally shocked.

My jaw was wide open in aweee.

Huhuhu 😭😭😭

Just like my story, I was telling you all about yesterday.

In my testimony about me and the moon.

Finally I was there with Abba Father. 😭

Whaaaaaat a dream coming true.

It was all just a dreeaaaam.

And now here I am with my Abba side by side together as one visiting the moon.

We can never be apart again.

For nothing will ever seperate me from the love of my God.

And not only that I get the vip privilegde to see heaven, outer space, secret place and many more.

Waaaaaaa 😭😭😭

Crying silently.

I am so thankful and so blessed beyond measure.

Who would have taught ill be here today.

Testifying about my Abba Father and the moon?

I can't believe I will actually step on the moon, and get to experience it.

I always dream of this when I was a child.

And finally here I am.

I get to be there and explore with my Abba Father.

What a wonderful surprised. 🎁

I waaaasss soooo amazed. 😭

And in aweeee of it's beauty.

It was a bit dark and earie but very beautiful.

Magnificent and splended.

Fathers creation is wonderful.

And beautiful in everyway just like Him.

When you have a deep intimacy.

You don't need to study to get diploma.

To be an astronaut to step on the moon.

You don't need to be a doctor to heal the sick.

You don't need to be a law student to have wisdom.

You don't need to be wise to be qualified.

For God qualifies the unqualified.

It's true I am not lying to you.

Just waaaawww!!! So breathtaking. 😭

Thank you Abba. ❤️

What a marvelous and superb Father I have. Truly I am so blessed to have my Abba.🥺

I am truly the luckiest child in the world.

Then I saw my perfected spirit. 😳

I look just like wonder woman.

I swear to you no kidding.

My hair is so shiny and beautiful.

And long but curly. I was wearing the most beautiful golden armour.

Just like the armour of wonder woman.

Wearing a golden headpiece.

It is a teara but its unique and different.

Just like the image you see below.

My perfected spirit look so glorious.

Radiating with Fathers light. 🌟

I look so beautiful and stunning.

I could not believe what I am seeing.

I look nothing like my new glorified body.


Like who is thaaaat beauty?!?!

I waass likeee waaaaaw the whole time.

My mouth was wide open.

Like Father like son.

In aweeee and I asked Abba Father is it meee? It is really meeeee?

I could not stop looking at myself.

I look so gorgoeus. 😭😭😭

Indeed what no eyes have seen.

What no ears have heard.

What God has prepared for those who loves Him.

I get to visit the moon and explore.

And then I get to have a new body.

A new glorified perfected version of me.


I am so thankful and full of gratitude.

My heart is full. ❤️❤️❤️

I can sing praises to Him all night long.

What a wonderful counselor and mighty God I have.

I feel so special and blessed.

Because of what my Abba Father has done for me. 🙇🏻‍♀️🔥🙏🏽

I am forever grateful and in depth to you Lord. My King, and my Bride groom.

My Emmanuel God with us.

My El Shaddai. ❤️😭

My bestfriend.

The lover of my soul.

Then as I am about to log off.

Abba showed me His message through His servant as a confirmation.

And to my surprised I was a bit in shocked that he called me a Deborah.

Because I never thought of that.

I didn't know but now I know.

I am Fathers Deborah in this era.

Called for such a time as this.

Just now while typing.

Father said YES!!!

Speechless. 😭😭😭

Here is the word from the Lord to confirm what I have been seeing, encountering and experiencing lately.

Make so much sense why I have been training in the realms.


Heard, " The Deborahs are coming forth, the combination of Seer, Worshiper, Judge and Warrior brought forth for such a time as this!"

You are needed, Warrior of God. Whether a son or daughter, you are a Deborah in the Spirit. You are the Warriors who SEE and DISCERN with the eyes of the Spirit and are greatly needed. You have been in training, Warriors who are infused with the Wisdom of God to see, discern and then judge rightly.

Discernment shall be heightened as the enemy has tried to infiltrate the church with great deception. Many have not perceived the enemy in their midst. But God is bringing you forth. Not only will you see what he is doing, but you shall be given strategies to defeat him. Worship is your weapon!

As I was pondering this word, suddenly, I saw the word "LENS" written out in capital letters and the numbers "777. "

The lens in the eye focuses LIGHT RAYS. And eyeglass lenses correct our vision and enable us to SEE clearly! The lens works using a principle known as light “refraction" in which the light bends and changes its direction of travel.

Seven is the number of completion, perfection. 777 means "completion, fullness, restoration, wholeness. God will complete what He has promised. Entering into the promises of God. God is revealing pathways of breakthrough that have previously been unseen."

"Beloved. I am opening your eyes, My Prophets and uncovering your heads, My Seers. For the Holy Spirit dwells in you and He is God Almighty. Therefore, all Gifts of The Spirit will operate in you as you yield to Me.

"No longer shall the enemy be able to blind your eyes or plug your ears or dull your senses, for the Son has set you free. I am calling you forth for such a time as this. You are My Deborah Company!

"Are you born again? Then you are qualified, My Warrior! You are the "Called” and you are the "Chosen” by your new birth. I do not call the "qualified,” but I qualify the "The Called" through The Blood of The Lamb.

"I have trained you also to be a Warrior through the refining process. You have come out finer and more glorious than gold or silver or any earthly metal. You have Heavenly METTLE! You are made of the toughest material, My Child!

"You wear Armor of Heavenly Light forged through hardship and trials. The tribulations in your life and the overcoming of them have caused you to become mighty and unstoppable in your faith and determination.

"I have shown you that the weapons of your warfare are not carnal but mighty through your God for the pulling down of strongholds! Yes, My Child, Rejoice and be glad!

"You are in the Company of Prophets, you are the King’s Seers! For you no longer walk after the flesh but you walk in the Spirit. You are a Seer and a Warrior and a Judge.


"You are like Deborah in the Bible, My sons and My daughters. You shall worship and you shall SEE and you shall expose the enemy and you shall defeat him by My Hand.

"Awake, awake, oh My Deborahs, My Warriors, My Judges, My Seers: awake, awake, utter a Song to your King. I have called you forth to bring My Righteousness and Goodness and Light in the midst of a dark world.

"I have called you forth to see what others do not. I have called you forth to be wise in the midst of foolishness. I have called you forth to be strong and courageous. You are My Trees planted by the River of Living Waters who shall not wither in the heat of battle.

"You sit in the Heavenly Realms seated beside Me. You shall be given Divine Strategies by the Spirit. And you shall open your mouth for those with no voice, for the cause of all the dispossessed.

"You shall open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the cause of the poor and needy. This is what the LORD of Hosts says: 'Administer true justice.' Show loving devotion and compassion to one another.

"As I am so are you in this world. The Seven Spirits of God shall rest upon you and work in you. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on you, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and strength, the Spirit of knowledge and fear of the LORD. And you will delight in the fear of the LORD.

"You will no longer judge by what your natural eyes see, and you will not decide by what your natural ears hear, but with supernatural sight and hearing, in righteousness you will minister to the lost and dying. You will no longer judge by outward appearance but by the discerning of spirits.

"Yes Beloved, I am speaking with you, My Warrior, My Judge, My Seer, My Deborah. My Spirit is alive in you! You sit under the Tree of Life with outstretched palms to your King.

"You shall hear My Word and many shall come to you to hear about He who loves them and created them and gave His life for them. I have raised you up for such a time as this, My Warrior!

"As you believe, so speak. Behold, I give you My Authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means harm you.

"As it is written,” Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A Lion has roared! Who will not fear? The LORD God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?” Sing, My Deborahs, sing and prophecy!

"And so shall it be. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit!” says The LORD of Hosts."


DEBORAH is one of the most influential women of the Bible. As a prophet, Judge Deborah was said to hear God's voice and share God’s Word with others. She is known for her wisdom and courage and is the only woman of the Old Testament who is known for her own faith and action. She is also called the Mother of Israel. Her story is told in both prose (Judges 4) and poetry (Judges 5). Deborah has an impressive resume of judge, warrior, poet, and prophet as well as singer and songwriter. (Christianity,com)

METTLE: courage and fortitude, spirit, resolve, guts, daring, moxy, nerve, valor, gallantry, backbone, dauntlessness, indomitability. (Dictionary,com)

777 meaning by Jodie Hughes (onethingministries)


Judges 5:12

"Awake, awake, Deborah: awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam."

Judges 4:4-6

"And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time. And she dwelt under the PALM TREE of DEBORAH between Ramah and Bethel in mount Ephraim: and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment".

Amos 3:7-8

"Surely the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets. The lion has roared—who will not fear? The Lord GOD has spoken—who will not prophecy."

Zechariah 7:9

"This is what the LORD of Hosts says: 'Administer true justice. Show loving devotion and compassion to one another."

Isaiah 11:3

"And He will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what His eyes see, and He will not decide by what His ears hear"

Psalm 1:3

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding its fruit in season, whose leaf does not wither, and who prospers in all he does."

Psalm 92:12

"The righteous will flourish like a PALM TREE, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon."

Ephesians 5:14-16

"So it is said: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil."


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