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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant



AUG 21 2023

Jocee Tan by hiddenremnant

🦅Matthew 13:16

But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

Over the past couple of months Father has been busy with me in the secret place.

He has been sending me out in different regions, and even nations to do great exploits.

Not in the physical body but in the spirit.

For this is what it's written in the bible.

What eyes have not seen, what ears have not heard, what no human mind can conceive what God has prepared for those who love Him.

This year has been very tough.

All because of the great call that's upon my life.

And lately Father has been transporting me in the realms of the spirit to win souls, heal the sick, cast out demon, and preach the gospel to all nations.

Yes I am talking about NATION(S).🌎

About a month ago.

I was transported in the spirit to a different region.

Inside a shopping mall store.

And I found myself preaching to the people.

Holding my pink bible. 📖

I approached a young woman inside a store, and I ask her what is your favorite book?

She said nothing.

And I ask her do you believe in Jesus?

She said no.

Then I showed my pink bible and I said.

This is my favorite book of all time.

Because this bible change my life.

I pointed to my 👉🏼 bible.📖

And I said this bible right here, change me forever.

I use to be a drug addict, an alcoholic, a drug dealer, worldly, you name it in the book.

And I started screaming on top of my lungs preaching the very word of God.

Out loud to the whole store.

Every customers turn their head to stop what they are doing, and look to me with seriousness and started listening.

And I said.

The word of God save my life from the ruins of this world.

I use to be in the world and I was lost, but now I am found.

I was on my way to hell, but Jesus came and rescued me.

I wouldn't be here today proclaiming His goodness in my life if it wasn't for Him.

And here I am today as a witness to glorify His name.

To testify His faithfulness in my life.

Then I kneeled down, and weep with my bible on the floor.

While everyone was listening to me.

I weep and mourn and groan.😭

Telling the people how God change me.

And within a quick second.

I returned to my body.


This took place during my training in the wilderness with the LORD long time ago last 2019.

I was with the Abba Father.

During those time I was still a babe in the faith.

And Father transported me in the spirit.

To the Nation of Jamaica.🇯🇲

Lord Jesus and I was walking.

He was wearing white robes and very tall.

And beautiful as always.🥹

With His long curly golden brown hair.

And while we was walking, He was preparing me.

He said, my daughter they are waiting for you.

I need you to represent me well.

Fear not, for I will be with you.

I listened very carefully to His instructions.

And I said yes LORD.

I was wearing white tshirt that has a written words in blood red Jesus.

I was carrying a black suitcase with me.

Finally we reach the destination.

And we entered a home.

The whole family was already waiting for me.

Then I sat down.

And I turned red because I don't know them and I was a bit shy.

The Father said come and pray for them.

I hesitated, and said, no Lord you do it and I will follow. 🥲

He said no, this is why I empowered you to do it. You are going to do it.

I got up, and I lifted my right hands, and started praying for the family.

And the whole family prayed along and receive it with gladness. 🥹

Then I woke up from my dream.

Another one.

This was the year 2021.

I was transported in the spirit.

To the Nation of Africa. 🇿🇦

By the power of the Holy Ghost.

I was in a revival conference meeting.

Busy casting out demon from a woman who was demonized.

After I was done with her, I found a man who was being attacked by the spirit of religion.

While speaking to the man.

I saw a demon inside him in spirit.

Trying to hide.

But I can see the demon, and so I called it out by name.

The demon spirit of buddhism.

I cast it out, and wrestled with it.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood.

And we must pull down every stronghold.

I grabbed it by the head and trampled it, smashed it's head, beat, wip, dragged it down on the ground, and broke it's body.

Throw it around like a piece of stick.

And destroyed it by the power of the Holy Ghost. 🔥

Then I returned to my body and woke up.

Another one today.

Which is this morning.

While praying and spending time with Abba Father in silence and stillness.

Around 6am eyes close.

Father transported me again in the realm of the spirit to the nation of America.🇺🇲

And I found myself in a restaurant.

I saw multitudes of americans different colors seated waiting to be serve.

With different backgrounds and ethnicity.

Then I begun to preach.

I preach about the LOVE OF GOD.❤️

While I spoke about the love of God some people spoke up, and said to me my children don't need to hear that message.

And I said to her the message is not for you, but for those who needs to hear it.

For those who never experience love.

It's for the hurting, the wounded, the broken, and for the lost.

They need love too. Not just you. 💔😔

And I continue to spread the love of Christ out loud boldly.

I said you know why many of you are walking around hurting? Because there is no love of Christ in you.

Because your home is lacking the LOVE of God.

Throughout the time, I walk around in every tables back and forth, to spread the word of LOVE, to wake them up from deep slumber.

Some people ignored while others take heed to the message.

Then suddenly I vanished in the thin air.

And was taken back to my body in spirit.

Then I saw a huge eagle standing on my left side close to me. 🦅

I waaassss like woaaaaaahhh 😮

I have to be honest, it's my first time to see eagle that close to me.

Don't get me wrong.

I saw eagle many times in my vision before.

But nothing this close and this is real in the spirit.

It's vivid clear.

Like waaaaww!

I was looking at it with my mouth wide open in awee.

Awemazing. 😮😳😯

In awe of the goodness of God.

Halleluyaaaaah!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

I still couldn't believe how HUGE they really are.

They are almost a size of a human child.

Instantly I asked Abba Father.

What that eagle was for?

Was it Him He said no.

Then I asked if it's my companion?

He said yes it is a helper also.

I know that Eagles are very symbolic and prophetic.

It is also a message of a new beginning.

New thing, new life, transformation, upgrade, and elevation.

And it also symbolizes clarity, new revelations, an increase of visions, dreams, new prophetic insights, and acceleration.

Lastly perfect vision.

A vision that can see like an eagle.

The eagle eye is among the sharpest in the animal kingdom, with an eyesight estimated at 4 to 8 times stronger than that of the average human. Although an eagle may only weigh 10 pounds, its eyes are roughly the same size as those of a human.

Bald eagles can have 20/4 or 20/5 vision, meaning they can see four or five times farther than the average person. A bald eagle can spot prey the size of a rabbit three miles away! Eagle eyes are so huge they fill most of its skull.

All birds of prey have excellent long-distance vision, but eagles stand out. They can see clearly about eight times as far as humans can, allowing them to spot and focus in on a rabbit or other animal at a distance of about two miles




🦅Acts 8:39

When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away. The eunuch never saw him again but went on his way rejoicing.

🦅Isaiah 40:31

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

🦅1 Corinthians 2:9

However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” the things God has prepared for those who love him.

🦅Luke 10:19

I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

🦅Mark 16:17

These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages.

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