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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant



by Hidden Remnant

Recently as I dive in deeper with the Lord in our alone time in the sacred space in regards to souls.

As we conversate, I did not realized how many so called people who claim to call themselves believers, but lack heart for souls.

I witness how many souls perished day after day. It's all over the news and social media. Don't you see what is happening this days?

Can't you see the many deaths, and childrens missing everyday, and the many rape, and murder case taking place?

Everyday people are dropping like flies one after another all around the globe.

Are we going to ignore the signs of the end? Have we really become so dry and empty?


How long are we going to keep pretending to be blind who have eyes but do not really see the reality.

Not until I begun to realized it is because we do not care enough for the souls.

That is the MAIN problem.


Actually the truth is we have laborers.

But Father made me realized it is the lack of heart for the souls.

What are we going to do with all the workers in Fathers vineyard, if they all got their own personal agenda, and motives.

I said to the Father while sobbing in such grief, pa this is so sad, and it breaks my heart that we have more false prophets and false teachers than true servants.


Father answered in sorrow, yes it is true.

This is the truth and nothing but the truth.

For the reasons of, if we gather together in unity to pray, and intercede for the lost, for the church, and for our neighbors.

Possibly, we can help saved humanity in this last days, and chances are instead of millions of souls dying, it will turn to hundreds only. Atleast.

Instead of increase in death rates, it will decrease exponentially had we only do our part to serve as believers.

If we make sacrifices to save the lost.

Perhaps many souls will come to Jesus.

If we care enough for others.

It could be, they too will be given a second chance, to return to the LORD in a remorseful repentance, just like me, and you.

After all, you and me was filthy like rags before we gave our lives to the Lord.

Didn't you use to be in the world, for you didn't know Jesus then? But after when you heard about His name.

Weren't you excited to know that there is a Lord, and Savior who actually gave His life for you 2000 years ago because He loves you?

A loving Savior of the world WHO willingly died on the cross, just to give you an opportunity to reconcile with the heavenly Father to live, and to be made whole.

Do you know your family needs a savior too. Your neighbors needs a savior too.

You are not the only one who is in need of a Savior. Do not be so selfish.

There are thousands of souls out there who are also in desperate need of a Lord and Savior who awaits for you to help them.

Waiting for you to reach out to them. Never think only for yourself.

Many are wounded, lost, hurting, hungry needy, poor in spirit, and in need of help, healing, and prayers.

There are thousands of fatherless, and motherless, and orphans who have no home, rejected and abandoned living in the street corner without food to eat, and water to drink.

While you sleep in your nice and cozy bed.

So many are suffering, and in desperate need of help with no family to care for them or feed them.

Multitudes of people out there are hurting, and what are we doing to help?

We claim to be christians but with no remorse and no love for our neighbors.

How dare thee call yourself followers of Christ, but have no love in you. 😔

The bible say, many claim to love God who they do not see, but have no love for their brothers who they see.

If that is you, then you are guilty of such and the truth is not in you. For that makes you a liar.

1 John 4:20

Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.

And what are we doing with our lives?


Have you gone so cold hearted?

Where is your heart?

Where is your love?

If we all take a stand together united as one body, one heart, and one spirit.

Then conceivably there is hope for the lost souls to be saved at the end.

Have you ever thought about that?

Think about how many souls will give their life to Jesus and turn away from sin.

Imagine the possibility in what WE can do together, had we only have true love for the souls.

One person cannot do it alone.

Even the Lord Jesus Christ needed His 12 chosen disciples to help Him win souls.

To help Him spread the gospel to the nation.

To help Him carry His mission on earth.

And to help Him accomplished His agenda heaven on earth.

Thy Kingdom come, and thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Father said to me yes this is true.

He cannot carry all the burdens and loads of works to do all alone.

Hence He needed disciples to help Him.

But noticed that He only needed a few handful, and selected "TRUE SERVANTS" who actually and willingly carry His mission on earth.

Without expecting a mantle or anointing.

Out of all the millions of people.

Father only needed 12 true servants who after His own heart.

And only 12 continued to carry out His mission when He ascended to heaven.

This is how the new testament was made.

As the new testament was written by His 12 faithful chosen apostles.

Twelve maybe a small number to you, but to me, it speaks volumes way more than hundreds, and thousands of fake disciples we have today.


We have way more pharisees pretending to serve in the church in this hour, but behind they are nothing but ravenous wolves deceiving the sheeps.

Leading the church astray.

Though we have many famous and popular deliverance and healing ministers but behind all that hype, and clout are nothing but a bunch of thieves and liars.

Pretentious servants who claims to be prophets, apostles, and evangelist who have no regard for the souls, but only after your pockets, and wallets.

Pastors who care not for the sheeps, who lacks heart, but only after the members tithes, money, and donations.

Many today are becoming richer and richer selling the gospel of Christ for profits.💰

While the poor gets poorer and poorer.

Indeed we have more fake servants, than true servants who are willing to die, and give their life just to save a soul.

We only have very few true shepherds feeding the lambs. For many of them false shepherds are feeding off the lambs hard labor.


Father said they will pay.

Look at the lives of the 12 apostles.

They live a very simple life, eating nuts and manna but faithful in serving the Lord even when they have nothing.

And in todays generations, pastors and leaders live a luxurious lifestyle eating steaks, and expensive delicious food.

Traveling the world, and living their best life in their big mansion, jets and many cars to the fullest enjoying from the members tithes.

The gospel was given to us for free.

So why are we selling it for healing and deliverance and for learning prophetic?


It is outrageous and it makes me sick in my stomach.

Yet the apostles of old have no agenda but only Fathers agenda. They serve faithfully even until death.

Nothing stop Apostle Paul from spreading the good news. He was known to be the fearless apostles amongst all.

As well as Apostle Peter no one can stop him from healing the sick and casting demon from the lowly in spirit.

Fundamentally, not one person can stop Jesus Christ from preaching the truth.

Not even the pharisees, nor the sadducees, or romans can stop Lord Jesus from accomplishing His mission.

He came and He conquered. He show up, and showed out on the cross. He was crucified, and was burried.

And accomplished what He came to do.

He made the devil a laughing stock and having disarmed the powers, and authorities, for He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.


It took only 12 true disciples to scribe the new testament, and to finish the Lords work.

But above all it took only one man, to saved the whole world.

For whoever believes in His name shall not perished but will have eternal life.

And His name is Jesus Christ the Son of God. The spotless Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world.

The Lord and Savior of my life.

For God so loved the world He gave us His one and only Begotten Son. That is true love only He can give. 😭

Today we have more fraudsters, fallacies, entertainers, actors on pulpit, pretenders, scam artist, entertainment performers on stage with smoke screen, and camera lights action, and wolves in sheeps clothing masquerading as kingdom of lights in the church.

Than actual true servants of the Lord just like the 12 apostles.

This is a sad reality. And unless we gather together, and make it a goal to pray and intercede for the church.

The innocent sheeps will continuesly fall, and get deceived. Until none is left. 😔

This is a personal choice we all have to make this day. For we are not called to sit around, and wait for Jesus to return.


Hence the Lord said, OCCUPY until I come. We are to get busy serving. We are to get to work, and work hard to win as many souls as we can.

Each one of you are given talents for Gods purpose. It is NOT for ourselves. It is for the use of building one another.

Our gifts are given to us for the purpose of service. Thus what are you doing with your God given talents.

What are you doing with your gifts?

We are called for such a time as this. For we are partakers in the end time harvest for the expansion of Gods kingdom.

Not our will but His will to be done.

But unless we get up, and rise to labor then we are no use for the Lord. A branch who does not produce any good fruits will be thrown away into the lake of fire.


Father did not brought us here just to do nothing. Definetly we are not here to serve ourselves. But He created us to serve Him, and bring glory to His name.

We are graciously given alotted time to serve, thus stop killing time.

Time is gone, and there is no more time left to waste on idleness. While we still have very little time, before Jesus return.

He called us to serve, not to be served.

For even the Son of Man came to serve not to be served.

Do not forget why you are here.

2 Timothy 2:15

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

Matthew 20:26

It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,

Ephesians 2:10

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Philippians 2:5-7

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.

Matthew 20:28

28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Colossians 2:15

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

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