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Writer's pictureHiddenRemnant


Updated: Jul 11



Jocee Tan by Hidden Remnant

Lately I have been feeling so heavy. Because of the burdens I have been carrying, and the sleepless nights of unrest. 😥

Because of the tremendous battles after battles, and warfares after warfares. Truly I tell you, it was a neverending fight.

It feels like I was never leaving the battlefield. Phew! 😮‍💨

I can't even take a breather.😞

Just literally spend days and nights fighting demons. When all you do is fight for days, months, and going to years..... you eventually become burdened and battled weary.

Oh yeah, because you tire yourself out.

But it's not because you enjoy it. But its what requires for us to be spiritually ready, prepared, and equipped to stand agaisnt the schemes of the devil.

Just like Jesus had to endure and suffer. We too have to endure and partake the cup of suffering. And I know all of us go through different battles, although we don't have the same mandates, but we still all serve the same God, and still have to go through the process.

Oh I get it.

You cant be a warrior if you don't go through trials. We must go through the refiners fire, and get burn like a vessel, perfect for Gods use at the end. So we must go through the procedure, and endure long suffering to the end.

How can Father send you out to stand against demons if you are scared of them? And run away and hide under the blanket hoping they will go away?🤦🏻‍♀️

I tell you right now, they will not unless you stand, and fight them one on one.

They will not go away. They only come for one thing, and one thing only, and that is to kill, steal, and destroy.

They after the vessels of God. Especially the leaders. In hopes to tire them out to weaken them, and to slow them down.

Up to you if you decide to back down. But I tell you the truth I wont back down. I didn't come this far only to give up. My Father is an overcomer not a quitter. I believe too much to give up. No way.

The fight must go on. ⚔️🛡🏹

I must continue... I must persue..... I must go on.... Im tired but I must keep going.


But in my weakness Father is my strenght.

About 4 nights ago, while I was spending time with the Heavenly Father in the secret place from 7pm to 1am.

While I continue to travail and groan in prayers to the Father. 🙇🏻‍♀️

The atmosphere shifted, and the presence of God was so thick and so tangible, I can even touch it with my finger. ☁️

It feels like heaven on earth. Full of His glory. I was covered and surrounded with His glory like a blanket. 🌫

As I continue to pray and meditate, all of a sudden after 6 hours in prayers, I felt a whirlwind of a cool breeze. 🌬

Almost feel and sound like a tornado 🌪 and thunder ⚡️ surrounding me all at the same time. 😳 Then I hear Father calling me. Calling my name. Like when He called prophet Samuel.

He is inviting me to rest in Him. Then I said.... Father do YOU want me to continue praying to spend more time with YOU? or YOU want me to rest now?

Then I hear a gentle answer in my spirit..... come on my chest my lil one and rest in Me I am waiting.

I answered okay apa. 👩🏻

I call the Father God apa just incase you wonder why.🤭

As I lay my head on my pillow, and close my eyes gently.

I felt like I was floating on a cloud. ☁️ Then my spirit was lifted and ascended.

I continue to close my eyes. And I stayed in complete stillness and silence. Just embracing and enjoying every moment.

Then I hear a very anusual sound. 🔊

Sound like no other, out of this world.

While listening and paying attention to the sound, I was trying to figure out where the sound is coming from.👂

Then I hear the Father's heart beat BOM BOM BOM 💓 continuesly. WOWWW!😃

I can literally hear it so LOUD AND CLEAR. Wow so amazing.

As if like I was inside His heart. 😶‍🌫️ It sounds like the whole building, and neighbourhood, the whole earth was shaking but it wasn't.

It's very hard to explain‼️

If you are a skeptic?

You believe in the bible but don't believe in signs, miracles, dreams, visions, wonders, and encounter?

This place is not for you honey. Might as well exit now. Because what I am about to share will blow your mind. And you will only call me lunatic. 😆 I tell you now this is not for you. Don't even bother reading it. So please leave my page.

Back to the topic.

Listen the whole earth was trembling. Woa! 😳 That's what I was experiencing while laying down. 🛌

Then after Father God made me feel Him, His chest, and allowed me to hear His beating heart closely. 🤭

I knew then I am resting on His chest. Like a baby. 👶🏻 I just realize how big the Heavenly Father is. He is huge. And I'm just a little ant compare to apa. 😅

This is the LOVE of the heavenly Father. I can't help but feel such an overwhelming feeling of what LOVE truly is. 😭

Just laying down in His heart, I felt so loved, so precious, so secured, and so special. Like a treasure. The goodness of the Father God for me is unfathomable.


No man on this earth can comprehend His unfailing Love. In His presence there is fullness of joy unspeakable. ❤️

Fullness of His love. Fullness of His shekinah. His plaroma. His person. His revelation. And everything that is about the Father God.

I was so moved by His love. I can't stop thinking about it. The Father made me know heart to heart, that's how valuable I am to Him. I am His. And I belong to Him. And no one can take me away from His unfailing love.😭

He is mine forever.🥺

I feel Peace beyond human understanding. Peace, and love only the Father God can give.

No one can satisfy me but my Father. I feel His glory hovering, and wrap around me, like a cushion of glory blanket. Completely soaked and drunk in His presence. 😶‍🌫️

Wow just wow. 😃

What an experience. And I hear in my heart Father is saying rest, my little one, I am here, Father is here watching over you my beloved child. 😢

And I went to sleep so peacefully, and so comfortably like a big baby on Fathers bossom.🤍

Feels like a big giant cloud. So soft, comfy, and cool. 1000 times better than any expensive cushion on earth. ☁️

Oh you can't even compare it. What an encounter. I would not change it for the world.

I love you Abba Father. My Adonai. My Yehuric Kodish. 🤍😭

End of my encounter.

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